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Fond memories

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I happened to check the site this morning and noticed that the "random selection" was to the first 'real' book I can remember ever reading.

I must have been eight or so and it was a worn paperback copy of Philip Fransis Nowlan's Armageddon-2419 a.d.

If you are not familiar with the work, it is the seminal 'Buck' Rogers story. I can remember struggling through the first few chapters before something popped in my brain and I began to visualize the story. I remember excitedly telling my mother "Mom! This is great! it's like a movie in my head!"

She laughed and probably said something like "That's good dear."

But, that first science fiction book lead to a lifelong love of the genre and probably a love of science and all things space related. I can remember a few more early books like Heinlein's "Have Spacesuit - Will travel." and the like but after that, they fade somewhat. I can remember later stories but not the circumstances of reading them like that first novel. Sitting on the top of the stairwell in a sunbeam reading in wonder.

I'll have to read the story again. I re-read it a few decades ago and found it surprisingly good and predictive of many modern technologies that have come to pass.

Thanks to this site for offering it here.


** edit **

The sequel to the story is also on this site.


I think "Airlords" had the first prediction of guided missiles or drones in scifi.