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Chapter 42 is out. It should be available soon. Book 2 has been going for about 7 months now.
If you spot any glaring errors, please let me know so I can fix them.
I am working on edits to the next two chapters. I am trying to incorporate suggestions from some readers. Lots to do. I'm always learning and hopefully I will improve with experience.
I hope you all enjoyed the labour day weekend. I took time off to spend time with my grandkids.
Chapter 40 is in the queue. I do about 3,000 words per chapter, so that is about 120,000 words. According to writer's digest, a word count > 110K qualifies as an epic fantasy, or saga.
I only started this last December, and I am learning a lot. Mostly I am having fun, and I hope you enjoy coming along for the ride. I've tried various techniques and story arcs. This story feels more like a TV series that a single story.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Chapter 39 is in the queue. Brian comes up with a solution to their problem. But how long can they survive without coffee? All this will be revealed and more, same bat-time, same bat-channel...
I took a few more days to get chapter 34 out. Lots of family commitments going on.
I tried a dream scene, which is new for me. I am also using some new grammar checking software to help with the editing.
Any feedback, errors or ideas are welcome.
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