The King of Atlantis - Cover

The King of Atlantis

Copyright© 2020 by Kevin Kindle

Chapter 39

During that flight, they asked Mark about what had happened with the Empire and why they won’t come near if the Federation is around.

Mark more or less summarized the battle at Athos, “The Empire had worn down the Athosians to only having 10 ships and they were barely operational. They were about to strike the final blow, by attacking with 50 ships, but they hadn’t expected us. Just one of our ships took out all but one of theirs when they tried to attack.”

The leaders were visibly upset. They had deduced that the Athosians were more advanced than they were, since they had multiple space-faring warships, when they only had a couple of experimental ships with no weapons.

It wasn’t long after they finished the story they were landing on a driveway, in front of an old farmhouse. Greta’s mom came out to greet everyone, while her father was sitting on a swing on the veranda, carving on a piece of wood.

A couple of centons after the shuttle landed, a medivac flew in and landed beside them. Greta then explained who the special guests were, and that she wanted her dad to go into the medibay.

Her father was a proud man, but you could see the disappointment in his eyes caused by his disabilities. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to walk again, he didn’t hesitate to go into the medibay.

The technician got him in the medibay and after the initial analysis; the technician scheduled the programs to run and after a few centons; the bed displayed 27:32 on the display.

Greta was giddy, “Your bed will repair his body in 27 centons?”

Rayven corrected her, “No! It’s fast, but not that fast! That’s 27 centares and 32 centons, which isn’t all that bad, considering the level of damage, and there’s likely going to be a bit of a recovery period after that! Fortunately, he still has his legs, it would’ve taken much longer if those had to be regenerated as well.”

Greta then realized, “I guess a day isn’t bad, considering there was nothing the doctors could do for him. What’s the longest you’ve ever seen anyone take in the bed.”

Rayven then smiled and pointed at Mark, “He took a few days! But that was in a much older model of the medibay and much different circumstances.”

With 27 centares to go, the leaders asked if Maren would give them a ride back to the space agency for the night, but since it was nearly supper time, Greta’s mom invited everyone to stay for a barbecue before leaving. They had just slaughtered a couple of cows and they scheduled the corn to be harvested in two days’ time.

Molly was a strong-looking lady, Greta looked a lot like her, they were both about 5-foot-8 with their black hair in cornrows and had blue eyes and both looked like they had large D or DD-cup breasts. Molly was a bit more heavy set and aged though, as the years of running the farm by herself were obviously taking its toll on her body.

She instructed Greta to go pick some vegetables from the garden and gather some corn from the south field, while she dug out some steaks to barbecue.

At the mention of garden, Maren’s ears stood up as she looked around and saw the sizeable garden and offered to go pick the vegetables.

That was when Molly noticed that Maren was a bunny and she laughed, “Go right ahead dear, you’ll need to dig up some potatoes, but feel free to grab yourself some carrots, radishes or whatever you want.”

Rayven laughed at the look on Maren’s face as she grabbed a couple of buckets and offered to help.

Greta also grabbed a couple of buckets and started walking away, so Mark offered to help retrieve the corn. Liyana was the ambassador, so she could talk to all the leaders and answer questions.

Once they got around the edge of the house, Mark could see that the field was about half a kilometre away and it was right next to an enormous field of sunflowers. Mark smiled as he took one bucket, “I haven’t had sunflower seeds or corn in forever!”

Greta looked at him, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, your highness, but you don’t fit any perception I had of what a king would be like ... here you are wearing a hat like what farmer’s wear and then actually offering to do physical work ... it just seems un-kingly.”

“Please, just call me Mark, and I get that all the time! I’m a King by title, but I was more or less forced into the role. Now and then, they try to make me change this or that, but some things you just don’t change. I think they’ve finally given up trying to get me to lose the cowboy hat.”

“That explains a lot, you weren’t brought up as a royal with a silver spoon in your mouth. So what did you do before becoming a king?”

“I’ve done a lot of different jobs, but I was a cowboy on my friend’s horse ranch when I stumbled across an Atlantean ship that had crashed on my planet some 10 yahren earlier. I lay down in the medibay, without realizing that it took a genetic sample, the analysis determined I was a direct descendant of the original king. The next thing I know, the Atlanteans show up, take me to their planet, declare me their king and here we are!”

