Pars001: Blog


1 million words and counting

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If you're looking for quality science fiction with some erotica sprinkled in here and there, and, LONG stories, you've found the right author!

My name is Rob (aka ahorsewithnoname), and I've been hired by Pars to be his agent and editor. I've painstakingly gone through many of his books, to date, and have grammar and spelling checked them. More are in the process. And, twenty of his eBooks are available over on Bookapy. Pars has written over 1,000,000 words, and what better way to show your appreciation for his storytelling than by making a purchase of one or more of his eBooks? I hope you will give it some consideration. Here's a link to his Bookapy page:

Stories, updates, and more info!

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Hello! I'm ahorsewithnoname, and have been hired by Pars to be his editor and publishing agent. Pars has put over 15 books up on Bookapy where they can be purchased as eBooks. Toman of the Cherokee has been completely edited for grammar, etc., at Bookapy, and we'll be hopefully working on other works of his. For those who have already gone there and make a purchase, Pars said that he's be appreciative of the support and patronage.

Thank you, from the both of us!

Lost Empire

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I am working on the next chapter over half-done sorry am writing 6 stories at the same time. Hope to have chap 87 out soon there will be a few surprises.
Pars 001

New story

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I sat yesterday and wrote an actual new story. It has been so long that I finally got inspired

A word

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Just a word to let you know, I've had a death in the family. Haven't felt much like writing, I hope I can again soon. I try to a little each day though it is difficult.