C.Brink: Blog


Happy Holidays

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I want to wish all of you happy holidays. Enjoy the time with your special ones and peace to all.


SSunday, Jan 3, I will begin posting chapter one of my second book in the Make the Cut series. The title of the second book is Cutting a Swath and features our main character John as he deals with the revelations of book one. Join him on his desperate quest to find more answers and possibly a way to fight back against those who caused the Earth's destruction. The stakes have never been higher for John as he risks discovery and sudden death the whole time.

December update

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The final chapter and epilogue of my story Make the Cut are in the schedule to be posted Sunday morning. This will wrap up book one. I've learned a great deal over this process and have enjoyed the emails and feedback I have received.

Book two, Cutting a Swath, is very, very close and I hope to start posting that soon. It will be a direct sequel and will continue John's story. Early readers have seemed to enjoy it and I hope you will also. I will post an update on when you can expect to see it.

I want to especially thank those of you who purchased the book on Bookapy. The sales have been much better then I hoped. Make the Cut had the most reviews of any books in the sci-fi category which was a nice surprise also.

C. Brink

Part three update

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Sunday, I will be posting chapter 18 of "Make the Cut". There are five chapters following that which will wrap up book one. At a chapter a week this will finish up sometime before Christmas.

This will not be the end of the John's story though. His adventures and trials continue in book two, titled "Cutting a Swath". The good news is that book two is written and in post production as we speak. This means it's on schedule to begin posting here possibly in January. It will also be available on Bookapy sometime before then.

Thank you for the many kind emails and comments. They fuel the writing process and are pure ego elixir.

Fond memories

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I happened to check the site this morning and noticed that the "random selection" was to the first 'real' book I can remember ever reading.

I must have been eight or so and it was a worn paperback copy of Philip Fransis Nowlan's Armageddon-2419 a.d.

If you are not familiar with the work, it is the seminal 'Buck' Rogers story. I can remember struggling through the first few chapters before something popped in my brain and I began to visualize the story. I remember excitedly telling my mother "Mom! This is great! it's like a movie in my head!"

She laughed and probably said something like "That's good dear."

But, that first science fiction book lead to a lifelong love of the genre and probably a love of science and all things space related. I can remember a few more early books like Heinlein's "Have Spacesuit - Will travel." and the like but after that, they fade somewhat. I can remember later stories but not the circumstances of reading them like that first novel. Sitting on the top of the stairwell in a sunbeam reading in wonder.

I'll have to read the story again. I re-read it a few decades ago and found it surprisingly good and predictive of many modern technologies that have come to pass.

Thanks to this site for offering it here.


** edit **

The sequel to the story is also on this site.


I think "Airlords" had the first prediction of guided missiles or drones in scifi.

Part two news.

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Part two of Make the cut will be uploaded around the second week in October. This part is almost twice the length of part one.

** edit for late breaking news! **


If you are impatient, you can have it all now. Parts two AND THREE. Book one is a healthy 114k word novel and continues Johns story.

To celebrate October first and Book One I am posting the first three chapters of part two today. John's story moves forward with a mysterious start.
