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Stories Starting with B

Displaying stories 41 through 50 of 81

41 Black Eyes and the Daily Grind by Stephen Marlowe

The little house pet from Venus didn't like New York, so New York had to change.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 332 | Votes: 21 | Score: 7.74
Size: 27KB | 5,216 words | Posted:

42 Black Sidhe by Ka Hmnd

The son of one of the first Ashtear and a sidhe queen clone hunts ancient realm gates. When he finds one lost and forgotten he opens a gate. The realm holds dark sidhe and he scouts it until he feels a need to act and help a female slave. After that he discovers their plan to open a gate onto his world to attack.
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Age Rating: Older than 17 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction
Downloads: 1676 | Votes: 121 | Score: 8.11
Size: 27KB | 5,407 words | Posted:

43 The Black Lamp by Captain S.P. Meek

Dr. Bird and his friend Carnes unravel another criminal web of scientific mystery.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 233 | Votes: 13 | Score: 7.29
Size: 53KB | 10,091 words | Posted:

44 The Black Star Passes by John W. Campbell Jr.

THREE AGAINST THE STARS! A sky pirate armed with superior weapons of his own invention... First contact with an alien race dangerous enough to threaten the safety of two planets... The arrival of an unseen dark sun whose attendant marauders aimed at the very end of civilization in this Solar System...
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 2435 | Votes: 32 | Score: 8.57
Size: 413KB | 75,698 words | Posted:

45 Blessed Are the Meek by G.C. Edmondson

Every strength is a weakness, and every weakness is a strength. And when the Strong start smashing each other's strength. the Weak may turn out to be, instead, the Wise.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 160 | Votes: 10 | Score: 6.68
Size: 9KB | 1,723 words | Posted:

46 The Blems by Pars001

I wrote this from a dream I had for a week. As a wise man once said everything is not as it would seem. Ray could definitely say that it was true. Besides after they upped his senses the world was definitely a different place.
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Age Rating: Older than 17 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Aliens, Space, Nanotechnology, Extra Sensory Perception, Crime, Violence, War, Military, Assassins
Downloads: 1703 | Votes: 55 | Score: 8.40
Size: 184KB | 36,492 words | Posted: Concluded:

47 Blind Man's Lantern by Allen Kim Lang

Successful colonies among the stars require interstellar ships--but they require, also, a very special kind of man. A kind you might not think to look for....
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 485 | Votes: 28 | Score: 6.51
Size: 67KB | 12,289 words | Posted:

48 Blind Spot by Bascom Jones

Everyone supported the Martian program--until it struck home!
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 254 | Votes: 18 | Score: 6.82
Size: 11KB | 2,117 words | Posted:

49 The Blind Spot by Homer Eon Flint

A room in San Francisco where strange things happened -- or a doorway into another cosmos, a different world, or perhaps the key to the past or future?
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 365 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 562KB | 105,481 words | Posted:

50 The Blindman's World by Edward Bellamy

"The Blindman's World" spins an intriguing tale of an astronomer whose life changes forever when his powers of observation begin to fade.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 137 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 38KB | 7,214 words | Posted:
* Not enough votes to show score yet
