Aliens and Cowboys - Cover

Aliens and Cowboys

Copyright© 2019 by KKindle

Making Friends

The days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to months. They kept him in his cell and they fed him fast food 3 times a day. They took him to the questioning room every few days, but basically asked the same questions, just worded differently, although every once in a while they would throw an additional question at him.

Cricket kept Mark up to date with what was happening at the ranch and that she was keeping everyone at the ranch aware of his situation, often relaying messages back and forth between them. Eventually they figured out how to interface his thoughts with one of Solara’s drones, so Mark could actually speak, see and hear through them, so he could talk to everyone regularly. To his captors, it just looked like he meditated or slept a lot.

No further spies or abnormal activity had happened at the ranch, so the men in black seemed to keep their word. The surveillance teams had come into the ranch the day they took Mark and questioned everyone, but that was it.

After one meal, Cricket informed him, “They are likely going to release you soon.”

Mark asked, “How do you know they’re going to let me go?”

Cricket explained, “There was a tracker in the food you just ate. Do you want me to disable it?

No, if the signal disappears, they’ll probably keep me here even longer. See if you can figure out how to manipulate the signal, but don’t disable it.

Sure enough, about an hour later ... after being locked up for over a month, they said they were letting him go.

Mark complained, “Seriously? You’ve had me for over a month, you’ve taken a few vials of blood, had a dozen question periods, all of which asked the same questions, although a couple of them used a polygraph. Then you’ve done who knows what to my health! I don’t mind fast food now and then, but making someone eat it 3 times a day is paramount to torture. You didn’t even give me the fucking drinks!”

At least they returned his heated hoodie to him, before they handcuffed and shackled him and put the bag over his head. They led him out to a vehicle and drove about half an hour out into the country, where they let him out of the vehicle, removed the bag and left him standing on the side of a gravel road ... still in handcuffs and his ankles shackled together! That would make hitchhiking nearly impossible, but at least they gave him his heated jacket back.

During the drive, Cricket had informed Mark that she couldn’t detect a tracking device or any tampering with the heated jacket, and that she had figured out how the tracking signal worked and could manipulate it.

As he watched the SUV drive away, then he looked around and asked Cricket, “I can’t believe they left me out in the middle of nowhere and even left the handcuffs and shackles on me. Get these things off me, then ask Annabelle, Jason, Joe or Kat to come get me.”

The tattoos on his arms and legs came alive, the cuffs were unlocked immediately, and they then returned to their pattern on his limbs. Mark jumped and did a 180 from the edge of the road into the dried grass of the ditch, then walked a couple hundred yards down the ditch, so he didn’t leave any obvious tracks. Fortunately, the day was mild for January and there was very little snow in the ditch.

He found a small culvert that ran under the road, and it was just barely big enough for him to fit into. Mark smiled and thought, “If they want to waste my time, how about we send them on a wild goose chase and waste their time! How fast can a ship fly in atmosphere?”

Cricket said, “I thought you didn’t want to draw more attention? What you’re talking about confirms that you’ve interacted with aliens.”

Mark said, “I’ve already told them I’ve interacted with aliens! In fact, they asked me that very question many times, so I doubt they’re going to leave me alone, no matter what I say or do. So, I might as well shuffle the deck and see what hand fate deals me next. Something tells me now that you’re in my mind, and the ship has woken up, the status quo is going to change soon, anyway.”

Cricket answered, “To answer your earlier question, the cargo ship could do a maximum of about 2,000 km per hour using primary thrusters, but it wouldn’t be practical to do so. I don’t have any details for other space-faring ships.”

Mark instructed Cricket, “If I swallowed the tracker it’ll go through my body in 24 to 48 hours. Manipulate the signal to show me flying from my current location to a location near central Victoria Island and have me stay there for a few hours. Then plot a course from there to a remote location in the interior of Baffin Island for a few hours, then plot a course to Ottawa, Ontario, but only have me stay there for 1 hour maximum, then take me to a remote location somewhere in the middle of Ellesmere Island, where my signal will stay. I’m sure my brief stop in Ottawa will draw some attention, then when I go to Ellesmere Island, maybe they’ll scramble the military from Alert? Show me as travelling at ship speeds when I’m going from place to place.

