Shiloh - Cover


Copyright© 2005 Ernest Bywater & R. Michael Lowe aka The Scot

Chapter 21: Story Time

It’s nearing lunchtime when Kathleen asks, “Kyle, you’ve heard the expression ’shop ‘til you drop’ haven’t you?”


“Well, I’ve reached that point. Will it disrupt our plans too much if we take a break, get some lunch, and just chill a while? I’m so mentally and physically exhausted if I have to make another decision for a while I think I’ll lose it.”

“To be honest I’m about to drop myself. There’s a Luby’s not too far from here. Will deciding what to eat overtax your brain?”

“I don’t think so, and that’s a good choice. They always seem to have great food for a cafeteria and they aren’t liable to push us out while we relax. The problem is I’d like to change clothes before we eat.”

Kyle nods his agreement while saying, “Me too. Let’s pay for all of this stuff and arrange to go into the bathroom to change our clothes. We can probably get someone from the service desk to watch our buggies while we change. Even if they won’t watch the buggies I can watch the carts while you change. Then we can swap.”

Kathleen grins at Kyle, “Husband, I’m not into swapping!” It takes a few seconds for KK’s comment to penetrate Kyle’s tired mind. When it does he laughs out loud then he kisses her on the cheek.

The couple go through the register, paying with the cash Stanley gave them. Kyle expects the two carts to total more than a thousand, but is pleasantly surprised to see it’s less than six hundred dollars.

They approach the person supervising the registers and explain their need to change. She doesn’t have anyone free to watch their carts, but she verifies their receipt and lets them go, one at a time, into the bathroom to change clothes. The bathroom is located only a few feet away from where they can park the carts. So, in a lot less time than Kyle would have thought, they complete the change of their clothes and then they load their purchases into the trunk of the car.

From Walmart they head toward the closest Luby’s Restaurant. Inside they go through the line as they talk about other things they need while they select their food. They pay the cashier then find a quiet out of the way table where they can talk. Their leisurely meal is delicious and they go back for a dessert.

During the meal they discuss their plans for the future, including the war on Chaos and what they plan to do with their lives on Earth. Both are surprised the other wants to work with college kids. Kathleen expresses her desire to do something in the counseling area while Kyle, despite his business degree, wants to follow Jonas and teach history. Of course, they both realize they’ll need to help Charlotte and Texas State Energy for a while as well as having to spend years in graduate school.

At 15:30 Kyle pulls the Buick off Woodrow Bean Transmountain Drive a short distance from the Archaeology Museum and into a dirt parking area. At one side there’s a single lane dirt road leading to the area they’d leased for CyberFun’s paint-ball battles. Kyle starts to drive down the road, but after a few feet he stops and reverses into the parking lot. Kyle explains, “I’ve never been back there without four wheel drive and a high axle. I don’t trust taking this land yacht back behind the ridge.”

“I can’t fault you there, what about Barbara?”

“Hopefully they haven’t arrived yet, since they’re likely checking our back door. If they don’t show up in ten minutes I’ll call her cell phone.”

Seven minutes later Marc and Barbara arrive. They exit their cars and Kyle introduces everyone. He explains why he’s waiting here and Barbara replies, “That’s rather smart of you, Kyle, but I don’t think we want to transfer a bunch of guns in this open area beside a main road.”

Marc adds, “It would also be a good idea if we get our women out of this heat while we talk.”

Kyle looks a question at KK and she nods yes. “We have a place to go, but, at the moment, we don’t want anyone, friend or foe, to know its location. Follow us until we get closer and at that point we’ll blindfold the two of you then I can drive your car and KK can drive mine.”

Marc looks a little frustrated at not being more fully trusted and asks, “Do you really think that’s necessary?”

“Marc, my grandfather’s own sister just betrayed him and caused his death. At this point trust is very fragile and in rather short supply.”

Barbara touches Marc’s arm, “Honey, he’s right. We’ve started to develop a friendship, but he doesn’t really know us and Kathleen’s just met us. I don’t think he’s being unreasonable, under the circumstances. Under similar circumstances I’m not sure we’d even be that trusting.

