Before I'd asked about a descrepancy I'd noticed between SOL and Sci-Fi users. While the SOL users seemed to overwhelmingly prefer the more recent and more detailed Lost With Nothing to Lose, Sci-Fi users seems to prefer the earlier The Cuckoo's Progeny, which lacked as much character development.
Well, over the past few chapters, that's turned around (on the Sci-Fi side at least), as now Lost With Nothing to Lose is scoring higher than it's predecessor. As several of you pointed out, the faster-paced, frantic search for others like them fit the first story, but it's nice to know that users don't simply dislike my development as an author over the years. 'D (That's always an issue as I struggle to refine my story-telling techniques, sometimes I fear I'm giving up on what made my stories so popular in the past.)