Cricket almost sounded giddy, “This is going to be fun!”

Sure enough, back at headquarters, they were diligently watching his tracking signal. As soon as the signal started going North at high speed, they had the drop off team head back to check, since they were only a few kilometres away.

Mark chuckled to himself as he imagined the chaos in their headquarters when the drop off crew radioed back saying he was no longer there and that they had seen no other vehicles on this gravel road and there were no tracks, just the cuffs and shackles lying on the ground where they dropped him off.

Suspecting he had actually left with aliens, they only performed a cursory search of the immediate area. Once they left, he lay there in the culvert and had a nap while waiting for his ride, fortunately he had been wearing his heated jacket when they abducted him and they hadn’t taken the battery pack out before they gave it back to him.

He also had Cricket give him a shave and a haircut. He hated being scruffy, but had her grow him some facial hair while in captivity, to make it look more normal.

A couple of hours later, Kat picked him up and drove him back to the ranch where he immediately went to have a shower. He had kept himself fairly clean with the washcloth and sink in his room, but in the period they had him in their possession, the only time he got to leave his cell was for one of their question periods.

Once he cleaned up, he told everyone he needed to stay out of sight for at least a day as he was busy taking those guys on a worldwide wild goose chase, but he was expecting them to resume watching the ranch.

Kat reminded him they connected the new basement under the lodge to the tunnel network, so he could go pretty much anyplace. When Solara had rebuilt the lodge with construx, Kat had mentioned that she wouldn’t mind more storage space, so now there was a basement under the living quarters wing of the lodge.

So Mark went into the kitchen and down the stairs, but all he saw were some shelves for storage and a long table with several chairs and more open space.

Not sure where to look for the secret door, Cricket instructed, “See the two electrical outlets with the night lights plugged in? Just walk through the wall between them.”

Mark was tentative, but got close enough to touch the wall, but he couldn’t feel anything as he thought, “That’s clever!”

Cricket explained, “Every location has a wall like this now. There will always be a wall with two electrical outlets with night lights fairly close together, it will look and feel like a normal wall to everybody except those we have a genetic scan of, they can just walk through the force field.

Mark jogged down the tunnel until he reached the roundabout near the workshop and he saw the tunnels leading off to BARN, WORKSHOP, HANGAR and LODGE, which he just came out of.

He jogged down the tunnel to the hangar and the girls immediately swarmed around him as soon as he reached the bottom of the ramp.

They all met him with kisses and hugs and saying they were glad he was back. When he got to Solara, she wrapped him up in a big four-arm hug and lifted him off the ground, as she gave him a big kiss.

“I can’t believe you let them take you and lock you away, just to protect us,” she said as everyone was nodding in agreement.

Mark said, “They didn’t harm me or anything, so not that big of a deal.”

Solara said, “Maybe not a big deal to you, but it means everything to us! You risked yourself to protect us! We all love you, Mark!”

Then she seductively asked, “They have locked you away for some time, I bet your cock misses being in a warm pussy and your balls are probably full of cum. We can help you with that!”

The girls led him to the playroom and once he was naked; the girls started stripping, and they guided him to the sex chair and had him sit down. Then the girls took turns straddling and fucking him for a couple of minutes each. Then another would take her place. Candy couldn’t really take part in that game, so she was content to let Mark play with her breasts.

When it came time for Solara’s second turn, she mounted Mark and then T’Soona lubed up her arm and worked her fist into Solara’s ass. Mark could feel T’Soona’s hand rubbing next to him through the thin layer of skin separating Solara’s holes.

As T’Soona sped up her pace, Mark was feeling more of the movement and getting closer to climax. Solara was sucking on Rayven’s cock, while Mark had a couple of fingers inside Rayven’s pussy. Soon Mark reached his peak and began pumping his cum deep into Solara, who bucked with her own orgasm and abandoned Rayven’s cock, just as Rayven was starting to cum.

