Volume III of Legacy: Black Star, Part 2 - Cover

Volume III of Legacy: Black Star, Part 2

Copyright© 2024 by Uruks

Chapter 27: The Only Thing Worse Than a Parasite


Ryan and the others came crashing through the portal while being dragged by Saria. He tumbled into the bulkhead in a tangle of limbs under Leon, Éclair, and Sharon. Ryan, Leon, and Éclair removed their helmets, breathing in the clean air like narcotics. While Sharon stirred on the ground, her pendant automatically stopped glowing, the energy field deactivating as it sensed a clean atmosphere.

As the doorway of silver light vanished behind them, Ryan looked up at the faces of the remaining team members. They stared in stark disbelief, and then all at once swamped Ryan, Éclair, and Leon with hugs. So great was the enthusiasm of his friends that Ryan found his breath literally taken away. Grafael wrapped Éclair and Ryan under each arm while laughing and weeping at the same time. Tork flew around the room clapping all three of them on the back. Rachel squeezed under Grafael’s arm to embrace Éclair heartfully as she cried into her bosom. Éclair smiled serenely and cradled Rachel’s head. Torsha bounded over on all fours, rose up, and gave Leon and Ryan big furry kisses on their cheeks. The older members of the team, Mozar and Kormal, kept a respectful distance, but both of them were beaming brightly.

Next to come were the pirate crew survivors led by James. Gumar trailed behind while still covering his injured midsection, though at least his wounds had been bandaged. James soon caught sight of his sister lying on the floor and rushed over to kneel at her side, removing his shades as he did so. Sharon sat up groggily. The Pirate Captain showed an unexpected display of affection as he took her hands and trembled with his head on her shoulder. Gumar sat down behind them, towering over both humans even while sitting. Sharon looked to both James and Gumar, opening her mouth as if to say something, but the only thing that came out was a slow building wail. Sharon held her brother under one arm while caressing Gumar’s giant shoulder with her other. Gumar gave her a toothy grin, humming in contentment. The other pirate crewmembers gathered around the three, clamoring over one another to ask Sharon how she felt. As rough and tumble as these pirates looked, they seemed to value their female member tremendously.

The Minister removed her helmet, showing a very satisfied look on her graceful face as her brunette hair cascaded over her deep, brown eyes. Eramar came to stand next to the Minister as he observed the festivities, looking relieved and less intimidating than he normally would. For a blessed moment, no one said a word as laughter and sobs of joy filled the air. Ryan could hardly believe how happy he felt ... could hardly believe that he had lived to feel this happy again. After all they endured, all the pain and horrors that had occurred, they were finally back together again. Ryan’s family. He hardly remembered a time when he ever felt so content.

“It’s good to see them all like this,” said Eramar reservedly, seeming slightly troubled. “But we still have pressing matters, Minister.”

“Of course, Wielder Razor,” said Saria with a nod. “What did I miss while I was away?”

Saria turned away towards two lines of consoles that formed a long corridor. Only after the Minister started moving did Ryan take note of his surroundings. They stood on the bridge of a ship; a large, intricate, red-plated room with several levels to it. Most of the activity congregated along the line of consoles where the Fire Minister and Eramar strode with dozens of technicians and navigators busy at work at the holographic computers. At the end of the double line of consoles was a massive display showing the entire planet of Black Star Prime in a very accurate holographic depiction. Through the holographic globe were hundreds of red, gray, and orange dots. Ryan wagered that the red dots were the Fire Elementals and the orange dots were the Parasites. But he didn’t know what the gray dots represented. Ryan broke free of the revelries to listen in on Eramar and Saria’s conversation.

“How are we doing so far?” asked Saria gravely as she crossed her arms.

“Better now that the Imperial Militia has finally decided to show up, but we’ve still got a long way to go,” said Eramar with a sigh.

“Give me details.”

“We’ve mopped up most of the resistance in the northern and southern poles,” explained Eramar while pointing at the globe. “At least 60% of their asteroid fleet surrounding the planet has been destroyed. However, they don’t seem to be slowing despite their immense losses, and their ground units are reinforcing those lost in the air. Additionally, we’ve suffered heavy casualties in this fight ourselves, especially along the equator where you recovered Squad 99. That seems to be where most of their forces are congregated.”

