Gabatrix: the Terrorists of Batrice - Cover

Gabatrix: the Terrorists of Batrice

Copyright© 2021 by CMed TheUniverseofCMed

Chapter 12: Asylum

The last couple of days had been a blur for Mizu. He felt like a stranger in a strange land as he gazed out of the enclosed windows of the Martian landscape. The heart of the UWA and UHN was here. The red, orange and gray-colored soil of the Martian dirt was everywhere. The minor planet was currently undergoing one of its great global dust storms. Every decade, the world would experience a massive shift where dirt would be launched into the air due to the changing temperature fluctuations. This would make the planet’s surface hard to see. Even from the window, Mizu couldn’t see the canyon cities across from the building structure from where he sat. Contrary to belief and what he had learned, the dust storms were considered more of a nuisance rather than a threat. The wind speeds would never reach beyond 115 kilometers per hour. It was barely enough to reach hurricane speeds of former Earth, and even then, the Martian air had such low density to it that it made the winds almost seem like a joke to be in even in a protective suit. Most of what these heavy-duty week-long storms would do was throw dust and dirt particles onto equipment that required to be regularly cleaned.

Mizu felt like he was at peace with himself despite the tension that was in the air. He knew the trouble he had caused as he sat on the waiting bench that would lead into the tribunal room of the Martian UHN command. The passageway was beautiful and detailed. Located in the grand canyons of Mars, the buildings were well protected from these dust storms. The artificial lights and shades of blue and red were everywhere in the passageway. Near the opaque sliding doors was a red carpet that had the UHN emblem seal to it.

He was not alone. He had a guard that was armed and watching over him. Shackled, Mizu was dressed in a solid blue uniform that was very much similar to what Li’lo and Jenta wore. The waiting call had been made as he felt like he had been sitting for an hour. Even the guard seemed bored.

For Mizu, he didn’t feel afraid. With his cuffed hands, he could feel the fixed wound where he had been shot. He had been adequately treated for his injuries and had two days to recover. The daring escape appeared on the media of a person who broke out two Itreans in one of the most fortified structures to ever exist in the UWA. It must have been an embarrassment for the people that were in charge. There was a sense of satisfaction that Mizu felt in sticking it to Baxton for destroying a family heirloom and what he felt was exposing a possible assassination plot against the Ambassadors of the UWA and T’rintar clan. His actions and choices were ones that he felt that he could live with, but it had its catch.

Such an action was not without its costs. Mizu was under arrest. Li’lo and Jenta were in a similar situation as well. Choosing to face judgment by the UWA and surrender himself was the only honorable thing to do. He could have sought asylum with the T’rintar clan first, but it didn’t feel right to do so. It was best to leave it to the politicians in what to do next, but even then, it was a political quagmire that he saw and helped conclude. He still remembered the events with Fort Batrice. He remembered the shuttlecraft as they docked with the Olara’kon. He remembered the fact that Fort Batrice was constantly warning the Itreans to surrender Mizu and the prisoners as the warship prepared to jump from the system. He could remember the fact that it almost ended in a shooting match that would have left the T’rintar clan virtually on the verge of launching an all-out assault on Fort Batrice. Thankfully, none of that happened.

Regardless, the damage had been done. Mizu hadn’t seen Li’lo and Jenta since he surrendered to the authorities on Mars. There was no resistance by any of the three. What seemed to shock him the most of the situation was that Li’lo and Jenta both decided to let themselves be arrested as well willingly. Perhaps it was out of loyalty for his actions. That alone was something that he kept in his thoughts as he was incarcerated. Maybe it was simply a gesture of goodwill to show the alliance was strong regardless of the events.

In the end, Mizu could only stare at the window from his bench. Compared to the onslaught, he felt no danger to his life and didn’t feel any fear towards the actions he committed. Only the haunting words of what Baxton told him held any lingering emotion to him. He was not permitted to contact his family after he was arrested, and a request to learn more about his family by another official warranted no results as of yet.

The passageways were seemingly barren of life. All the media was kept away from the location. This upcoming tribunal was a big one that he only knew half and half about. The only thing that he knew was that it dealt with his request for asylum. For now, he knew that the UHN of Mars were doing their duty as he looked down at his shackles. He knew from the top of his head that people died on his part to escape. The situation was seemingly hopeless. It could go significantly in his favor, or he could very well be sent back to Fort Batrice. Who knew what would happen if he was found guilty. Death was something he had frequently been dodging lately, and that was something that could quickly turn on him at any time.

“You look like you are bored,” Mizu told the guard as he looked at him.

“Yep...” the guard replied with the familiar Martian accent. The man didn’t even bother to look at him.

“You know ... a part of me doesn’t really care what they do to me anymore.”


“I was doing what you were doing not that long ago ... shot my way out of a space station.”

“I know ... I saw it on the news...”

