C.Brink: Blog


Book 5 - Cut to the Quick...

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concludes tomorrow! The final chapter and a 12k word glossary. To my readers and fans, if you enjoyed the tale of John, please take a moment and vote. The votes help drive future views. Also, if you'd like to support my writing efforts even further, the complete series is available for sale on Bookapy. Note that two side stories not published here are included in the package deal there.

Thank you for your patronage, votes, and comments!

Book 4...

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has had its last chapter placed into the posting queue. I thank you for reading my story and I especially thank those of you who have supported my writing by purchasing my books and stories on Bookapy.

I have one additional request for my readers... please take a moment to vote on the story when you are finished. I need your feedback to improve as a writer and your votes and especially your comments or messages help more than you can imagine.

Regarding book four, note that the story does end in a cliff hanger. If it helps, understand that Book five continues mere hours after the events which end book four. Book five is currently on sale on bookapy (see the links at the end of the final chapter of book four). I will likely begin posting it for free sometime this summer or early fall.

Book five is done! Epic series concludes

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Thank you for your readership and support.

No eta on when B5 will start posting. After the conclusion of B4 for sure.

Also, there are two side stories in this universe also on bookapy. Check out my collections for bargins.

Merry Christmas!

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Chapter 10 of my book 4 is in the queue. Progress on book five is good. I'm polishing up the epilogue now. It will be a big one at nearly a quarter million words. Look for its release on bookapy early next year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Chapter 6 posted early so you have something to do while avoiding the inlaws.