“That’s because that’s where their Queen is,” said Ryan, stepping forward as Saria and Eramar took notice of him.

“A Queen?” asked Eramar. “The records never reported the existence of a Queen among the Parasites. It was assumed that they were just animals; highly virulent, yes, but possessing little in the way of a hierarchy.”

“Trust me, Master Razor,” said Éclair, stepping next to Ryan. “This Queen does exist. She calls herself the Horde Mother, and she is extremely dangerous. We have to do everything in our power to destroy her.”

“This Horde Mother you speak of,” said Saria. “I assume you are referring to the creature we encountered at the mouth of the pit.”

Éclair and Ryan only nodded.

“Then we’ll bombard the area with tactical nukes and finish her off.”

“That might not work,” added Ryan hesitantly. “You see, we’ve already killed her twice. Well, maybe more like three times. But she has this ... I don’t know ... this weird ability to reincarnate herself.”

“I’ve seen it, Minister,” said Leon. “The Horde Mother can copy herself onto any Parasite in her horde; that includes the Colossal types as well.”

“So as long as a single Parasite lives, the Horde Mother can survive to create another infestation,” explained Éclair.

Saria groaned in annoyance. “Then we have no choice but to kill every last one of these diseased mutants. We can’t let a single Parasite escape, or we risk the Queen’s survival and another outbreak that could affect this galaxy and all the surrounding settlements. They all have to be destroyed without a trace left to regenerate from; every one of them down to the last infected victim.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” sneered a voice from behind.

Out of the large, ornate doors at the rear of the bridge walked Emperor Chissler himself with an entourage of at least thirty soldiers trailing behind him. He wore his customary white nobleman’s suit with a brown fur coat draped around his shoulders and black leather boots that clicked loudly on the metallic floor. His head was adorned by a ring of golden olive leaves parted in the middle at his forehead which served as his crown, and beneath that was a silver band that Ryan had not seen on him before. The Emperor had dark gray eyes, dark skin, and long black hair that went down his back. He was tall and handsome with a thin physique, but his condescending bearing belied his good looks.

Striding by Chissler’s side was none other than David Kavic, Ryan’s unlikely political ally and friend. David, a tad shorter a more toned than Chissler, was also fit and good-looking with his square jaw and cleanshaven face that seemed a bit more youthful than the Emperor’s. He had short, neatly combed blond hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wore a simple black business suit with blue nobleman’s robes draped behind his shoulders. A golden ring adorned his finger with three jewels, indicating his rank as Viceroy, the Emperor’s righthand. Like the Emperor, he also had a silver band around his head. David gave an apologetic nod towards Ryan, as if to make amends for future mischief the Emperor had in store. The Emperor’s guards all had silver metal bands on their heads like their superiors, though, to what purpose, Ryan could not ascertain.

Saria swiveled around to face the Emperor in stunned silence. Eramar cleared his throat, perhaps embarrassed that he had failed to bring this little tidbit up earlier.

“Presenting his royal highness, Emperor Alexander Chissler,” said Kavic, stepping ahead of the Emperor and waving his robes dramatically. “First of his name, protector of the Tarrus Empire and all its domains, and Lord of the Twelve Elemental Ministries.”

“Yes, yes, that’ll do, Kavic. They know who I am,” said the Emperor complacently while waving Kavic away.

Saria quickly hid her surprise and gave a customary bow as Eramar did the same. “It is an honor to have you with us, my Emperor.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure,” said Chissler with a contemptuous scowl. “And quite an unexpected honor, it would seem. I can tell that my arrival has not been announced, what with the lackluster greeting I am confronted with.”

“Apologies, my Emperor,” said Eramar, stepping forward with his head still bowed. “That was due to my error. We were discussing the campaign. I was going to inform the Minister of your arrival so that we might’ve received you more officially, but your vessel docked a bit earlier than I realized.”

“So, you are saying it was also due to my error, Elemental,” said the Emperor accusingly.

“I beg your pardon, my Emperor,” said Eramar, bowing even lower. “It was not my intent to cast aspersions upon you.”