Marc nods in agreement and says, “Then I suggest we not wait to split up, but to do so now. I can ride with Kyle and you can ride with Kathleen. When we reach the place where they want us to go blind we can put something over our eyes until we reach our final destination.”

Kyle replies, “That works for me. He asks Kathleen, “Sweetheart, do you have anything we could use for blindfolds?”

“No, but we can easily stop along the way and pick up something.”

Kyle walks to the Buick and pulls out a map of the Las Cruces area he picked up the night before. He spreads it out on the hood of the Buick and reviews it as well as some notes they had made. These notes cover locations of places like both Walmarts, major grocery stores, and drug stores as well as the hospitals and medical centers.

Once Kyle determines an action plan they split up between the cars. While they drive across the mountain toward the interstate an added benefit of the division is discovered. It allows Kathleen and Barbara, as well as Kyle and Marc, to get better acquainted with their counterpart. When they reach the south side of Las Cruces where Interstate 25 begins Kyle continues northward. At the second exit they turn left and then turn right into the Walmart parking lot. The two cars park and the women go inside to find something usable as blindfolds.

Kyle and Marc stay in the Haywood’s SUV to continue their talking, much of which is about how each couple met and fell in love. “Marc, how did the two of you end up at the university here in El Paso?”

“Kyle, I’d rather the four of us be together to discuss that, but I can tell you it’s directly related to the events of the past week.” Marc then switches subjects and begins reviewing a list of the various weapons he’s selected for Kyle. It’s a pretty impressive list; even more so when Marc explains the related ammunition he’s including.

“And how much do I owe you for all that?” asks Kyle.

“At the moment that’s an open question. If it turns out we can work together on our common problem then all of this will be designated as field equipment lost in action.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” replies Kyle.

“It means the government just writes it off and it becomes yours for being part of the team.”

Kyle replies, “Marc, please don’t take any offense, but I’m somewhat skeptical about the government getting involved in this.”

“I can understand your fears, but please withhold judgment until the four of us can talk.”

“OK, I can do that.”

Afraid to say anything more on that topic, Kyle returns to the subject of the weapons and how they should be used. Before they finish talking KK and Barbara join them with a small plastic bag. “We found the perfect thing,” says Kathleen, “they’re nightshades to keep out the light while you’re trying to sleep,” and she hands them to Barbara and Marc.

“OK, but with KK and I driving we can’t see if you’re cheating, so we’re going to have to depend on your word as officers to stay with the program. If we feel you’ve done otherwise, then any future alliance is immediately aborted. Am I clear on that?”

Barbara answers, “I understand and you have my word.”

“Same with me,” adds Marc while they get back into the cars.

With the blindfolds securely in place Kyle leads the two cars out of the parking lot then through several turns and cutbacks. Once he feels his passenger is totally confused Kyle turns north on Valley Drive. He decides this route will be harder for someone to follow by sense of direction than the interstate route. At Doña Ana he turns left, crosses the Rio Grande, and turns onto the road running north beside the river. When they reach the gravel road leading to Missionary Ridge Kyle turns toward the house. As they pass the Lopez’s house Varena comes out on the porch and waves joyfully. Kyle smiles as he waves back.

Kyle pulls up to the garage and suddenly remembers the remotes are still in the Jeep. As a result Kyle has KK park on his left side and roll down her right front window. He informs Marc and Barbara, “We’re here, but I’ve got to open the garage door and the remotes are in my other car. Please be patient for another minute or so and then you can remove your blindfolds.”

Marc replies, “I don’t have a problem waiting, but I have to admit you have me totally turned around. Except for the driving time we could even be in Mexico City.”

Kyle laughs at Marc’s remark, replying, “I can tell you we haven’t gone that far, but I won’t tell you which side of the border we’re on.”

Marc laughs at that while Kyle climbs out of the car, opens the small door, and activates the single garage door. Moments later both vehicles are inside and the garage door is lowered. They park the cars near the stairs and Kyle says, “OK, you can remove the blindfolds.”