“It makes you more relatable to the general population and you seem to have no problems handling the pressures of leadership! Plus, you look good in a cowboy hat!”

Mark tipped his hat. “Why thank you ma’am!”

Greta laughed and they reached the edge of the cornfield. It looked like a good healthy crop! Mark had taken one bucket, and they each collected a heaping bucket full and then headed back to the house.

Maren and Rayven had returned earlier and everyone, including the other leaders, were busy washing, peeling and cutting the potatoes and carrots on the porch when they arrived. The leaders all seemed very humble and willing to do mundane tasks.

Greta’s parents had a very large custom made barbecue, it was over 2 metres long and about half a metre deep, but it was wheelchair accessible.

During the harvest, they would have a barbecue every night for the people they hired to harvest the corn and the sunflowers. It was the one way Mike, Greta’s father, felt he could contribute. However, tonight, Mark and Trent manned the barbecue.

Overall, it was a good meal and lots of friendly conversation about how to transition Magellan into the Federation. After the meal, Maren took all the leaders, except Greta, back to the space agency and all of their people back to the Poseidon, including the staff that came with the medivac.

Maren would bring them back to the farm, around the time that Mike was going to come out of the medibay.

It was just Rayven and Mark that stayed on the farm with Greta and Molly, while Mike was in the medibay until just after supper tomorrow.

Tomorrow the leaders were going to go over things with Liyana and come up with a plan for the probation process. Then everyone was to meet at the space agency the morning after tomorrow.

Greta, Mark and Rayven would get caught up on what they discussed when they got there.

They had a bunkhouse on the farm that the harvesting staff would stay in, for the few days it took to harvest the fields. So they offered Mark and Rayven accommodations there.

After checking out the bunkhouse which had just been cleaned and all the twin-size beds had been washed and made to prepare for the upcoming harvest. The shower room was spotless and setup like the shower room at an arena, just an open area with shower heads around the outer walls. Then there was a counter with 4 sinks and a mirror that ran the length of the counter and then 4 toilet stalls opposite the counter. Just as you exited the washroom area, there was a water dispenser, and a refrigerator stocked with beer.

They moved two of the twin-size beds together, then grabbed a beer each, went outside and leaned against the waist-high fence, looking out at the fields gently waving in the evening breeze, with the smell of harvest in the air. It was so peaceful and relaxing, Mark could never tire of the smell of harvest. He also couldn’t remember the last time he actually had a beer.

After they had finished their beers, Rayven took the empties inside and went to use the facilities.

When she returned, she wasn’t wearing anything as she wrapped her arms around Mark and gave him a passionate kiss. She undid the front of his pants and freed his now hardening cock, which she gave a few strokes, before guiding it to her wet waiting slit.

They slowly made love against the fence until a cool breeze came along and they both shivered. Mark grabbed Rayven by the ass as they increased their tempo.

Greta had come out to see if they needed anything and saw the bunkhouse was empty. Greta found them fucking against the fence and as she watched them. Her hand found its way into her pyjama pants and to her very wet pussy.

She closed her eyes as she brought herself to orgasm, but Rayven, having a very keen hearing, had heard her and nodded to Mark, who picked her up by her ass and carried her over to where Greta was. Rayven then snapped Greta out of her bliss by whispering, “Would you like to join us? We haven’t cum yet!”

Greta withdrew her hands when she realized they had caught her. She was a bit flustered and hadn’t fully comprehended what they had said, so Rayven repeated herself, “Would you like to join us? Neither of us have cum yet!”

Rayven took Greta’s hand, sniffed her fingers then licked them, “Mmmmm, you have a sweet tasting pussy. Please join us?”

Greta declined, “I’ll admit, it has been a while, but I don’t want to intrude.”

Rayven explained, “It’s been a while for Mark as well ... his wife is back in Atlantis.”

Greta was shocked, “You two aren’t married? Is your wife OK with this?”

Rayven explained, “Most of the Federation is pretty open, sexually. I fuck his wife as often as he does, but one of us is pretty much always with him.” At that, Mark let her down as Mark’s cock popped out of her pussy with a wet smack as Rayven moaned.