“Hmph,” grunted the Emperor before waving his hand as if to dismiss Eramar. “Well, never mind. I have business to discuss with the young Elementals who ventured to the planet.”

“My Emperor, if I may,” interjected Saria. “My team has had quite the ordeal. Perhaps after they’ve had time to recuperate in the med bay-”

“I’ll be the judge of who needs to recuperate,” interrupted the Emperor abruptly.

Ryan saw Saria clench her fists so tightly behind her back that her armored gloves creaked. Given Saria’s prideful nature, it was probably all she could do to keep herself from blasting the arrogant man where he stood.

The Emperor then turned his steely gaze towards Ryan and the other members of Squad 99. He raised his eyebrow as if expecting something. Éclair and the others immediately bowed, but Ryan held the Emperor’s gaze. Ryan wanted nothing more than to slug the slime into oblivion, but an urgent tug on his arm from Éclair dissuaded his passions. Reluctantly, Ryan lowered his head and bowed to the ruler. He could almost feel the grin of satisfaction crossing the Emperor’s face at the sign of submission.

“I know how difficult that must’ve been for you given our last encounter,” said the Emperor.

Ryan tensed at the realization that the Emperor remembered him.

“Yes, I remember you. I never forgot the half-breed bastard with the balls to stand up to me when the rest of his companions might as well be neutered.”

A low growl rumbled deep within Ryan as his Saurian instincts raged within him to tear this political pussy to pieces. Before he lost control, Éclair squeezed his arm tighter, and her touch seemed to have a cooling effect on him.

She’s right, thought Ryan. He’s just trying to get a rise out of me like last time. But I won’t let him have the satisfaction!

“My apologies if I caused offense, my Emperor,” said Ryan in a controlled voice.

“Hmm,” muttered the Emperor, appraising each member of Squad 99. “And I see you’re still intent on playing the hero, Lurranna. I once thought you would be the crowning piece of my collection, joining the ranks of my personal Elite Guard to study the true way of Elemency. An education decrying the evils of the Ministries and their need to submit themselves to their Pure-Skin betters. What a disappointment you turned out to be.”

“I’ll take that as the highest marks, my Emperor,” said Leon with a courteous salute.

The Emperor chuckled before turning to Éclair. The way he looked her up and down like a vulture sizing up its next meal made Ryan ten times angrier than before. He felt he might burst from sheer rage. Éclair seemed to share the sentiment as she tensed beside him.

“And you, the pretty one,” said the Emperor. “It’s difficult to forget that silver-gray hair and those violet eyes. A lady of your grace would seem more befitting among the nobility rather than mingling with this riffraff.”

Ryan flinched, almost jumping the Emperor right then and there. No one was a greater threat to Éclair than Alexander Chissler. She had a more legitimate claim to the throne than he ever would. Zanderius spelled Éclair so that no one but trusted confidants would be able to realize her identity. If Chissler found out who she was, he wouldn’t hesitate to have her killed. Ryan almost wished that Alexander would indicate that he knew her identity just for the excuse of killing him. He’d worry about the repercussions of murdering the Emperor later. As far as Ryan was concerned, any man, monster, or god that dared to threaten Éclair would be seared to ashes.

The tension mounted as silence pervaded between Éclair and the Emperor. Finally, Éclair curtsied politely. “Thank you for the compliment, my Emperor,” she said. “But I doubt I’d be able to do the court justice.”

“My Emperor,” whispered Kavic beside Chissler. “About the matter we discussed.”

“Yes, I know,” said the Emperor, clearing his throat and turning back to Ryan. “You, half-breed. You said something earlier that has me intrigued. Something about a Parasite Queen?”

The last thing Ryan wanted was to trade banter with this man, but he had little choice. “Yes, my Emperor. She called herself the Horde Mother.”

“And you’re sure she controlled the Parasites?” said the Emperor, leaning forward intimidatingly.
“Without a doubt, sir.”

“My Emperor,” said Saria from behind. “I have nothing but the utmost confidence in my team. They all testify to having seen this creature and I have no reason to doubt them, which is precisely why we must give this campaign our top priority. We should also see to the complete eradication of every Parasite throughout this galaxy, not just the one’s here on Black Star Prime.”