Marc and Barbara do as instructed and blink several times while they try to get their eyes adjusted. The garage area isn’t very brightly lighted, but there’s still a lot more light than what they’ve experienced for the past twenty or thirty minutes. Noticing the rock walls Marc asks, “Is this cut into a mountain, or something?”

Kyle replies, “From what I understand the entire structure is built inside the hill or mountain; I’m not sure which it is. Only the glass walls in the upper areas open to the outside, and they’re recessed. Supposedly, if you don’t know where this is you can’t find it. We haven’t seen it yet, but we’re told there’s a pool and hot tub area in what was a natural cave through the door to the left of the stairs and down a short passage.”

Barbara says, “Well, it does make a handy retreat, but are you going to live here in this open area.”

“Don’t be silly,” answers KK. “Follow me upstairs and I’ll give you the grand tour.” Kyle is bursting with pride as his wife plays the perfect hostess and the Haywoods are blown away by the house’s living area.

“This is beautiful,” exclaims Barbara while KK shows off her new home, “and I’d kill for that kitchen. When we finally get to where we can build a house I’d like to use it as a model.”

Kyle replies, “I think that can probably be arranged.”

Kyle and KK lead the couple into the smaller observation room with its glass wall overlooking the river on one side of the room and a huge stone fireplace on the wall to its left. The room leaves the Haywoods speechless. While Marc and Barbara recover from the sight and feel of the room Kyle turns the gas logs on a low setting and seats the couple.

Kathleen apologizes about their current lack of food and drink then asks, “Well, what do you think?”

Barbara replies, “The best word I can think of to describe this place is awesome.”

“I’m still in a state of shock, myself,” says Kathleen. “To get away from house talk, you wanted to discuss some other things with us.”

Marc looks to Barbara for direction and she takes up the discussion. “Kyle, let me tell you what we know and why we’re here. I’m not going to ask you to reveal or confirm anything, though feel free to share anything you’re comfortable with telling us.”


“As you’ve probably figured out we’re Special Forces officers. What isn’t obvious is we’re specialists in counter insurgency and counter terrorism activities. Due to the limitations placed upon the military by the Posse Comitatus Act of eighteen seventy-eight Mark’s been assigned to the ROTC faculty and I’m filling in for the head of the Library while she’s on medical leave. As inactive military we’ve volunteered to work with the Justice Department and Texas Rangers as advisers. In a very convoluted way Mark is an army officer working with federal and state law enforcement while being disguised as an army officer.”

Kyle laughs and remarks, “That’s a twist, if I ever heard one.”

“Well, in a way it makes us much less of a threat to the people we’re investigating. As Army we’ve no legal authority in this country. Any evidence we gather as Army Officers would be thrown out.”

“Now this is starting to make sense,” says Kyle.

KK shakes her head, “I’m glad it makes sense to you, Lover, because I got lost when Barbara said - as you’ve probably figured out.”

Kyle asks, “Does Doctor Narduchi know of your double lives?”

Barbara answers, “Actually, she was the one who recommended us for this assignment, but I’m not sure how she fits into our assignment.”

Kyle asks, “I’m generally following you, so far, but I can’t imagine why you would be working here in El Paso and how all this connects to Jonas’ suicide.”

Barbara says, “There’s a radical, right-wing group based in the area that’s been making some astounding claims. We’re carefully monitoring their activities and trying to get a line on their members. We’ve learned your Aunt Lucille is part of the core leadership of the group.”

While frowning Kyle asks, “What kind of claims are they making?”

“Fantastic futuristic weapons the Army can’t match, abundant food, miraculous healing, and a large number of women who want to get pregnant. Normally we’d ignore such rumors and claims as baseless, but recently some powerful people have joined them. This particular group contains a number of people we consider as very dangerous.”

Kyle reaches into his pocket, pulls out, and unfolds a picture from his billfold then shows it to them while he asks, “Is this one of them?”

A surprised Marc answers, “Yes, that’s Carl Edmondson; he happens to be in all three categories: core, powerful, and dangerous. Can I ask where you got this picture?”

“It’s from a hidden surveillance camera in Jonas’ office. Edmondson met with Jonas just minutes before my grandfather committed suicide.”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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