Mizu could see that he had more to say on the matter. “What is it?”

“I have to say that I am pretty impressed that you managed to do that ... but that is all that I am going to say.”

With that, the guard remained quiet. Engaging in idle conversation with a prisoner was a severe offense that Mizu was all too aware of, and the guard was not going to push his luck. Regardless, it was said in a complimentary way that made Mizu smile a little bit.

“You know ... you don’t have to reply back to me on this, but my brother and I did have some differences. He died on some routine mission ... giving his life to save others from some alien life form. Now ... it is time for me to face my judgment. Chuang ... I might see you again very soon ... and to be honest, I look forward to it.”

He knew that he was just talking to air. The guard was listening but didn’t say anything else.

Mizu turned his head to look down the passageway to see a pair of guards and two other individuals coming. It was a surprise for him as he saw the familiar shapes of Li’lo and Jenta as they were walking together handcuffed. They were once again in the almost tight blue spandex-like prison uniforms. He was not expecting to see them.

Li’lo had a look of happiness at seeing Mizu even under the circumstances. He felt inclined to smile at her as well. The reptilian woman was one individual that had a way to make people love or hate her. He remembered her loyalty to Jenta.

Jenta, on the other hand, was walking very much upright. She didn’t show any fear like she was on Fort Batrice. She was more interested now than ever before. Even in shackles, it appeared that she was treated better than she was on the space station. The moment that her reptilian eyes befell Mizu, she gave a big smile on her pointed face. The nasty blast wound that she had on her shoulder had been healed and fixed. It was a staunch contrast to what he remembered the day before on the shuttlecraft. She was in horrible pain and had bled a lot. Thankfully, as he already knew, the Itreans had resilient bodies and good doctors. On the Olara’kon, even ambassador Ifra was recovering well despite the horrific injuries sustained. Medical technology was everyone’s saving grace.

“They have all of us here?” Mizu asked openly to both Li’lo and Jenta as they walked up next to him. “I was told that this tribunal was only for me ... their trial was going to be sep...”

“Eh...” the guard replied, interrupting and waving his hand at him. “Sorry, but no talking between the prisoners.”

“Ugh...” Mizu said.

“Orders have been changed,” said one of the female guards keeping a professional tone. “All three of you are to participate in the tribunal together. Under the orders of the three judges, you will be presiding under. Is that understood?”

“I do now,” Mizu replied. Both Li’lo and Jenta did their quick nods.

With that, Mizu walked up to join the two. He knew that he was supposed to wait and understood why things were seemingly delayed. He could surmise why this was to occur, but he thought nothing more about it. For now, the three were guided to the transparent door. The guards gave the gesture for them to head inside.

The doors slid open as they began their trek into the great room. Mizu walked over the UHN emblem on the carpet without any hesitation or care. As he started his walk, he could feel the cuffed hands of Jenta reach to touch him. Instinctively, he did his best to comfort her as he tried to hold her hands on the walk. The guards either didn’t see it or didn’t care.

Inside the trial room, Mizu could see a large podium that consisted of three main seats. On the center seat was a high-ranking official. Beside on each side was a man also of high rank and importance. The podium was designed to envelop the center of the room slightly. There were two single tables positioned apart from both sides and multiple lower chairs linked below to the central podium itself.

The room had an ample white light that poured down and illuminated everything inside. The background walls showed the numerous flags of the UWA colonies and worlds, with Mars in the top center. It had an awe-inspiring look for the place. Even by now, Mizu could see the seriousness that had been pressed forward onto every person that walked into its walls. It was judgment day for him. Here, serious offenders would be given their sentences for their misdeeds. He could only imagine that his punishment could be just about anything. He imagined the fact that he would be stationed on a penal colony on the harsh world of former Earth. He could be executed by firing squad or jettisoned into space. Maybe he would be lucky enough to have his rank stripped from him. He honestly didn’t know, but one thing did make him happy, however. The two alien women were safe, at least. He had no idea what their punishment would consist of, but it could be just about anything as well. He knew that in the end, he was more concerned about them.

Mizu could see three high-ranking officials. All of them were the rank of admiral or above. Due to his handcuffs, he couldn’t salute. He did release Jenta’s hand, however.

“Halt,” the center female official called out in a Russian accent as all three came to a stop. “Both of the Itreans will hold their position. For the UHN military personnel. State your name and rate.”

“Petty Officer 3rd Class, Mizu,” he replied. “Pilot Enlisted. Stationed aboard Fort Batrice.”

“Each Itrean accused will identify themselves.”

“My name is Li’lo,” Li’lo introduced herself.

“Jenta is my name,” Jenta replied in earnest.

“The accused will head over and remain standing next to their seats on your left,” the female official continued. “You will remain standing until the plaintiff and prosecutor have entered and introduced themselves. Is that clear?”