Mark got most of Rayven’s load right in the face and some of it directly into his mouth. The taste actually wasn’t that bad, so Mark thought, “What the hell, “ as he pulled Rayven closer to him and sucked on her cock. The surprise move sent Rayven crazy, causing her to cum even more into his mouth.

Solara waited for Mark to release Raven, then kissed him passionately, and said, “Thank you,” while Rayven knelt down, kissed him and then licked her own cum off his face.

Mark grabbed Solara, gave her another big kiss, and said, “I know we’ve talked frequently while I was away, but show me what you’ve been up to!”

She led him to her workspace in the ship where there were devices scattered all over the place.

The first thing Solara did was hand Mark a new belt, saying, “Put this on.”

The belt buckle sported the horses from the feature loop, with Henderson curved around the top and Ranch curved around the bottom.

As he was switching belts, Solara explained, “I just finished the belts yesterday. Those belts are a personal security device. They broadcast a shield, of sorts, around your body that will protect you. Everyone on the ranch has one now!”

Solara then showed Mark some new drones. They looked just like the old drones except these had three small nubs, sticking out on either side of the lens, and they were now about the size of a softball, instead of the previous baseball size.

Mark asked, “What’s the pointy things for?”

Solara explained, “They are tiny transmitters, we can stun people, and disrupt any electronics they may use, and the two lower nubs can project holographic images. We’ve enhanced security by having drones geolocked every 50 metres around the ranch, hovering 5 metres above the ground, and they can move up to 25 metres in any direction to avoid collisions. I have also analyzed the data from when they shot that weapon, and the pulse they emitted before would not affect the new cloak shields. In fact, even our own EMP pulses won’t even have an effect.”

Mark asked, “These are what I was communicating through while I was away, right?”

Solara laughed and shook her head, “Yes! I still don’t know how Cricket did it, but it worked. She is amazing! Thank you for allowing her to work with me. She monitors the drones constantly, so we don’t need to have someone sitting here watching the system, plus in the event of an actual emergency, she can multitask way better than we can. The holographic imaging part is something I just finished adding yesterday, so there are only a couple of drones with that feature.”

Mark asked aloud for Solara’s benefit, “Cricket, where am I right now on my world tour?”

“You are currently on Victoria Island,” Cricket replied using a nearby drone.

Solara then explained, “Because Cricket didn’t have a physical presence, she just takes control of the nearest drone and uses it to speak, which is how it worked for you.”

Mark said stoically, “Smart thinking! See, I knew getting the two smartest beings on this planet working together would produce great ideas!”

Just then a beep went off and Solara looked at the display, “Looks like your friends are back! They just parked an SUV up on the hill overlooking the house location.”

Mark said with a smile, “I figured they would, therefore I need to stay hidden until about noon tomorrow. They wasted almost two months of my time, so I’m wasting their time! Hey, I just had an idea! Cricket, is there any way to monitor the locations you’re taking me to?”

Cricket replied, “Unfortunately, not without having a drone in the vicinity or a live satellite view. I have not tried to access anyone else’s networks besides the public Internet. That would be unethical.”

Mark agreed, “I see your point, we will play this game using our own toys only, well except for the tracker they made me swallow.”

Cricket smugly replied, “I agree, that was a gift to us, and it is still in our possession.”

Just then Annabelle came into the ship, ran and jumped on Mark and gave him a big kiss, saying that she missed him and then asked, “Have you gone to see the new house?”

Mark said, “Unfortunately, I can’t! I have to remain hidden until at least noon tomorrow. I’m taking the agents on a worldwide wild goose chase. I just had an idea! Cricket, make my signal leave Ellesmere Island to return to the ranch exactly at 7:30 am tomorrow! That way I can help with the chores.”

Cricket replied, “Will do!”

Mark asked, “Solara, can you geolock the drones to something other than the planet?”

Solara answered, “Sorry no, I can’t. What are you thinking?”

“I wanted to send a drone home with the agents. I’d like to get one inside their headquarters, so we can listen in on them.”

Cricket said, “If they take you again, I’ll have a drone go with you in the vehicle.

