Aliens and Cowboys - Cover

Aliens and Cowboys

Copyright© 2019 by KKindle


Mark could hear voices around him, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. He tried to open his eyes, but everything was still black. He tried to speak to no avail, nor could he seem to move anything.

Don’t panic, “ he thought, “this is just me recovering from the anesthetic or whatever the chamber used to knock me out.”

The voices were starting to get a little clearer. Still muffled, but clearer. He could now see light and shadows, but still no ability to speak or move.

“Mark can you hear me?” he heard someone say.

He found he still couldn’t talk, but he could now see blurry colours and he found he was able to blink his eyes.

“Just relax, everything will return to normal soon,” he could make out Solara’s voice now and was able to smile.

Solara’s voice was keeping his mind preoccupied, while his body was trying to catch up, “Just relax for a few minutes, you’ve been through quite the ordeal. You had us quite worried, normally it only takes a few hours, but you’ve been in the medibed for several days.”

Laruun spoke up, “Don’t worry! I ran back and told Joe and Kat what was going on, so they wouldn’t worry about you!”

Suddenly his body started feeling tingly all over, like his nerves had just woke up. Fortunately, it quickly passed and he found his vision was now clear ... in fact crystal clear. He could see items further away and in far more detail than he could ever remember.

Mark sat up, Solara was steadying him with 3 of her arms while the 4th was holding a glass of water for him to drink.

The water was cool and refreshing and seemed to lubricate his mouth, tongue and throat enough that he felt he could now speak.

“Rayven,” he croaked, “is she OK?”

He hadn’t noticed the rest of the girls standing near the doorway until Rayven came in and kissed him, “I’m fine Mark, I’m right here and ready for another round whenever you are! It’s flattering that, after all you went through, the first thing you asked about was me.”

“All that I went through? I just laid in this chamber, so it could make sure I was safe for you and give me a tune up,” Mark said feeling a bit confused.

“Mark, go take a look at yourself ... then get dressed and come out to us when you are done,” Solara said, pointing to the mirror on the wall.

Mark sat alone in the well lit medibay, looking at his arms and seeing strange tattoos that weren’t there before and thought, “What did they do to me?

A female voice seemed to resonate from inside his head, “To summarize, your genetic markers indicate you are a descendant of the royal bloodline! So the royal protocols were implemented on your body and I am now your permanently linked AI. What would you like to call me?”

So you’re like my conscience then? My Jiminy Cricket?“, Mark said awkwardly, since there was no one else in the room.

You don’t need to speak aloud to communicate with me, I can hear your thoughts. No, I am not your conscience, but since you are a technical guy, think of me more as your firewall and server. I monitor you and your surroundings constantly for your protection and can assist you, if necessary. What would you like to call me?”

Mark said with a grin, “Would it be OK if I called you Cricket?”

“If that is your desire.”

“OK for now, let’s use Cricket. So what were the others saying ... I’ve been through an ordeal? Why did it take days?“ Mark thought, as he tried to prioritize his questions.

“Please get up and walk around, your muscles need some exercise, I’ll try to answer all your questions using terms and language you are familiar with.”

“The first thing that happens when you lie in the medibed, is all the information collected and stored by your medibots gets analyzed.”

Mark thought, “What are medibots and how did I get them?”

“Medibots are tiny machines that perform wonders, they’re actually what give us the ability to communicate. When not in a medibed, they monitor your health and help with healing small injuries or fighting foreign substances and sickness, but when you get into a medibed they can heal almost anything and even do slight body alterations, although those can be quite painful, which is why you are kept unconscious during the process. As for how you got them ... usually medibots are distributed through the ventilation system of a ship or building, but you are also injected with an additional supply when the medibed is started.”

Mark stepped off the table and stood up, that was the first time he noticed that his left knee didn’t have that familiar pain he had grown accustomed to, nor did his back.

Cricket then continued to explain, “As for why it took days ... the results of your genetic markers showed that you are, in fact, a distant, direct relative of Atlas, the original King of Atlantis, from before they left Earth. Since there wasn’t a King, as of 10 years ago, you are now royalty, and the medibed implemented the royal protocols. Your body has been returned to a prime condition state. You should walk over to the mirror and look at yourself.”

