Star Guardian 2 - Cover

Star Guardian 2

Copyright© 2019 by Duncan7

Chapter 23: Dentra

I went to Princess Nazira’s cabin and pressed the chime. The door opened.

“It is time your royal highness. I will escort you to the ambassador. Please come this way,” I said. She smiled and stepped out of her cabin.

We returned to the ambassador.

“Ambassador Kazem, may I present Princess Nazira Vahide of Dentra. Your royal highness, this is ambassador Kazem,” I said. I stepped back out of the way.

“Ambassador Kazem, we are pleased to return to our home,” said the princess, in Baglogi.

“Your royal highness, on behalf of Dentra, we are pleased for your safe return. We have much to discuss,” said the ambassador, also in Baglogi.

“Your royal highness, ambassador, we will withdraw that you may discuss in private and in your own language. When you are done, please inform Ship, our AI, and we shall return,” said Jem.

“Thank you. You have our leave to withdraw,” said the princess. The ambassador smiled at us. Jem, Koluna and I left the main dining lounge.

We waited in the main bridge while the princess and the ambassador discussed their plans.

I went to the food dispenser. “Is anyone hungry?” I asked. No takers. I got myself a coffee and went back and sat down.

I waited. After a long journey I was used to doing something. I did not figure to travel all this way to sit and wait. But that’s what we did.

The tactical display showed views of the planet below, and a tactical view showing all vessels within range. Dentra system control directed all vessels in their system, and it was all orderly.

“I wonder what they are discussing that takes so long?” asked Laine.

“I don’t know,” said Koluna. “The ambassador was overjoyed with her safe return.”

“There is a lot of protocol and ceremony that goes along with nobles. I will be glad to be gone from here,” I said.

“I expect they will want to thank us for returning the princess,” said Jem.

“In that case, Ship please have our uniforms ready complete with portable shields and all the extras. We can’t be too careful if we are going down to the planet surface,” I said.

“Confirmed,” replied Ship.

A while later Ship announced we were summoned. This time Jem and I returned to the main dining lounge. The princess and the ambassador were seated at a table.

“Captain, commander, we have completed our discussions. Ambassador Kazem will cover the details,” said the princess.

“I must return to the planet to make preparations. I have asked her royal highness to remain aboard this vessel until we have confirmed her identity. If all goes according to plan, we expect to have a homecoming ceremony within two days. Your crew are invited to attend as our honoured guests,” said the ambassador.

“I look forward to it. The Baglogi and Dentra have been friends and allies for a long time. We have been away for too long,” said Jem. The ambassador nodded.

Jem escorted the ambassador to the airlock, and I escorted the princess back to her cabin. She smiled at me as she stepped into her cabin and closed the door. Once again I was left staring at a closed door for a moment, before I left to join the others.

“So Dentra and the princess will be reunited in two days?” asked Laine.

“Yes. Once they have confirmed her identity. They are planning a big homecoming celebration,” said Jem.

“Captain, I have sent the ambassador all the evidence we collected, including a DNA scan,” said Koluna.

“Thank you Koluna. Now what?” said Jem. She looked at me.

“Captain, we have two days to make sure nothing goes wrong. After she is reinstated safely in the royal palace, our responsibility is concluded. I suspect that if something bad is going to happen, it will happen in these two days,” I said.

“What bad something do you expect?” asked Jem.

“I don’t know. Probably the beings that originally abducted her are long dead. But, there could be others who wish her gone,” I said.

“Ship, in their historical archives, is there any mention of individuals or groups of beings opposed to the monarchy?” asked Koluna.

“Searching. No mention found. Historical records show overall favourable reaction to the monarchy,” replied Ship.

“That could be because the historical records were written by those favourable to the monarchy. If no one was opposed to the monarchy, she would not have gotten abducted,” said Koluna.

“She will be safe aboard Ship. No vessel would attack us in orbit around Dentra. We also have the defensive probes,” said Jem.

“Agreed. So the attack will happen between here and the palace,” I said. Jem nodded.

“Brian can the defensive probes protect the shuttle when we deliver her to the planet?” asked Laine.

“Yes. Good idea Laine. They can follow us down. Then all we have to do is protect her through to the homecoming celebration,” I said.