Maria announced over the radios that supper would be ready in 10 minutes.

Everyone followed Mark and Annabelle through the tunnels to the lodge.

Soon after, Maria came downstairs with a bunch of steaks, a large bowl of garlic mashed potatoes, a bowl of mixed vegetables and some fresh dinner rolls. As she put them on the tables, she made small talk with Laruun and Solara.

Laruun then explained, “They started packing food to the hangar for us, but we decided that since they were doing the work preparing the meals, that we should come to the food. It’s so much better than ship food, so we’re happy to come and get it.”

Annabelle then realized Mark might not have heard, “Maria’s husband left her and Sofia a couple of weeks ago! So they live in my room now, and I’ve actually been living with the girls in the house. Wait! You didn’t go see the house and all the changes I made!”

The group enjoyed the meal Maria had prepared, and they all thanked her when she and Sofia came down to get the dishes and bowls. Throughout the meal, Mark kept asking Annabelle about the changes, but all she and the other girls did was grin and smile.

They returned to the tunnels, but just off to the side of the hangar tunnel entrance was a staircase that went up into the house.

Annabelle had definitely changed the house plans. Instead of his small log cabin, it was now this sprawling ranch house.

From the tunnels, you entered on the left side of the north wall, to the living area which had 4 couches arranged in an arc and facing the south wall which had a big gas fireplace with a large TV above the mantle. The sliding doors to the right went out to the covered patio and vehicle shelter. The door to the left went to the master bedroom, which really was just one big bedroom with 4 king size poster beds with canopies and curtains and one area with just a canopy and curtains for Candy’s bean bag type bed.

The sight amazed Mark, but also worried him, “What happened to building it slow, so as not to raise suspicions?”

Solara then spoke up, “Actually, no one can see the house from the outside yet as it’s cloaked. Cricket reprogrammed the ship’s cloaking device.”

Candy then added, “We cloaked the whole clearing! We can even go outside now, we just have to stay in the clearing and away from the trailhead!”

Mark commended everyone, “That’s awesome! Great job with the upgrades!”, as he gave Annabelle a big kiss and a hug, then Solara and eventually the rest of the girls, he then added, “I’m amazed the sex chair isn’t in the bedroom.”

T’Soona then smiled and said, “Nope, the playroom is still downstairs!” As they led him to the playroom at the end of the balcony level.

When they turned the lights on in the upgraded playroom, the view simply stunned him. The entire room looked like a Roman palace with white colonnades around the entire room and beautiful scenery on the walls, making it almost appear as if the room was open to the outside. They had moved the beds to the wall opposite the door and each bed had red sheets, canopies and curtains, with a towel rack with a couple of red towels on each side of the bed.

To the left of the door, covering each side of the corner was a bookshelf full of dildos, anal plugs, strap-on harnesses and other assorted toys of every shape, size and colour. In front of the bookshelves was a small bar island, with a sink and a sign about cleaning the dildos, before and after use, and a towel rack with some red towels. It also appeared to have a drink dispenser built into it.

The area to the right of the door contained several new sex machines. One of which resembled a monkey rocker, another looked like a vertical fucking machine that you would stand over and there was a statue of a horse in the corner, with a saddle that looked like it might function like a Sybian type machine.

They also had a sex swing, a small cage, and what looked like a couple of devices for binding a person in certain positions. There was also a large X structure on the wall, complete with shackles and cuffs.

All Mark could say was, “Wow! I guess you don’t need me anymore,” as he sighed, turned around and feigned exiting the room with a big smile on his face.

The girls caught him and then started undressing for their planned night of debauchery. Mark did undress, but stood there naked, feeling like he just got to a huge buffet with all kinds of tasty treats, and he didn’t know where to start.

Rayven and Annabelle seemed to be almost a couple and paired up with Annabelle lying on a sex machine with a dildo pumping her ass, while Rayven was fucking her pussy.

That looked like a good place to start. So he went over to where the two girls were playing, stepped over the machine, grabbed Raven’s tail and buried his cock into Rayven’s pussy as she was fucking Annabelle. It took a bit to work out a rhythm that kept Annabelle and Rayven fucked steadily, but they figured it out.