“That won’t be necessary,” said the Emperor offhandedly. “According to my sources, if the Queen does exist, she can only manifest herself on the planet of Black Star Prime. Therefore, we need only destroy all the Infected here and then the hive mind should be rendered inert.”

Saria gasped. “I beg your indulgence, my Emperor ... but according to what sources?”

“That is need to know, Kaves,” said the Emperor. “All you need to know is that a planetary bombardment of this world is already underway. Very considerate of you to deal with their surrounding asteroid defenses. It would’ve been difficult getting the fleet into position without such assistance. But now, I suggest you pull back your troops within the next hour, or they are in for a rude awakening.”

“Wielder Razor, issue a planet-wide evacuation of all our forces. Offer whatever assistance is needed for the Militia as well,” ordered Sarai urgently.

Eramar scurried away to do the Minister’s bidding, relaying her commands to the communication officers. The Emperor then caught wind of the pirate crew behind Squad 99. James looked like he was doing his best not to be noticed as he ushered his crew away from the Militia guardsmen.

“What on Ancient Earth is that, and what are they doing on this bridge?” asked the Emperor, pointing a finger in outrage.

“They are my allies, Emperor,” explained Leon. “They helped me rescue my team members from the Queen.”

“None of them look fit to be in a diner, let alone the bridge of a capital ship ... even an Elemental one,” sneered the Emperor in disgust at the motley pirate crew. “And that one there ... what is that thing?”

The Emperor brandished a finger in Gumar’s direction. The Troll knelt on the ground breathing heavily with a huge arm placed over his bandaged torso. Sharon and James stood on either side of Gumar’s humongous frame to help him move.

Why hasn’t he been taken to the med bay yet? thought Ryan. With that sort of injury, he should be cared for immediately or risk infection. Come to think of it, the big guy’s not looking so hot. We should just forget this jerk of an Emperor and get Gumar help now before it’s too late!

“I believe that individual is a Space Troll, my Emperor,” said David meekly. “A denizen of the Planet Morval V.”

“It looks injured,” said the Emperor fearfully as his copper complexion seemed to pale. “Has it been infected?”

“Another oversight on my part,” said Eramar. “He came aboard shortly before the Minister departed to rescue the last members of the excavation team. We tried to bring him to the medical bay, but he refused all but the most rudimentary of treatments. The captain says that it was due to some cultural tradition of his people to refuse medicine unless in the presence of a trusted loved one. Gumar wished to forestall treatment until the young girl, Sharon, was recovered so that she might serve in such a capacity. Apologies again, my Emperor. I’ll have them escorted to the medical bay to be sterilized immediately until all traces of the virus have been eradicated.”

Eramar made a motioning gesture as several Elemental Guards teleported alongside the pirates to escort them to sickbay. The pirates, after recovering from the sudden appearance of the Elementals, slowly made their way to one of the exits on the bridge when the Emperor raised his hand.

“Stop!” commanded Chissler, bringing everyone to a halt. “Take the rest to sickbay and put them under quarantine, but leave that one here. Its injuries seem too severe for a simple treatment. More permanent measures are needed.”

The Emperor snapped at his soldiers and gestured towards Gumar. The soldiers surrounding Chissler marched towards Gumar, raising their rifles. The pirate crew immediately stepped between the Militiamen with their hands on their pistols. As the pirates and the soldiers stood at a standoff, James stepped in front of his men to confront the Emperor directly.

The situation had become so intense so fast that Ryan wasn’t sure what to do as he and the rest of Squad 99 stood transfixed by the scene.

Kormal? Kevla? asked Ryan mentally. He may not have been a telepath, but he shared a unique connection to the Sages that allowed him to converse with them when they were near. Can you do anything? Make the Emperor forget about Gumar, or something?

I’m afraid not, Ryan, Kormal said in regret, and Kevla also felt regretful. See those metal bands Chissler and his men are wearing? They are called neural inhibitors. They allow Non-Psionic Users to better resist telepathy. A powerful telepath might be able to circumvent the bands, but Kevla, Leon, and I are all too exhausted to risk it. Besides, we Sages are forbidden from interfering with the minds of the bureaucracy. There were mental blocks placed on all Sages by our ancestors to keep us from abusing our powers for our political benefit.