“You’ll think of something Brian,” replied Laine. I glared at her.

The next day the ambassador hailed us. “Baglogi Star Cruiser. This is ambassador Kazem. May I come aboard your vessel?”

“Ambassador Kazem, this is the Baglogi Star Cruiser. You are welcome to come aboard. Out,” said Jem.

A while later, a shuttle docked with our vessel. At the airlock, the portly ambassador arrived, with his two assistants. Jem and I greeted him.

“Hello again! I have good news! We have confirmed the identity of her royal highness. The senate has approved the transition to a republic-monarchy, effective tomorrow, when the princess officially returns to the royal palace. The announcement has been made throughout the system. The media are getting on board. This is the biggest news story in over a century,” said the ambassador. He was so excited, I was afraid he might need medical attention.

“Congratulations ambassador! We are thrilled for you and all of Dentra,” said Jem.

“I need to meet with the princess, to go over the schedule for the celebrations. There is so much to prepare!” said the ambassador.

“Before you meet with the princess, I’d like to make a gift for her royal highness. I would like to make her a gown for her homecoming celebration, but I would need designs suitable for a royal princess of Dentra and for such an occasion. I want to apply my dressmaking skills to help make it a memorable event,” I said. Jem looked at me funny.

The ambassador talked to one of his assistants in Dentra. “Commander, my assistant will provide you with some formal gown designs. If you select one, I am sure the princess will be happy with it,” said the ambassador.

“Thank you ambassador. That is most excellent. Please could you inform her royal highness I will have a gown ready for her soon,” I said. The ambassador agreed. Jem escorted the ambassador to meet with the princess, leaving me standing at the airlock.

“Attention commander. I have received a message for you including designs for gowns,” said Ship.

“Thank you Ship. That was fast! Please ask Laine to meet me in the lounge. We have work to do,” I said.

At the appointed hour I arrived at princess Nazira’s cabin for the last time. I was dressed in my formal uniform, with all the usual protections. I looked at the door to her cabin one last time. Then I pressed the chime, and the door opened.

“You look most beautiful your royal highness!” I said. She was wearing the custom-designed gown I had presented to her. It fit her perfectly, thanks to some help from Ship. She had also done her hair and made herself look even more royal than before. She smiled at me with a radiance. It was such a transformation from the sour, entitled personality I had first experienced.

“We thank you for the gift of such a beautiful gown. Your skills as a dressmaker are both unexpected and outstanding. We shall arrive home in style,” said the princess.

“It was an honour to create something special for your royal highness on this special day. If you will come with me, it is time to leave,” I said.

The princess took one last look around the small cabin that had been her world for the last few days. Then she stepped out, and the door closed behind her.

Prisoner transfer order# 875406-2375

Location: Ori-2 Penal Colony

Prisoner# 49729 - Tobis

Prisoner to be collected by prisoner transport shuttle, 14:00 local.

Ori-2 penal colony was built on the second planet in the Ori system. The atmosphere outside was toxic, and the surrounding system was closely monitored. Only prisoner transport shuttles ever stopped at this place. There was no escape.

Until now.

The guards brought prisoner# 49729 to shuttle pad four, where a shuttle was waiting to transfer him. The transfer order was all in order, and the shuttle was one of the regular prisoner transport shuttles.

The airlock opened, and the guards guided their prisoner inside. They secured Tobis to his seat via restraints. They double checked he was secure, before they exited the shuttle.

Prisoner transfers followed a standard operating procedure, and this one was exactly as per procedure. The guards returned to their other duties and thought nothing more of it. The shuttle took off and moved away from the planet. About fifteen minutes later, there was no sign of the shuttle. The records of the shuttle, the flight plan, the transfer order - they all ceased to exist on any system. The complexity of the hacking was extreme, needing specialized computer AI skills.

If anyone had been watching closely, the flight path of the shuttle within the system intersected with the flight path of an outbound freighter. The freighter was destined for the Lagaid system. Before anyone noticed, the shuttle was inside the shuttle bay of the freighter and out of sight.

The freighter reached the boundary of Ori space and accelerated until the hyper drive cut in and it winked out of sight.

When we got to the airlock, we were met by the ambassador, Jem, Koluna and Laine. We were all going to the celebration today.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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