The Ties That Bind - Cover

The Ties That Bind

Copyright© 2019 by Lumpy

Chapter 8

I pulled my notebook closer towards me, to glance over my notes one more time. I didn’t really need them, but I wanted to wait a second to gather my thoughts before diving in.

“The last time we all sat down together, I said I wanted to get the world ready for us. It is going to take time for our genetic line to propagate, and if we are going to be the next stage of evolution, we have to make sure the world is ready for us. As I said before, the world is a screwed up place. If it takes five hundred or even a thousand years until our genetic line makes up the bulk of humanity, we have to make sure that there is still a humanity left. The big question is, how do we do that?”

“The biggest problem I see with the world is everyone is out to get the most they can without care for what others, or even the planet itself, wants or needs. That is true, both here and abroad. We humans, on the whole, are incredibly short sighted.”

“The way to fix this is to get enough people on the same page all working together. Of course, that is a huge challenge. That was one of the goals when the UN was formed, and we see how well that worked.”

I paused to looked around and see if they were still with me.

“This means getting integrated into politics, into the military, into other countries social hierarchy, and keeping everyone focused and together. I don’t mean us in this room, I mean our followers.”

Zoe gave me a strange look and said, “Our followers?”

“Yep. Looking at the problem we face, there is no way we can do this ourselves. It just isn’t possible. We need to start adding people to our ranks, people who have the same goals that we have.”

Mom put up her hand slightly and asked, “And what are those goals?”

I gave her a smile and said, “To make the world a better place. To make this a place where people think of the welfare of others, as much as the welfare of themselves.”

I stopped to see if there were more questions and then continued, “This isn’t going to happen overnight. What we need to do is start getting people to follow our cause. We will need a banner for people to gather around, and that can’t be a person.”

“My thought was that we create a charitable organization, and use that as our rallying point, the thing that people gather around. Keep in mind that this is a long term plan. We need to get the resources to make this work. I am trying to do some of that through the company I started with Marcus and Ted, but we need to look for other ways to get together the resources to build something like this. That is something I want everyone to think about.”

“Have you thought about what you want to call this organization?” Vicki asked.

“I have, in fact. I wanted to call our organization, ‘Evolve, ‘“ I replied, smiling at her. “I will start having Jonathan put it together now, but it will be a shell until we get real resources to put into it.”

“There have to be a couple of ground rules for this though. The biggest one is we can’t alter everyone we bring on board. In fact, nearly everyone who joins should not be altered.”

“Why?” Alex asked, almost shocked.

“A couple of reasons. People altered through blood transfusion don’t actually move the genes forward, since we don’t think it passes through offspring. So that means there isn’t a pressing reason to actually do it. More than that is, some point in the future, the population at large is going to find out about us. The change caused by blood transfusion is something you can test for. Considering the personality changes that we think are happening, we will be accused of brainwashing our supporters.”

“No, we want nearly all of our followers to be normal. They need to support us because they believe in doing what’s right. They believe in helping their fellow man.”

I saw several heads nodding around the room, although Alex still looked skeptical.

“Alex, we need to build this on the right foundation. Spiking the blood supply to make everyone loyal to me, and I know that thought crossed your mind, would set us up on a foundation of mistrust and lies. People would fear us, and our whole effort would be wasted.”

“The next question is, how do we go about building followers. For now, we do that retail. We start going out and trying to help people. Right now, it will be local, people that we see that need help. Eventually, when we have the resources, we can expand. We’ll go beyond that and help people elsewhere, and then help people wholesale.”

“Again, I am not talking about helping people by altering them, although I am sure that will sometimes be what is needed. There are lots of ways to help: money, support, even physical labor. Everyone we find that needs help will have a different situation. What we need to do is keep our eyes open to find people that need help, and step in when they do.”

“And of course, we need marketing,” Tami said, smiling.

“Huh?” I asked cleverly.

“If we are building followers for this new thing, we can’t just help them and disappear into the night. They have to know who helped them. We have to give out cards, or flyers, or ... I don’t know, something.”

“Hmm, that is a good point. I guess now we are at the point where we can start assigning jobs. You take that one.”

Tami’s smile faded, “Wait, I didn’t mean...”

“No, you’re right; someone needs to take the lead on that. It is a great idea. We all need to be finding ways we can support our efforts. Everyone needs keep their eyes out, looking for people that need our help. I will talk to Jonathan, today, about setting up Evolve.”

