Aliens and Cowboys - Cover

Aliens and Cowboys

Copyright© 2019 by KKindle

The Plan

In the morning, Mark woke up to Solara sleeping in front of him and Laruun cuddled up against his back, and it appeared that everyone else had also decided to relocate their beds to the floor.

He extracted himself out from between the sleeping beauties and found his way to the galley, which was an open area the width of the ship right behind the bridge.

Thinking he wanted a cup of coffee, Cricket cut in with instructions. “Open the little cupboard that has an image of a cup on it and get a cup, go to the drink dispenser on the wall and press your hand to the screen.

Mark touched the screen and a menu appeared that said HOT and COLD. It looked easy enough, so he selected HOT ... another menu appeared and one of the icons was COFFEE and when he selected it, a menu came up showing ADDITIVES and there was a MAKE icon at the bottom of the screen. Wanting a black coffee, he just pushed MAKE and the coffee started pouring into his cup, as the screen displayed, ‘Enjoy your drink!’

Mark took the cup of coffee and went to the bridge, but as he entered the bridge, consoles started lighting up.

The bridge wasn’t really a bridge, so much as a cockpit. It just had the one central swivel chair and was surrounded by consoles. Obviously this ship was designed to be flown by a single person.

He sat down in the pilot’s seat with his coffee and took his first sip. It wasn’t the greatest coffee, but it wasn’t bad either. As he sipped his coffee, he looked around at all the consoles and saw all kinds of status and technical drawings for the various features of the ship.

Life Support: 0%, Power: 100%, Light Drive: 0%, Main Thrusters: 0%, Lateral Thrusters: 100%, AntiGrav Cyclics: 100%, Shields: 100%, Cloak: 100%, Communications: 100%, Mass Fabricator: 100%, Food Synth: 100%, Drink Synth: 100%, Clothing Synth: 100%, Cargo: 2%

Mark asked, “What’s this cargo 2% about?

Cricket explained, “That’s the calculated weight ratio of current cargo load in relation to the gravity of the planet. Not that we could leave anyway, without the main thrusters, but the closer you get to 100% the more thrust is required to move about in atmosphere. Cargo weight does not affect hovering, which uses the AntiGrav Cyclics, or AGCs.”

Mark asked, “Communications 100%? Does that mean we can call someone?”

Cricket answered, “I suppose we could, but I have no contacts to call, I’m monitoring communications in case someone calls us or we pick up another signal. My base program, which was activated by the medibed when you got in, is very basic. Pretty much everything I currently know is what I have scanned from your memories or have retrieved from the ship’s computer. Unfortunately, the ship’s computer was damaged in the crash, I got schematics and the passenger manifest, but that was it.”

Just then, Rayven spoke up behind him, “So Captain, what’s the plan?”

“No plan yet! Solara is still sleeping, she must have worked pretty late before she succumbed to sleep. Wanna seat?”, he motioned to the nude devil standing beside him, as he swivelled the seat toward her.

She smiled, “Don’t mind if I do!”, as she sat in his lap holding her cup of what smelled like hot chocolate.

Rayven looked around and said, “You really can talk to the ship! I haven’t seen this area powered up since Marco was alive.”

Then she let out a little laugh and said, “I just thought of something ... Mark ... Marco ... it’s like you were meant to take his place. Except I like the way you take care of us better, since Marco never had sex with us,” as she wiggled her ass on his cock, which was already showing signs of life.

Rayven lifted herself up, grabbed his hardening cock, directed it toward her pussy and sat back down to continue drinking her hot chocolate, “Ahh, that feels better.”

“Yes, yes it does!” Mark said happy to just sit and cuddle with the little devil.

After a few minutes, Laruun walked in, looked down and saw Rayven impaled on Mark’s cock, and said, “Good morning!” as she gave them each a quick kiss and then leaned in and started licking their union, “You guys haven’t cum yet?”

“No, we’ve just been sitting here talking, Rayven just got tired of getting poked, so she repositioned it.”

