Gabatrix: the Pirates of Palora - Cover


Gabatrix: the Pirates of Palora

by CMed TheUniverseofCMed

Copyright© 2024 by CMed TheUniverseofCMed

Science Fiction Story: Set after the events of Gabatrix: Force and Vehemence, The Lifen crew returns to confront the criminal elements in the Paloran star system. The Nova Pirates and rogues continue to grow in strength while ravaging commercial vessels, corrupting politicians, and terrorizing civilians alike. It's up to Shira, Javier, and Stone to confront these pirates and make the system safe for everyone before it's too late. Story Includes: Female Alien, M/F, Scalie, Male + Female Human, Violence, Interspecies

Tags: Science Fiction   Space   Futuristic   Dinosaurs   War   Furry  

Tags: Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sex, Love, War, Swearing, Violence, Blood, Fighting, Action, Interspecies, Male Human, Female Alien, Scalie, Female Human, Human/Alien Sex, Size, Intercourse, Oral Sex, Consensual Sex, Impregnate, M/F, M/F, M/F

My books are available on Amazon Kindle, Bookapy, and Google Play. Money made from that also goes into the universe too. All books are now available for Print on Demand for hardcopies as well.

Disclaimer 1: This story is meant for adults as it contains sex, violence, fighting, cursing, and blood. The sex scenes depicted are of a consensual variety. There is a clear division between the sex and the violence.

Disclaimer 2: This book is an erotica, action, and science fiction rolled into one. Expect scenes of human/alien or human/anthro sex and love. Gabatrix is an ongoing series. It’s highly recommended that the audience reads the earlier stories to enjoy the overall arc of this story.

Disclaimer 3: The story does have interrogation scenes, with battles that hint toward light gore or violence.

Disclaimer 4: The opinions stated in this story do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the author. Remember, this is just a story. Treat it as such.

Artwork by Piero Painter.

Special Thanks to my Patreon supporters:

Quintin Martin, Joshua Nelson, Nindahr, Mr. Darknut, Christof Bradford, Darklord Sengir, Mike Nixon, Nightsound, Anthony Kestle, Vlad Emanuel, and Lynn A Sines, for their generous donations.

And, of course, the other patron supporters for allowing me to write and supporting the universe that I write. :)

By CMed

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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