Arkadia - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by SunSeeker

Chapter 14

Sunday bloody Sunday! Why’d I wake up with those lyrics in my head? Maybe because it’s Sunday? Who knows, not I! Ufff enough of this shit. No sense staying in bed when you can’t sleep any longer and there’s no one to ... Damn, I need to get laid soon! Too bad Sam and the Security girls aren’t real. They are so freakin hot! Shit! Stop thinking about them like that!

I grab a coffee and a couple glazed donuts to satisfy me for now and Sam takes a seat across from me telling me my Commanders have nothing to report this morning and there have been no more attempts from anyone to contact the DECO or CnC conspirators. It looks like we will have a quiet, boring day. Yay!

She tells me the frozen fishies have been brought aboard and that she is making arrangements to buy live seafood from overstocked hatcheries and seafood farms. These would wait until the night before we left for Arkadia to be brought aboard and placed in aquariums on my ship and BC’s 3&4. She tells me there was a lot but nowhere near enough for the entire planet so we should still ask for some in any trade talks.

I ask Sam if the website gurus could change the website to allow visitors to “zoom in” to street level similar to GMaps, so they could look at the storefronts, and maybe have a dropdown box with small business suggestions, barbers/hair salons, bakery, butcher shop, etc.

I know the Guardians will be the biggest business as I own everything at the moment, but I want to give people the opportunity to own their own business if they want to.

Sam said she’d have them look at that right away as it would give visitors to the website another reason to think about migrating.

“Sam, do you think we should put some Communications/Surveillance Satellites in orbit around Arkadia now or wait until we are ready to move there? I want to put enough in orbit so we have total coverage of Arkadia. They’d be used by the Guardian Police/Security as well as the Communications/Information networks.”

“I’d say it’s a little premature right now but something we should be planning for. Are you thinking about having cell phone and internet capabilities right away?”

“Yes, I think we need the infrastructure for both available as soon as people arrive on Arkadia. I would like Satellite phones instead of cell phones though as long as we can provide instantaneous, planet-wide coverage of both audio and video. No losing the signal because there are no towers nearby. And we’d make the Sat phones as small as the current smartphones of course.

As far as the “internet’, I’d want for the “Government” to offer online education and training for adults. We can decide what courses and information to make available to the public, and to be taught in the schools for that matter. I want some “advanced” tech and theory to be available, but not several generations ‘advanced”, if you know what I’m trying to say.”

“I think I know what you mean DD. The same sort of thing we did with the Arkadians when we came back, just not as quickly.”

“Exactly and nowhere near as quickly though. Humans are very ingenious, Sam. I’d like to see what Arkadian citizens could come up with just from knowing and understanding some “early” Arkadia/Furst advanced tech and theory. They could come up with many things far different than the Furst or Arkadians did.

I would use the internet for “factual” news and informative broadcasts as well. Any reporting such as what some Media Corps are now doing here on Earth would definitely be a no-no. I have no problem with the truth but have a definite problem with innuendo and misleading reporting, let alone outright false news.

What do you think about broadcasting movies, shows like Earth TV shows, and similar entertainment?”

“It could very easily be done that’s for sure. You’d have to arrange for shows from here or maybe even other races until Arkadia has its own shows, movies, etc.”

“Shows from other races would be something different. It’s something to think about for the future anyways.

One more thing I’m curious about Sam, did Arkadians have any kind of “instantaneous communications” ability between their worlds or solar systems?”

“Yes of course DD. The Communications/Surveillance Satellites we talked about earlier will give us those capabilities. We’d just need to have them in each of the solar systems again.”

“That is awesome Sam! How big are they? Could the BCs now patrolling the systems make and deploy them?”

“Yes, they could DD. Do you want me to get them started?”

“Absolutely Sam. Everything we can do now will save us from having to do it later, and maybe allow something else to be done then. And this will take care of our planetary communications as well.”

The rest of the day was spent studying, both for my university classes and some sleep training.

Another bright and sunny morning! Except I don’t know if it’s bright and sunny outside, but it feels like it should be. I’ll have to ask Sam if I can program some scenery like a sunrise or sunset or stars to appear in my bedroom. It would be nice instead of just seeing the walls and a ceiling all the time. I need something like windows in the room.

I wasn’t told about any problems this morning so it looks like everyone had a good weekend. Sam and I go over some things we need to get before going this week. I am so looking forward to seeing and exploring Guardian City!