Laruun laughed, “Convenient!”

Once everyone was awake, Solara said she wanted to show Mark what she had come up with, so they topped up their morning beverages and everyone followed her over to her work area.

When they got to the work area, Mark sat on a bench that kind of resembled a workout bench, with an adjustable tilting back. Then he noticed Solara and Candy smirking at him. Confused, he asked, “What?”

Candy said, “That’s the sex chair you’re sitting on.”

“The sex chair?”

Candy raised her eyebrows and smiled as she walked towards a device that looked like a hydraulic ram, “Yeah, we sit in the chair and this piston machine here, fucks us with a fake cock. Well, that’s we used to do, we saw it on the Internet, but now that you’re here...”

“Ahhh I see, you’ll have to demonstrate it for me sometime, but right now, something tells me we need to figure out a plan and get it going, before those guys come back with friends,” Mark said, then gestured for Solara to continue, as the rest of the girls joined to watch the presentation.

Solara activated a switch, which dimmed the lighting in the cargo hold, then a holographic projection of the ranch came up. With waves of her four hands and arms, Solara outlined her plans for the ranch, zooming in here and there and moving around the ranch, showing the sequence of events. Once she was done, she asked if there was any questions.

Mark spoke up, “The first part, building the underground hangar in the clearing to the southwest of the trailhead. How long will that take?”

Solara thought about it for a second, then replied, “The construx could probably have it done within a day, and they could likely do it without disturbing the topsoil until it came time to open the hangar to park the ship. If Joe and Kat agree to my plan, I could probably have the whole plan done within a few days, without disturbing anything or anyone.”

“OK sounds like a start, that’s way better than what I was thinking, and I like how you want to help Joe and Kat without having ever met them,” Mark commended her, “Now, I need to go see Joe and Kat and run this plan by them. I saw when I was in the pilot’s seat, that we’re actually hovering over the spot you were just talking about.”

I saw what Solara was doing and I liked her plan, so I took the initiative to park the ship there, instead of in the pasture where you had indicated. That way if you did want to start construction, the ship would block the view from the satellites.”

Thank you for taking the initiative!“, he thought, then said, “Lower the ramp and I’ll take the Gator back to the ranch.”

Laruun pointed to where his clothes were, “Don’t you think you should put some clothes on first?”

Mark got dressed, then drove the now silent Gator back to the farm, which was only a hundred metres away.

It was roughly 10am in the morning on a weekday, so there were no visitors were at the ranch yet, so Mark drove in, parked the Gator and went into the lodge, where Kat was drinking coffee.

Kat looked him up and down. The white cowboy hat told her that what she was thinking was correct, but felt compelled to ask, “Mark, is that you?”

Forgetting he now looked much younger, he said, “Of course it’s me! Oh yeah, I guess I look a bit different. Lots has happened in the past few days and I need to sit down with you and Joe to go over a few things.”

Just then Joe walked in, did a double take and said, “I see why Laruun said that you would be staying with them for a few days. You look like you found the fountain of youth!”

“Not exactly a fountain, but the medibed in the ship can do wonders. It returned me to what was called a prime state.”

Kat said, “I’ll say! You look a lot like you did when we first met you, except in even better shape.”

“If you want to try the medibed, I won’t stop you, but that’s the whole reason I was gone so long. I got up there, we had burgers, I got in the medibed and woke up yesterday.”

Kat teased him, “Awww, so you didn’t get to fuck all the sexy aliens?”

Mark donned a huge grin, “No, I did! That was why I didn’t come back yesterday,” then he continued, “well, that plus we encountered some scientists or military guys up at the high lake. So we’re looking for a place to hide.”

Kat said, “I suspected that was the reason for the phone call yesterday afternoon. We got a call from the military, telling us that they would be doing some exercises in the hills and asked if we could please not do any trail rides to the Northwest for a couple of weeks.”

Joe said, “Mark, we don’t want any trouble!”

