C.Brink: Blog


Thanks veterans

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Chapter 4 will be posted Friday as its a US holiday. Thank you veterans.

Make the Cut series - Book 4

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I've submitted the first chapter of Cut and Run, a fourth book in my Make the Cut series.

Book four continues the adventures of John Abrams and explores the world which was created in the first trilogy. Since book four's extensive glossary will not be posted until the end, for spoiler reasons, it is almost required that you read the first three books before beginning book four.

I hope you enjoy this continuation. Be warned... mysteries abound, and few answers are provided until well into the book. Your perseverance will be rewarded.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the book.

PS, book Five is almost finished

All good things...

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Final chapter has been placed in the queue for Friday night.

This concludes both book three and the trilogy.

long blog post on SOL discussing the future. TLDR? Maybe... just maybe more coming, no ETA.

I want to thank you, the reader, for making this fun and rewarding to me. I love the comments and feedback.

C. Brink


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The final part of Book Three of my trilogy started posting tonight. This and the following chapters bring to a close the story arc of John and his trials in the new Earth environment he has found himself in. Feedback on the previous chapter was great and I've had dozens of messages about the intensity of the big battle.

Thanks again for reading my story and as always, I love the feedback.

Book Three

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The first chapter of Final Cut, Book Three in the Make the Cut Series, is in the queue for Saturday morning. The book is complete at twenty chapters and will end the trilogy. It is also available on Bookapy right now.