E calls Sam and asks if we can get together with herself, Mr. Li, and Dmitri this afternoon as they are all in town at the moment. Sam asks where and when, and E asks if we can meet at my office building at 1 pm. Sam lets her know we would be there.

Sam and I decide to make some copies of the list I had made of the flora and fauna missing from Arkadia and go over it one more time, thinking it would be good to ask for these if any trade talks happen.

I called Mark and Dean letting them know I’d be using one of the meeting rooms and who I’d be meeting with so they wouldn’t be caught unawares.

Sam and I transport down to the office building a little early and get some things like coffee, water, and juices set up for the meeting. Everyone arrives on time and E comments on the media that are outside the building.

“Well, I guess if they saw you 3 coming in the speculations will already be running wild before we even have a chance to talk hahaha.

Welcome, everyone. E, Mr. Li, Dmitri, I’d like to introduce my Personal Assistant Sam. Sam, this is E, Mr. Li, and Dmitri. Can I get anyone something to drink? Coffee, tea, water perhaps?”

They all reach out to shake Sam’s hand and are a little perturbed when all she does is smile at them. I tell them I will explain once we are seated. There are 2 sofas facing each other so I motion towards them and ask the 3 to be seated.

“Ok let me tell you about Sam. Sam is my Personal Assistant. She is an Energy Being and her race is called the “Furst”. She is originally from the planet Arkadia which is approximately 2550 light-years from Earth, and this is her “Avatar”, the human form she wishes to take. Arkadia as you may have heard is the planet I am now the Ruler of, and Sam is from the race that made their Ruler as well.”

The 3 are skeptical and you can see it in their faces so I ask them to shake hands with Sam again. Of course, their hands just pass through Sam’s as she stands there with a smile. Needless to say, they are astonished and wave their hands a couple times through Sam before sitting back down.

“So what are you saying, you are Tsar of this Arkadia?”

“Sam, will you tell Dmitri what my title is?”

“Certainly Sire. DeDeus’ full title is Guardian Prime of Arkadia and the Guardian Solar Systems, and 1st of the Furst. He is the Ruler of us Furst, Arkadia, and the Guardian Solar Systems.”

“Now, when E called it was brief and just mentioned us meeting to see about trade possibilities. I am open to trade with any and all countries from Earth, as many things are needed on Arkadia.

Before anyone asks I will tell you that Arkadia will not sell or trade Arkadia military weapons or military technology to any country on Earth, nor will I sell or trade technology that will make Earth humans a spacefaring race.

Other than that I’m open to pretty much anything being on the table. I can give each of you a list of things I’d be interested in trading for, certain flora and fauna, for example, species and quantities to be negotiated.

I would ask that any country Arkadia trades with to recognize our Sovereignty and mine as its Ruler.

Now, is there anything in particular that any of you were looking for, or interested in?”

“You said you wouldn’t sell or trade tech that would make us a spacefaring race. We already are a spacefaring race though.”

“Unfortunately E Earth humans are not a spacefaring race, Earth humans are a space-capable race. The difference is that while being capable of traveling TO space, you ARE NOT capable of traveling or anything else really, IN space. Earth can travel from Earth to the moon but not continue from the moon to Mars for example. And space travel is nowhere close to being available to the general public.”

“What about the humans that are fighting the Swarm? They have spaceships and travel around the stars.”

“Yes they do Dmitri, however, they are now part of the Confederacy and not Earth. They won’t even give Earth their OLD spaceship tech.”

“And you are absolutely sure you won’t trade military weapons or tech?”

“Absolutely not Mr. Li. And I would like to add that anything traded to one country is available for trade to all countries.”

“Would you trade in Arkadian tech that is non-military?”

“Yes, I would E, depending on what is being requested.”

“You would trade AI technology and replicator technology for example?”

“Yes Dmitri to both, though I’d caution you to think about how having replicators would affect your economies. I’m not having them on Arkadia itself even though they will be used in space and onboard our spaceships.

Something for everyone to think of is that Arkadia right now will have to buy or trade for much of what it needs with either the Confederacy or countries on Earth until we are able to build, produce and provide for ourselves.”

“That is something to think about. And you would trade with each country equally?”

“Yes, I would Mr. Li. I’ll say it again that what is available to one will be available to everyone. There will be no exclusivity and no country will have priority.

Does anyone have anything else? Ok then, we’ll be gone for a week or so and incommunicado, but Sam will give you her number and a message will get to her if you need to speak to us.