Mark explained, “I’m hoping there won’t be any trouble. I’ve got a plan that I’d like to run past you, but not here, I’ll need to take you to the ship. Solara can show and explain the plan better than me, but because time is of the essence right now, I’d like to fill you in on our first step. That clearing just to the left of the trailhead behind those trees, where we’ve talked in the past about me possibly building a house there, well we’d like to build an underground hangar there to hide the ship in, we can do it fairly quickly AND without disturbing the topsoil, until we need to park the ship. Then I can eventually build my house on top of it.”

Joe turned his hands up, “Well, if it’s not really going to disrupt anything, I can’t see any harm in that part. Go ahead!”

Cricket, can you tell Solara that she’s OK to start on the hangar?

Cricket replied, “Already done!

With the hangar construction underway, Mark, Kat and Joe went out to the courtyard and turned on a fire pit. Mark described each of the girls, told them about the hamburgers, then told them about the medibed, and then of his distant Atlantean relations. He also told them of the encounter with the men in black, how they got away and how he hopes they think they either left the planet or at least moved to the Northwest.

Then he started talking about his house above the hangar. He said he wanted to keep with the ranch motif, a log house with white trim and green metal roof. He also said he was going to take a page out of their book and build an open shelter to park his trailer, truck and Gator under.

As soon as he mentioned the Gator, he felt compelled to tell Joe that the Gator had a new motor in it that was always on, completely silent and didn’t use fuel. Joe then joked and said, “Maybe Solara could convert the other Gator as well, and maybe the tractor?”

“You can ask her when you meet her!”

The rest of the morning and afternoon passed quickly, with lots of questions, until Annabelle and Jason returned home from school.

Annabelle did a double take and realizing the handsome man was Mark, she ran and jumped into his arms and gave him a big kiss. Then stopped and looked him over saying, “Now maybe I won’t have to bother finding a guy my age anymore, since you now look about my age! Will you be my boyfriend?”

Mark laughed, “That is a definite possibility, but I’m not going to commit to that right now. I want you to meet the girls, because if you are going to be my girlfriend, you’re going to be living with them as well!”

Annabelle then sniffed and said Mark could use a shower, which sounded like a good idea since he hadn’t had a shower in several days, so Mark and Annabelle went to the locker room.

After cleaning themselves up, it was time for the evening chores, so Mark and Annabelle helped Joe bring in the horses and set them up for the night in the barn. Then they returned to the lodge for a supper of spaghetti.

Because it was autumn, it was getting dark outside by the time supper was over.

Wanting to introduce the family to the girls, Mark instructed Cricket to tell Solara that they were going to walk over to the ship.

Cricket said, “Actually, Solara has progressed further than expected on the plan, so go to the workshop.

Mark and the family walked across the driveway to the workshop, and once inside, Cricket said, “Go down into the pit.

Mark said they had to go down into the pit and, while everyone was skeptical, they followed Mark as he led them down into the pit. The pit was long enough that you could access the entire underside of a pickup truck over, so they all easily fit. With the stairs at the front of the pit, they had flipped on the upper light switch, out of habit, as they descended down into the pit. There was another light switch down in the pit though that controlled the same fluorescent lights that lined both walls of the pit.

Cricket instructed, “Turn off the light switch and then walk through the wall.”

Mark turned off the pit lights and the area at the far end of the pit turned translucent, revealing a ramp angling down to a wider area after about 5 metres. With the pit only 6 feet deep, they pretty much all had to duck to walk through the translucent section of the wall.

The path angled down, so within a few steps the tunnel was over 7 feet tall and they could easily stand up. A few steps later, they walked into a big round room with tunnels leading to various destinations and signs above them. Only one other tunnel was open currently and that was the tunnel to HANGAR, other tunnels were LODGE and BARN, both of which had a construction sign, and then WORKSHOP, which was the one they just came out of. So the area under the workshop was the roundabout for getting anywhere around the ranch.

