Arkadia - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by SunSeeker

Abbreviations & Acronyms

Title - Abbreviations & Acronyms

Abbreviations & Acronyms

A reader asked about a list of Abbreviations/Acronyms so here they are. I can only hope this is all of them

$AC - Arkadian Credits
AC - Annihilator Class
AI - Artificial Intelligence
Adm. - Admiral
APS - Arkadian Power Source
ArkNet - Arkadia Internet
ArkNews – Arkadia News
ATM – Ass to Mouth
BC - Battle Cruiser
BFs – Best Friends
Capt. - Captain
CIC - Command Information Center
CnC – Command and Control
CO – Commanding Officer
Conk(s) – Concubine(s)
Cpl. - Corporal
DD - DeDeus (main character)
DECO - Department of Evacuation and Colonial Operations
FAC - Fast Attack Craft
FC - Fleet Carrier
GC – Guardian City
GCAP – Guardian Council of Allied Planets
GDU - Guardian Dress Uniform
GFAU - Guardian Formal Attire Uniform
GWU - Guardian Work Uniform
GDF - Guardian Defense Fleet
GP - Guardian Prime
GPPG - Guardian Prime Protective Group
J&J - John and Janine (DD’s parents’ names and name of his Flagship)
MedBed - Medical Bed
ND - Neural Disruptor
OFR - Orbital Factory sized Replicator
OWP – Orbital Weapons Platform
PA - Personal Assistant
PG - Protective Group
Recce - Reconnoiter
RoE - Rules of Engagement
SFA - Sweet Fuck All
SS9+ - Samsung 9+
ULT - Universal Language Translator

Chapter 1 »