Now, should we give the newsies some info or let them continue speculating?”

“I’d say give them a brief comment that this was simply a meeting between friends about possible trade talks with Arkadia in the future.”

Everybody agrees with E on that statement, so we head for the entrance. We get to the front doors and the questions start as soon as I open the door. I ask them all to be quiet for a minute as we have something to tell them. They slowly stop with their questions when none of us respond and I see Jimmy, “Good afternoon Jim how are you feeling today?”

“I can’t believe you shot me!”

“Hey I told you I was going to and I even let you shoot at me first. We had a deal remember? Which, I noticed your company failed to report. Did they drum up enough sympathy for you Jimmy? Talk about misleading reporting. Your company is in the shithouse with me for that reason Jimmy.

I can’t stop you from coming to any future news conferences I am a part of that are held in public places, however, I will not take nor respond to a question from you or anyone else from your company until they start reporting the truth in full. And if you start shouting questions, as you are known to do, I will leave the news conference immediately. I wonder if that will endear you to your colleagues.

Now then, the four of us before you have known each other for a long time and simply got together today to discuss possible future trade talks. We have nothing more to say at this time because there is nothing else to say, however, we will let you know when we do.” All four of us turn and go back inside the building.

“That was good DD. Did anyone notice NO ONE was shouting questions as we left? I never thought I’d see that!”

“I meant what I said E. I have no problems not speaking to the press. I know they have a job to do but the people also deserve to know the TRUTH. And too many of them bend the truth or give misleading reports to fit their agendas.

And I won’t respond to a question from Jimmy or anyone else that works for that company. You all can if you want to but I won’t. And I’m gone as soon as he starts shouting questions which you know he will as soon as he feels he’s being ignored.

Anyways that’s over and done with. You all have my and Sam’s numbers. Call if you have any questions and if we don’t hear from you while we’re gone we’ll call you as soon as we get back?”

“Where are you going for Spring Break?” E asks.


They look stunned as Sam and I head for the meeting room to clean it up before heading up to the ship.

Back on the ship, Sam says to me, “You know they will say you are “censoring” the news don’t you?”

“I’ll take questions from any and all reporters, except those from that company. That’s not censoring any news, only them. We’ll see what happens and deal with it then.”

I remember to ask Sam about having scenery in my bedroom, to make it look like I was seeing something through windows, instead of just 4 walls and a roof. She told me the roof can be programmed to show views of outdoor scenery from any location on Earth, and even the stars in Earth’s solar system.

If we were in another solar system or Arkadia, the programming could be altered for that system, saved and accessed whenever I wanted.

She shows me how to bring up the different options and I see I could access views from pretty much any city in the world! I bring up several different views from various cities and save them. Sam tells me the views that I’ll see will be the actual view at that specific moment. So if it is raining in Rio the view I see will be of the rain in Rio! Cool.

The rest of the afternoon and evening passed quietly I did see Sam and some of the Security girls hunkered down whispering and giggling. I didn’t want to go anywhere near them as I didn’t think it would bode well for me hahaha.

No phone calls from anyone so I did a session in the sleep trainer and hit the sack.

Up early for a coffee and then I got in a great workout. Sam was sitting at the table when I came out of the shower and grabbed breakfast from Chef. I asked her if there were any problems and she said there wasn’t, she was just anxious to go to Arkadia.

“When would you like to go DD?”

“I’ve got classes today and tomorrow so either Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. I’d prefer to arrive at Arkadia when it is daylight, preferably in the early morning. What is the time difference between here and Arkadia? And what time of the year is it there?”

“At this time there is the equivalent of an 11-hour difference between here and Arkadia, so if we left here in the evening we would arrive in Arkadia in the morning. You’d have a great view of the planet and then the city as we descended in your shuttle. At this time it is spring in Guardian City.”

“Ok, that sounds great Sam. Let’s plan on leaving Wednesday evening then. We’ll go shopping for about 10 days worth of groceries tonight.”

“Or you can get them from Chef...”

“I can do that too I guess. I will be able to cook in whatever housing we will be staying in won’t I? What about a bbq? Does it have one or do I need to buy one here?

Yes, the house has everything you need to cook, store food, and yes even a bbq. It comes fully equipped and all you need to bring is food and drink. Unless all you want to drink is water hahaha.”

“Let’s go to the grocery store as I may see something in the aisles that I may miss in the database. We’ll buy a few things and get the rest from Chef.”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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