So they walked down the well-lit hangar tunnel for roughly 100 metres, where it opened into the large well-lit hangar, that already had the ship parked in it with the ramp down. The tunnel led them onto a balcony that overlooked the much deeper hangar. The tunnel entrance on the balcony was on the northeast corner of the hangar, overlooking the rear of the ship. To the right was a long ramp that went down the side walls of the hangar and then turned and angled toward the floor in the middle of the far wall, then another ramp mirrored this one, but came up to the balcony near the front of the ship.

As they walked down the ramp, they could see the girls mulling around, when Solara noticed them and approached the family. Mark gave her a big hug and said, “You work fast, I thought you said it’d take about a day?”

Solara answered, “I had just started using construx on my planet and they work faster than I remember, you can’t even see where we opened up the ground to land the ship, after it got dark of course. I also changed the outer layer of the construction to be uneven and mimic deposits of rocks and other metals native to this area, just in case anyone were to do scans of the ground.”

Joe, Kat, Annabelle and Jason were speechless and staring in awe at everything around them. Well, Jason was mostly staring at the female flesh around him, but he did look at the ship too.

Joe being the business man asked, “Where is the power to operate all these lights coming from? Is my electricity bill going to go sky high?”

Solara answered, “No Joseph, the construx actually create their own power, eventually if we rebuild the entire ranch out of construx, you won’t have any electricity bill. Also, just so you know, I have linked the ship into your Internet service.”

Joe smiled and nodded his head, “I like the sound of that! You must be Solara, pleased to meet you!”, as he extended his hand, which she accepted and shook, saying, “Likewise.”

The other girls came over and stood beside Solara as Mark introduced everyone.

After the introductions were made, Solara guided them into the ship to explain her vision of their non-intrusive hideout and upgrades to the ranch.

Annabelle whispered to Mark, “Have you fucked them all yet?”

Mark shook his head, as he whispered, “Some more than once. I think you and Rayven will get along good together!”

She whispered into Mark’s ear, “She is a cute little devil. Maybe we can get naughty with her tonight?”

Mark just smiled, as Solara went on to explain the various stages to everyone...

“Phase One was to build the hangar to store the ship and provide us a starting point ... this phase is already complete.

Phase Two is to build a network of tunnels between the various buildings. If they are going to be monitoring the ranch, we cannot just be walking around outside and suddenly disappear on them. As you probably already saw, this phase is already underway.

Phase Three is to tie into the fences surrounding your land. I see the white fences do not cover the land toward the foothills, so we will need to put up some sort of a perimeter on that side. The fence network will also function as surveillance in case someone does come snooping around, and it will also provide our shield boundaries, just in case. Our surveillance should be able to detect anyone within a couple of kilometres of the boundary.

Phase Four is to tie into the existing buildings and rebuild them using construx. The structures won’t look any different, but will become sturdier, safer and self-reliant for power. This phase also includes building Mark’s new home.

As Mark has pointed out, the area will likely be under surveillance, if not locally, it will be by satellites. So any new construction will be slowly built until the roof is on, so it won’t appear as if the building suddenly appears to the satellites.”

As she wrapped up the outline, she asked, “Joseph, Katherine, this is your ranch, is there anything else you would like to add or modify?”

Joe said, “Please, it’s just Joe and Kat, I would like to upgrade the barn, but I’m still too overwhelmed with what has happened so far to think coherently. As for your plan, I like how you’ve made every effort to make everything you’re doing to be completely invisible to anyone visiting the ranch. So go ahead with your plan, I like the idea of being self-sufficient for power, we don’t have the most stable power out here in the country.”

Kat said with a smile, “This is kind of exciting. We’ll have the most advanced ranch on the planet ... even though we won’t be able to tell anyone about it.”

Solara went to her console for a few seconds, “I just set the program to continue, so if you wanted to wait a bit you could walk back to the lodge through the tunnels.”

Mark interjected, “Actually I wouldn’t recommend it, if they are already watching this place, we should exit at the workshop and walk back to the lodge, the exact opposite of the way we got out here.”

