Roger D. Aycock: Stories


Displaying stories 11 through 12 of 12

11 Traders Risk

Keeping this cargo meant death--to jettison it meant to make flotsam and jetsam of a world!
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 368 | Votes: 29 | Score: 7.89
Size: 28KB | 4,892 words | Posted:

12 Wailing Wall

An enormous weapon is forcing people to keep their troubles to themselves--it's dynamite!
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 149 | Votes: 6 | Score: 8.00
Size: 29KB | 5,212 words | Posted:
* Not enough votes to show score yet