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Novel-Classic Stories

Displaying stories 101 through 110 of 1133

101 Tedric by E. E. Smith

Aided by Llosir, his strange, new god, Tedric enters into battle with Sarpedion, the sacrifice-demanding god of Lomarr.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 445 | Votes: 21 | Score: 8.45
Size: 38KB | 7,043 words | Posted:

102 The Gods of Mars by Edgar Rice-Burroughs

A Barsoom Story (1)
1886. John Carter, forever 30, returns to Mars and again fights enemies with green Tars Tarka and red Kantos Kan. In 'Heaven', Golden Cliffs, 'Goddess' Issus, cannibal, claims immortal divinity and supremacy of black Omeans and white Therns, to enslave and eat pilgrims - green or red. John is trapped, as is wife Dejah Thoris, son Carthoris. To stay or leave means death.
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Space, Fantasy, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 1126 | Votes: 18 | Score: 8.45
Size: 438KB | 82,599 words | Posted:

103 Greylorn by Keith Laumer

Commander Greylorn leads humanity's last hope, one spaceship racing through the voids of the universe. The Red Tide has all but engulfed the Earth, just enough time to find planet Omega, colonized long ago and vanished. After four years, food stores are destroyed by meteor, crew set to mutiny, and alien ship with cargo of human bodies.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 786 | Votes: 36 | Score: 8.44
Size: 104KB | 19,759 words | Posted:

104 The Year When Stardust Fell by Raymond F. Jones

A MYSTERIOUS "FALL-OUT" PARALYZES CIVILIZATION! Mayfield was the typical college town. Nothing too unusual ever happened there until a mysterious comet was suddenly observed by the scientists on College Hill. The copper-yellow glow of the comet seemed to have brought the whole world to a grinding halt.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 1018 | Votes: 39 | Score: 8.44
Size: 326KB | 61,449 words | Posted:

105 Brain Twister by Randall Garrett

In the near future an FBI agent has to track down a psychic spy with the help of an insane old lady that thinks she is the Queen.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 998 | Votes: 34 | Score: 8.44
Size: 225KB | 41,730 words | Posted:

106 Arm of the Law by Harry Harrison

At one time,this was before the Robot Restriction Laws they'd even allowed them to make their own decisions It was a big, coffin shaped plywood box that looked like it weighed a ton. This brawny type just dumped it through the door of the police station and started away. I looked up from the blotter and shouted at the trucker. "What the hell is that?" "How should I know?" he said as he swung up into the cab. "I just deliver, I don't X-ray 'em. It came on the morning rocket from is all I know."
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 1671 | Votes: 142 | Score: 8.44
Size: 34KB | 6,793 words | Posted:

107 The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice-Burroughs

A Jurassic nightmare confronts the crew of the U-boat when it surfaces in a lagoon on the uncharted island of Caprona. Yet, man-eating dinosaurs are the least of their problems. Out of fuel, lost, and with a mixed crew of English captives and German sailors struggling for control of the submarine, the castaways must co-operate or perish on the unforgiving island. Bowen Tyler enters into the uneasy arrangement with good intentions, but the Prussian captain, has other plans.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Dinosaurs, Fantasy, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 561 | Votes: 15 | Score: 8.43
Size: 195KB | 37,339 words | Posted:

108 We're Friends, Now by Henry Hasse

The little man stood in front of the monstrous machine as the synaptic drone heightened to a scream. No. no, he whispered. Don't you understand....
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 255 | Votes: 13 | Score: 8.42
Size: 112KB | 19,707 words | Posted:

109 Impact by Irving E.Cox

They were languorous, anarchic, shameless in their pleasures. were they lower than man. or higher?
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 224 | Votes: 14 | Score: 8.42
Size: 42KB | 7,650 words | Posted:

110 Pariah Planet by Murray Leinster

When the blue plague appeared on the planet of Dara, fear struck nearby worlds. The fear led to a hate that threatened the lives of millions and endangered the Galactic peace.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 459 | Votes: 20 | Score: 8.42
Size: 194KB | 34,674 words | Posted:
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