Greta was staring at Mark’s enormous member and then noticed Rayven had a cock, “Whoa, I just realized you have a cock.”

Rayven smiled, “Yes I do, would you like to have it inside you?”

Greta moaned as Rayven helped unbutton her flannel sleep top, exposing her voluptuous DD-cup breasts with large dark areolae and hard nipples. She then guided her back to the beds they had set up, Rayven deftly slipping Greta’s pyjama pants off as she lay back on the bed.

Rayven passionately kissed Greta and massaged her pillowy breasts, as Mark knelt down beside the bed, between Greta’s open legs, and then used his fingers to spread her dark nether lips, exposing her inner pinkness.

Mark licked deep into her pussy, still very wet from her previous orgasm. Savouring her tangy sweet flavour as his tongue worked to extract more of her essence.

Greta was giving Rayven a blowjob as her fingers were exploring Rayven’s clit and pussy. Mark thought Rayven was just about to cum as Greta made eye contact with him. She gave a very slight nod of her head as Mark positioned the head of his cock at her pussy and slipped deep into the ebony beauty.

Rayven lasted longer than Mark thought she would, and after a couple minutes of fucking, Mark thought he was actually going to cum before Rayven did!

Alas, just as Mark was starting to cum, Rayven erupted in Greta’s mouth and the combination of both of them cumming had Greta also succumbing to her orgasm, as her pussy milked every drop of cum from Mark’s balls.

After their orgasms subsided, and Mark could withdraw his cock from Greta’s pussy. Rayven moved in and began licking the leaking white cum from her ebony slit.

Afterwards they went to the showers and cleaned up. Greta then got dressed, gave them both kisses and went back to the house, while Mark and Rayven settled into their makeshift two person bed. Both of them falling asleep soon after their heads hit the pillows.

Mark woke up with the sun and Rayven woke up with him, as they used the facilities and then went off in search of coffee.

They found Molly and Greta sitting on the veranda drinking coffee, and Molly told them that the coffee was on the counter and cups were above it.

They went inside, fixed their coffees and returned to the veranda to sit down and talk. There were no chores to do on the farm, they only had a handful of cows and they were out in a pasture with a water trough, filled by pumping water from a nearby stream and then returning the overflow water back to the stream.

Over their morning coffees and breakfast, they sat around and talked, with both women asking many questions about life in the Federation, until Maren and Liyana flew by around 10:00 on their way to the space agency. They were delivering a holoconference device, so they could take part in the meeting remotely.

Liyana also suggested that maybe Molly should go into the other medibay and get checked out.

While they were meeting, Maren was going to be setting up a communications array at the space agency and then setting up the gateway between their public data network and the Federation library.

After Maren and Liyana had left, Molly agreed to go into the medibay. So Rayven and Greta got her into the bed, while Mark setup the conference device.

It estimated that she would get out of the medibay a little over an centar before her husband, as she had an undiagnosed form of cancer.

The meeting went all day as they went over the Federation laws and how things work in the Federation and what the transition process would be like. This really was the first full implementation of the probationary system, since they skipped a few steps on Athos.

Since the probation period was one yahren, everything continued as normal until after the vote.

In fact, on most planets, despite the accessibility to Federation technology, many things remained the same, the only requirement the Federation had, was to transition away from anything that created pollution within 25 yahren.

For example, despite having synths, there was still a lot of farming and agriculture, it kept people busy. They still raised animals for meat or their skins, but the process was very controlled and closely monitored. They rode horses, milked cows and goats, sheared sheep, llamas and alpacas and collected eggs from chickens. Any natural products were certified and cost a lot more than the synth stuff, so they were more of a luxury item and primarily sold to higher end restaurants or in boutique shops, but since technology couldn’t be traded with non-federated planets, agriculture was one of the most exported commodities to non-federated planets.”

They still allowed gun and bow hunting, in fact anyone could carry a weapon for protection. You just needed a license to own the weapon. Ballistic weapons and bows could be also be owned and carried. You just couldn’t hunt for sport and any intent to poach animals or harm another person would see that right revoked.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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