Mark walked to the full-length mirror against the far right wall. He stepped up in front of it and barely recognized himself. The person in the mirror appeared to be about 25 years old. He looked very well toned and muscled, but not bodybuilder muscled. He was still 6’3” and weighed about 210lbs, but his chest hair was now gone, as was his pubic hair, his face looked clean shaven and it looked like his head had just had a buzz cut.

That’s when he noticed his phoenix tattoo had moved, from his left bicep, to his left pectoral and his forearms now had this lattice tattoo that extended from his wrist to his elbow. He then noticed he had the same type of lattice tattoo from just below his knees to his ankles. He chuckled when he realized he looked like an ancient gladiator, when they wore those leather straps.

Mark felt incredible and full of energy, but hungry, as Cricket said, “Your mates are preparing a meal for you.”

They had told him to get dressed, but Mark couldn’t find his clothes, so he just walked out of the medibay naked. After all, everyone had already seen him naked before.

As soon as he exited the room, the girls came running toward him, asking him how he was feeling, giving him kisses, telling him he looked incredible and so on, until Solara spoke, “Girls, girls, give the man some room, he’s hungry and needs nourishment to fuel his new body. Why didn’t you get dressed first?”

Mark was confused and said, “I couldn’t find my clothes!”

Solara laughed, “I forgot, I guess you wouldn’t know about the clothing synth.”

The girls backed off, except T’Soona, who just fluttered nearby with a huge grin on her face. She offered her hand, which he took and she led him to the table they had on the left side of the ramp. Glancing around, he saw the Gator with pieces of the motor on the floor over by the work area.

“What are you doing to the Gator?” Mark asked, as he was looking at Solara.

Solara smiled and said, “I’ve overhauled the engine in that stinky thing. Humans are fairly ingenious, but you don’t take very good care of your planet. It’s now more eco-friendly.”

Mark sat down at the table with the girls, as everyone was staring at him. It was a bit unnerving, until finally he asked, “What’s going on? You guys are making me feel uncomfortable and no one is saying anything!”

Laruun spoke up, “Sorry Mark, we’re all just amazed at your transformation ... I bet every one of us has a wet pussy right now, just from looking at you. It’s even more drastic than what happened to Rayven!”

“Rayven, what happened to you? Last I saw, you were passed out and Solara was carrying you off to your bed,” Mark asked, “and I remember Solara said something about royalty, what was that about?”

Rayven answered, “My father was the king of our people, our royal bloodline contains a random genetic ‘defect’ that occurs in roughly 1 out of every 10 royal females born. Apparently I have the trait!”

T’Soona said with a grin and giving Rayven a hug, “Yes, you do and we all like it!”

“So I fucked a princess?”, Mark said with a big smile on his face, then continued, “You don’t look any different, you’re still as beautiful as ever!”

Rayven smiled at Mark and said, “Yes, I was a princess, and thank you! You know how you liked my big clit? Well, it turns out that after I mated with you, I can now turn my clit into a cock, if I want!”

“Seriously! That’s awesome!”, Mark said as he walked around the table to give her a kiss and a hug.

Rayven was surprised, “I didn’t really know what to expect, but I know it wasn’t that! You’re not weirded out that I have a cock too? I’m obviously not as gifted in that department as you are, but don’t humans look down on stuff like that?”

“Some people might, but I’m pretty easy going about stuff like that. You’re still as cute as ever! In fact, I’m looking forward to our next time together!”

Rayven blushed at his comment, as Solara and Candy brought plates of food to the table. Candy just knelt on the floor at the end of the table to eat and Solara sat down next to Mark. Once she was seated, everyone started digging in.

Mark was famished, and while he didn’t know exactly what he was eating, it tasted pretty good.

While he was eating, he was wondering about who he would get to fuck tonight?

Don’t worry about it, they have something planned.

Keeping secrets from me huh? So that’s how this is going to be?“, he thought to Cricket.

Well, yeah, us girls gotta stick together!“, she spoke into his mind with an evil laugh.

When supper was over, everyone got up and backed away from the table, giving their legs a chance to stretch as Solara and Candy cleared the table.

Once the table was cleared and cleaned, Solara announced that it was now time for dessert.

Solara motioned toward the table, “Rayven, would you do the honours?”

As if it had been pre-decided without Mark’s knowledge, everyone lined up a few steps away from the table, Rayven walked around the table, her eyes locked on Mark’s the entire time.

She walked over to where he was standing and tilted her head up as if to ask for a kiss, but as soon as he moved to kiss her, she turned away, smiling back over her shoulder.

