Duncan7: Blog


The return of Tobis?

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Chapter 30 is in the queue for posting. I did not know I would make it this far.

Thank you for the recent positive feedback.

Be sure to keep the safety enabled on your jetpack, while in the elevator...

Pizza in space...

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Chapter 21 is in the queue. Brian gets to eat pizza for the first time. He shares a coffee with the royal princess.

Have a great time. Make sure the blaster is pointed away from you before you press the trigger.


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I just posted chapter 15 of Star Guardian 2. I hope you enjoy it so far. I have not had so many comments recently, which leaves me curious if I am doing OK or have I lost you? Is there something I need to improve on?

Total downloads for Star Guardian 2 now exceed those for Star Guardian. It seems like a milestone to me. I am working on the next story arc.

Best regards.


Posted at Updated:

I put another chapter in the queue. I am doing about two chapters in a week recently, which is more than I had planned.

By the way, I recall in Star Trek TOS the Gorn, which I thought would be a good name for a drinking establishment.

Ori Major

Posted at

An extra chapter has gone up. We already had collusion with pirates, and obstruction of justice (and abduction of one of the investigating team). Now we have the team presenting their report with ample evidence.