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Witchcraft Stories

Displaying stories 11 through 20 of 12

11 The Jovian Jest by Lilith Lorraine

There came to our pigmy planet a radiant wanderer with a message--and a jest--from the vasty universe.
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Age Rating: Older than 7
Tags: Science Fiction, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 147 | Votes: 9 | Score: 6.64
Size: 18KB | 3,116 words | Posted:

12 The Battle of Halloween by Onebo The Red

On Halloween, three forces converge on a town in America, with the fate of the planet at stake. A lightly revised version of my Halloween story.
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Age Rating: Older than 17 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Aliens, Violence, Horror, Military, Witchcraft
Downloads: 193 | Votes: 12 | Score: 5.80
Size: 46KB | 8,056 words | Posted:
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