She walked around to all the girls and did pretty much the same thing, except she let them kiss her, despite that she was still locking eyes with Mark. When she got to Solara, who was seated at the table, she leaned over and gave her a kiss, while Solara’s upper arms removed Rayven’s tank top and her lower arms removed her shorts.

Once she was naked, she turned around and faced Mark. Mark gave her a good looking over, but still couldn’t see any difference. Her clit was still peeking out from between her nether lips, just like it was before.

At that point, she sat on the table and pointed her finger around the room, pausing at every person she pointed at. When she got to Mark, she raised an eyebrow as his manhood was standing at attention and pointed at her, but she simply smiled and continue on to the next person.

T’Soona was beside Mark and was down on her knees, with her hands in a begging position, and she had a puppy dog eyes look going on. Rayven paused again, but then turned her palm up and curled her finger calling T’Soona over with a come hither motion.

T’Soona jumped up, pumped her tiny fist in the air, and shouted, “Yay me!”, which made everyone laugh.

T’Soona flew over to the table and stood on the table with her feet on either side of Rayven’s legs, as Rayven removed T’Soona’s dress, leaving the little fairy standing naked in front of her.

Mark had never seen T’Soona fully naked. Her body size reminded Mark of a little girl, but her breasts were A-cups, slightly larger than Laruun’s.

Mark wondered how old she was.

Cricket spoke yup, “By my calculations, she would be about 30 Earth years.

Forgetting that Cricket could hear his thoughts, he now silently asked, “Do you know how old everyone else is?

Rayven would be 27, Candaules would be 35, Laruun would be 68 and Solara would be 123.”

“Whoa!”, Mark accidentally said out loud.

Everyone looked at Mark, he just put up his hands in a defensive manner and said, “Sorry,” then he waved to redirect everyone’s attention to the show on the table.

He thought, “Solara looks pretty good for her age!

So do you, you know! With the medibots and my monitoring, I expect you could live as long as most Atlanteans, which is around two to three hundred years.”

Catching himself before interrupting the show, he silently thought, “Seriously?

Cricket said, with a snicker, “Yes, now watch the show dummy!

As everyone was relaxing in the afterglow of the orgy, CB555 announced, “Someone is approaching!”

Laruun commented, “Maybe it is Joe or Kat? I did tell them when you would be getting out of the medibed!”

Mark asked, “Cricket, do you know who my friends at the ranch are?

Yes, I am familiar with your friends at the ranch, from your memories. There are two people outside and they are not your friends, “ she answered.

“There’s two people and they aren’t from the ranch,” he answered Laruun.

Solara looked puzzled, “How could you know what is happening outside?”

Mark asked, “Cricket, am I allowed to tell them about you?

It’s up to you! They will eventually find out.

Deciding to play dumb, Mark said, “The ship told me. Doesn’t it talk to you, and that’s how you find the ramp so easily?”

Laruun said, “No, the ship does not talk to us! We find the ramp because we have been doing it for over 10 cycles.”

Solara then spoke up from her work area, where she was looking at a display, “He is right, there are two people approaching from the Northeast.”

Everyone, except T’Soona, who was still passed out on the table after the orgy, made their way over to the display Solara was looking at.

The people did not look like hikers, backpackers or hunters, they were wearing matching black pants and coats and were riding quads, towing trailers full of equipment. Mark suspected they were either scientists, military or government.

Cricket, the ship is hovering silently, can we move the ship without making a sound?

We can hover higher or lower without making a sound, but we cannot move directionally, as they would hear the lateral thrusters. The ship is currently hovering at 5 metres.”

Mark asked, “Is there any way for us to listen in on what they say?”

Solara moved her hands over the console in front of her, “Yes, we do have some proximity sensors with audio and video on most of your trails near here. None of them were triggered, so they did not come up your trail.”

Solara pressed a few buttons on her console and soon they could hear the men.

The shorter of the two guys was pointing a device around the clearing, “I’m telling you Dave ... whatever happened here 10 years ago was no meteorite.”

Dave replied, “Marty, you know the only reason they let you take all this state-of-the-art equipment is so that you WON’T find anything, and then you can’t talk about it anymore. You’ve been going on about this for 10 years, man!”

Marty pointed the device in the direction of the ship, “I’ve got something over here, I can’t see anything, but there’s something here.”

Mark then asked, “Has this ever happened before?”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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