After a couple of Annabelle’s orgasms, Mark could sense Rayven was getting close, so he reached up, grabbed her by the horns and fucked her fast and furious. The turn of events had Rayven cumming into Annabelle almost immediately and Mark followed shortly after, emptying his balls deep into Rayven as she screamed in orgasm and then passed out on top of Annabelle.

Mark said, “Oh no, not again!”

It worried Annabelle, “What’s happened to her?”

Mark explained as he picked up Rayven and lay her on a bed, “Rayven was a princess of her world, and I thought it was only the first time they got bred, that caused them to change, but apparently it’s happening again, she’ll be fine.”

The other girls were now in the throes of climax from their machines, and soon everyone was relaxing in their post-orgasmic bliss.

After everyone had at least thrown on a robe, most stopped by the new bathhouse that was next door to the playroom and then went upstairs and watch some TV before going to bed.

Mark also learned that they liked to have a glass of wine while watching television, once the glasses emptied and the shows were over, they all retired to bed.

Soon everyone was asleep in the massive bedroom with the curtains closed you really couldn’t hear anyone else.

Mark woke up at his usual time, which was now while it was still dark outside.

As he was making his way to the washroom, Cricket screamed in his head, “You were right about the status quo changing! We just got contacted by an Atlantean ship, they will arrive in a couple of hours! I just got connected to their network and I’m regaining access to everything!

As Mark returned from using the washroom, Annabelle had got up and went to use the washroom herself. Then they got dressed and walked through the tunnels to the lodge and upstairs to the workout area, where Joe and Kat were waiting to start the 30 minute workout.

After the workout, they went for showers and then to breakfast, which was always ready and waiting for them now that Maria and Sofia were living there and made all three meals every day.

The breakfast conversation was fairly normal, with everyone going over what they had planned for the day.

For Mark’s turn, he told everyone, “I’ve upped my wild goose chase timeline to return at 7:30, so I can help with the morning chores. Oh, and by the way, we are going to have some visitors from out-of-town today.”

Kat asked, “Are we going to have issues with those agents? Are they going to take you again?”

Mark acknowledged, “There’s a good chance the agents are going to show up, as they are back up on the ridge, but the visitors I’m referring to, are from WAY out of town! The Atlanteans will arrive around 8 am.”

Joe’s eyes went wide, “Mark, this is exactly the trouble I didn’t want to happen!”

Mark apologized, “I know and I am sorry, but hopefully the Atlanteans will have some input on the situation, so let’s just see what they have to say. Think about it from a business perspective, this ranch is about to become world famous ... the original, verified, point of first contact with beings from another planet!”

You could almost see the gears in Joe’s mind turning and the dollar signs in his eyes.

After breakfast Annabelle, Jason and Sofia got ready for school. They wanted to stay and meet the Atlanteans, but common sense won out that they shouldn’t be here in case things went sideways with the agents.

Kat helped Maria clear the breakfast dishes and get them into the dishwasher, while Joe and Mark got ready to go out and do the chores.

Cricket said, “You are now back at the ranch.”

Mark smiled and asked Joe if he was ready? They both then walked out of the lodge and toward the barn to do the chores.

Solara was laughing as she radioed, “The second your tracking signal showed you here, they were all watching much more attentively. When you walked out of the lodge, they went absolutely crazy, it’s hilarious. They’re all on their way down to the ranch right now, by the way.”

Sure enough, a few minutes later, two black SUVs were driving down the lane.

No longer having to check the fences sure sped up the chore process, as Joe was in the Gator and Mark was turning out the horses, when the agents stopped in front of the barn, got out and demanded, “Mark Phoenix, come with us!”

Mark didn’t even look at the agents, as he continued turning out the horses that Joe was radioing for, “Not this time guys, you’ve wasted enough of my time and I’m not doing that again, I have work to do! This is harassment, you still haven’t told me what you’re even looking for, and my story hasn’t changed. If you have questions, just fucking ask them, but you’re not disrupting my family, my friends and my life anymore.”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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