Ryan forced himself to say nothing as he turned his attention back to the standoff between James and the Emperor. His conversation with Kormal occurred almost instantly within their minds, so he didn’t miss anything.

“Get out of my way, pirate,” threatened the Emperor.

“My Emperor,” said James with a congenial smile as he bowed in a cavalier manner. “Me deepest apologies for the inconvenience. Twas’ never me intent to offend your lordship. If you would allow me to explain? I know you’re just trying to be cautious ... don’t want any Zombie blokes running around, eh? Gumar here was indeed injured, but being a Troll grants him a wee bit more endurance than your average wanker. Now the big fella was just scared for me lil’ sis, see ... that’s all. But now that she’s back safe and sound, I’m sure he’ll be reasonable enough to submit to medical treatment so long as she and I are in the room with him. I know, it’s a bit silly, this whole grousing about loved ones and all, but what can you do, eh? So, if you’ll just allow us to take him to the sickbay, I’m sure he won’t inconvenience you any further, sire.”

The pirate seemed so suave that Ryan was almost tempted to believe he could charm the Emperor, but Chissler had other plans.

“I assume you’re the one in charge of these ... men,” growled the Emperor. “Order them to stand aside and allow me to dispense with the Infected, or you will all be shot down with it!”

James’ smile darkened into a frown. His bearing took on a deadly edge as if he meant to shoot the Emperor of Tarrus himself. The pirates and the soldiers tensed as the showdown intensified. Ryan could tell that this standoff would quickly turn violent unless something changed.

“Well, pirate,” said Chissler impatiently.

“I ain’t movin’, mate,” retorted James in a challenging tone.

The Emperor cursed under his breath as he stepped back, putting his soldiers between him and the pirates. There were at least twice as many soldiers as there were pirates, putting the odds in the Emperor’s favor if it came to bloodshed.

“Gentlemen, stop this at once! I will not have my bridge turned into a bloodbath!” ordered an outraged Saria. “The longer we argue, the more his infection will continue to spread. Now, I’m sure we have the medical expertise to treat the poor Troll, and if not, then that’s for the doctors to decide.”

“Wrong, Minister,” said the Emperor, growing angrier by the second. “That is for me to decide! So either arrest these cretins for daring to defy their Emperor, or stay out of my way!”

“My Lord Chissler,” said David, patting the Emperor’s shoulder. “You are indeed the Emperor of Tarrus, and your word is law, but we are on a Fire Ministry ship after all.”

“And that is supposed to quell me?” countered Chissler, raising his voice as he shrugged off David’s arm. “I own the Fire Ministry as I own all of Tarrus, and I have decreed that this creature will die for the sake of humanity! Guards, when I give the word, you will gun down this scum with their beloved monster, am I clear?”

“Yes, my liege,” cried out the men in unison.

The soldiers angled their rifles as the pirates took out their pistols. Sharon wrapped both arms around the panting Gumar as if to shield him. As the Emperor raised his hand to commence fire, Ryan stepped between the pirates and the Militiamen. In a fluid motion, Ryan drew his sword and clawed gauntlets, igniting them both with red flames. All the soldiers took a step back at Ryan’s show of power. Even the Emperor seemed taken aback as he hesitated with his arm quivering in midair. Just as Chissler got ahold of himself and prepared to give the signal once again, the other members of Squad 99 took up positions on either side of Ryan, now doubling the pirates’ forces. Éclair stood at Ryan’s right side while Leon stood at his left, and the others flanked his rear. Ryan had no idea why he decided to act, or even why his teammates would back him up, but he was grateful that they did.

“Last time we met, your defiance was mildly amusing, half-breed,” hissed the Emperor threateningly. “But this time, you’re really starting to piss me off!”

Ryan glowered at the Emperor. “If you want to kill the Troll, you’ll have to kill me too, because I got-”

As Ryan raised his shoulder where the Queen stung him, Éclair stopped him as she put a hand on his arm. She doesn’t want me to reveal my injury.

Seeing the odds growing against him, the Emperor turned to Saria for aid. “Well, don’t just stand there!” yelled Chissler. “Get control of your soldiers or I’ll execute them all for treason!”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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