Joe looked at his watch and was surprised to see they had spent more time than they thought, going over the plan, “Whoa, it’s getting late! It was nice to meet you all. I look forward to spending more time getting to know you, but we start pretty early around here, so I’m going to head to bed and think about everything you’ve shown me,” as he and Kat started back up the ramp to the tunnel and then back to the workshop.

Annabelle just looked at Mark and said, “No school tomorrow! I’m staying with you!”

Jason was still staring at all the mostly naked females.

Solara said, “Is this your mate? Should I make another bedroom, or do you want to wait until the house is built?”

Mark answered, “Yes, she could be considered my mate!”

Annabelle got a huge grin, and then Mark caught on to what she had said, “Wait! You made beds?”

As they began walking up the ramp back to the balcony level, Solara explained, “Of course! We all hated those little rooms on the ship! By having an active construx device, I made us all bedrooms up on the balcony level, under what will eventually be your house. The rooms are just under the surface, so that when you build the house, we can make the rooms slightly taller and we can have windows.

Each room has a king size bed, so they will fit Earth sized sheets and Candy has a bed more like what she had back home.”

There was an oversized room on the far end of the balcony, away from the tunnel entrance, that contained a couple of large post beds, each with a canopy and privacy curtains, and in the centre of the room they had setup their sex machine.

When Annabelle saw it, she said, “Is that what I think it is?”

Mark said, “Yup! They saw something similar on the Internet and built their own.”

T’Soona fluttered up beside Mark and said, “It’s nowhere near as good as the real thing though!”

All the other girls agreed, “Yes, Mark is way better than the sex machine, but it’s still fun!”

Annabelle looked at the manufactured phallus on the end of the hydraulic ram and said, “I wouldn’t mind trying it sometime, but we need to get you some real dildos to attach to the end.”

Candy asked, “Mark, could we buy some real dildos?”

Annabelle piped in, “Mom has quite a collection! Maybe we could just bring some of them here for now?”

Mark smiled, “Sure, but I’ll leave you girls and Annabelle to do the dildo shopping.”

Solara could see Jason’s erection straining his pants, “There’s some real cocks here now, we could all have some fun tonight!”

Jason’s eyes got wide, as Mark said, “We’ll have to make it a quickie! If this place is being monitored, we need to make it appear business as usual. I’m not just going to hope they aren’t watching, until we get our own surveillance system up.”

Once everyone came down from their orgasmic high, Mark, Annabelle and Jason grabbed their clothes and got dressed. The girls gave each of them a kiss and a hug and everyone said, ‘Good Night’ and then the three of them walked back up the tunnel to the workshop, where they exited and walked back to the lodge.

It didn’t take long before they were all fast asleep, with Mark spending the night in Annabelle’s room. They didn’t have sex, they just talked and cuddled, until they went to sleep.

In the morning, they got dressed and went to go workout. When they got there, Kat started their 30-minute workout video.

After the workout, they hit the locker room and showers and with everyone in the locker room, Mark announced, “I won’t be needing the room, so you can rent it out. I’m just going to stay with Annabelle until the house is built, since it looks like it’s going to be built long before spring.”

Annabelle added with a smile, “Once the house is built, I’ll move in with Mark.”

Kat smiled, “We expected that was going to happen.”

Joe then added, “We’ve also got some other ideas for the ranch, but I don’t want to try and explain them now, as I’m still working them out in my head.”

After the showers, Joe and Kat went to the kitchen to get breakfast started and, once the smell of bacon permeated the lodge, everyone was soon in the dining area ready to eat. This morning’s breakfast was french toast.

When the alarms went off at 7am, Kat started cleaning up the breakfast mess and everyone else went out to start the chores. Joe hopped in the upgraded Gator, forgetting it was always on and almost crashed into the workshop. After collecting himself, he took off to drive the fence lines, while the others fed and watered the horses.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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