“I think that about covers it. Anyone have something else?”

Zoe raised her hand and said, “I have something, actually. Last time we talked, you said we should start considering what we wanted to do with our lives. I think we should go beyond that and think what our place in Evolve will be, since I know I want to be involved with it and I bet everyone else will too. I know we need college to really learn what we need to know, but I think we can start mapping out our place in the organization, now, and start to focus our studies around what we want Evolve to do.”

I gave her a smile, “That is exactly what I was thinking. There are lots of ways we can be involved. We need people to actually run the organization or organizations, since I believe we will end up needing to create companies to generate revenue, in order to support our goals. This could mean managing people or assets. Or this could be focusing on things to help generate the resources we need.”

I looked over at Alex and Mom, “On that, there was something I wanted you two to think about. When we put together enough money, I want you two to think about leaving your jobs and joining the company, or creating your own company.”

Mom looked at me warily, “What exactly would we do?”

“While we can’t use my biology to create cures, I am sure we can find a way to use what you learn from me to go in some interesting directions. On top of that, you were both smart before you were altered, and now that your mental processing has been sped up, I think you would be a force to be reckoned with. But like I said, that is for some time down the road. It costs money to outfit a lab.”

Mom continued to look at me skeptically, “You are putting a lot of your plans into your company working out. It seems most of the things we are talking about require financing.”

I shrugged, “True, but what else can we do? Right now, it is our best bet. If it doesn’t work out, we will have to sit down and figure out a ‘Plan B.’”

I looked around the room, “I guess that about covers it. Once Alex gets the psychological and personality tests in order, we can move to start testing.”

I still wasn’t thrilled by that, but I couldn’t escape their logic. I knew that I would be giving in to Megan’s demands. Everyone sat around talking for a little longer before Alex and Megan headed home.

When I got upstairs with the girls, they pushed me down to sit on the bed while each of them remained standing, looking at me with serious expressions.

“This seems serious,” I said looking at each of them.

“It is,” Zoe said, taking the lead. “We know there has been a lot going on, and we have been really patient with you. We love that you spend time with us, and we all love our time together at night. But we also want a little romance.”

“By romance, you mean...”

Since she said they enjoyed our time together at night I assumed she didn’t mean sex, but my brain was having a hard time getting to her point.

“Ugh! Boys,” Vicki said throwing up her arms.

Tami laid a hand on Vicki to calm her down and said, “We mean dates Cas. Since your date with Vicki, months ago, none of us have been on a one-on-one date. We all really liked the trip to the pool hall, and we want to do group dates, too; but, that was also well before Thanksgiving.”

I may be slow, but I wasn’t completely stupid, “Damn, I really have been taking you girls for granted, haven’t I? Okay, how about this, there will be a date every week, either one-on-one or a group date, and I will try and make sure everyone gets a fair turn.”

They looked at each other before Zoe said, “That works. Who’s first?”

I thought for a second, “How about we do it in the order we started dating: Zoe, then Vicki, then Tami? That way it all stays fair. I will take Zoe out this Friday.”

They all agreed and quickly shed their clothes to show me how much they liked the idea.

When Friday rolled around, all three girls were being extra affectionate. At school, they were being frisky enough that a teacher had to reprimand us for proper behavior in the hallways. Refocusing on my love life seemed to have the added benefit of calming down all the worry I had about everything else. I practically floated through my classes.

Walking into the cafeteria, I caught something out of the corner of my eye and told Zoe I would meet her at the table. She saw what I was looking at, but I told her not to worry and turned to head down a side hallway as soon as she started walking towards our lunch table. I had already noticed Sarah was at our table, and figured this was my opportunity to ensure her safety.

“Uh-oh,” one of the three guys said as I got close enough for them to notice me.

The guy who had been the most aggressive the previous day turned and said, “What do you want?”

I knew he was putting on a front, and that I would need to shut him down, hard, in order to keep his anger at me from spilling over onto Sarah. That would be the opposite of my goal, here.

I got in his face and snarled, “What I want is for you to never talk to Sarah again. Don’t talk to her; don’t look at her, in fact, if she is walking towards you I want you three to walk in the other direction.”

“Why the hell should we do anything you say?”

He decided to make a macho move and shoved me. I had been expecting this, and had already braced my back foot when I stopped in front of him. This, coupled with my higher density of muscle, made his light shove completely ineffectual. In fact, he managed to push himself backwards, while I didn’t move at all.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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