“Aye, Maam,” Mizu replied.

“Yes, your honor,” Li’lo replied. Jenta gave a couple of quick nods to respond to her.

With that, Li’lo, Jenta, and Mizu complied as they walked next to the table. There was no assigned seating for this table, and soon he could tell that he was standing in between the two short Yutilian women. Li’lo was on Mizu’s left as she was the one closest to the central podium. Mizu looked at each of the officials, noting their appearances from left to right.

He recognized the center official, and he could tell that she was a Fleet Admiral. However, she was unofficially much more important than that. Even though she had the twin star emblem rank much like Baxton, Mizu knew her role was far more critical. Unofficially she was a Grand Admiral in which there were only one of these positions that were available in the entirety of the UHN.

Mizu did know who this woman was. She had a pale complexion to her and was an older woman, much like most female admirals. Her blond hair was a clear indication of who she was. He knew her as Fleet Admiral Annika, the spokeswoman to the UHN. She was often considered to be the go-to official when it came to civilian and military press information. He had seen her enough on the recorded news broadcasts, usually condemning or commenting on the actions of Batrice. In some aspects, he did feel a sense of relief to see that she was the center to the other two officials. This trial or hearing was going to be crucial, and the fact that she had condemned Batrice officials in the past affirmed him that he might have an ally for this event.

The next admiral on Annika’s right or Mizu’s left was an older man that also had a pale complexion. He was completely bald and had a one-star rank. He had no idea who this admiral was by his appearances. He had a stern look to him and seemed to be annoyed even to be here. His gaze appeared to be focused oddly on Li’lo, although it might have been nothing.

The other officer on Annika’s left side or Mizu’s right was an Admiral as well. This man had a slightly pale complexion and short black hair. Judging by this man’s appearances, Mizu assumed that he was Paloran. His features were reminiscent of a man that was born in Brazil of former Earth. He had a short black mustache and bushy eyebrows to his face. While he didn’t know his name, he could tell that this might be particularly interesting. He knew that Palora was a colony that constantly tried to rival against Batrice’s mining. Palora and Batrice never got along because of this competition. Still, Palora never achieved the mining capability that Batrice had accomplished, nor did it ever achieve to build monumental shipyards too. Regardless, to see a person like this was something either really good or really bad. He had to hope that these officials were going to be equally fair and balanced towards him in the end.

As Mizu looked across at the empty table, he knew that the three were waiting on the prosecutor. The fact that there were three essential officers all meant to him that this was going to be a vital trial or hearing. He could only imagine the catastrophe that he brought forth upon these officials. He did know, however, was that his actions did resolve in creating a trial that was outside of Batrice. With everything that was meant to happen inside the walls of his colony world, Mizu did feel accomplished in achieving a goal in getting Li’lo and Jenta off of Fort Batrice. If he were going to defend himself, then he would have to tell them that again. Regardless, he did wonder why a defense attorney had not been assigned to assist him on this crucial meeting. He knew he would have to voice his opinion on that if it wasn’t explained to him.

The tension was subtle but present. Mizu closed his eyes, knowing that anything could happen. He wished to be able to talk to Li’lo and Jenta, and he imagined that they wanted to speak to him as well. He remembered what he was briefed about before this meeting. A prosecutor was going to be sent from Batrice to register their complaint to the UHN. He was not informed of who this person was going to be, and he knew it could be anybody. The cuffs were solid as he fidgeted in place. He opened up his eyes as he took a deep breath. There was no turning back from everything that had occurred. He knew that he was a criminal, but he would do his best to defend himself against the inevitable.

Finally, for what seemed like hours, even if it was only for a minute, a person arrived outside the doors’ main entryway. The sliding doors opened up, and a man walked into the tribunal room. Upon seeing the individual, Mizu’s jaw was agape. He remained speechless as to whom it was.

It was Baxton. The fleet admiral had made a trip all the way to Mars to participate in this meeting. Upon stepping in, Mizu could tell that he was different in appearance due to his uniform. Unlike the other three officials that were dressed in their fancy red and blue officer attire, Baxton was dressed in black and red. It was the same style of officer’s uniform, but the colors were wrong. He even had a signature black cape behind him. Neatly dressed, the fleet admiral was a shell of a man that Mizu had remembered back on Fort Batrice. His black and red cap had a white crutched cross on the top center. On his right arm was an armband that had a red and black rectangular emblem on it. The white crutched cross was also on this armband. Mizu could see that the uniforms matched a similar style to what the military police was wearing near the very end of his escape. In one hand, he had a tablet, and the other was a swagger stick. It must have been the same one that was in his glass case back in his office. He could even see the familiar green bristles that were on the tip. Tucked neatly to his arm, Baxton was an impressive and startling sight to behold in the courtroom. However, the three officers were aghast to the view.

“What!” the bald admiral standing by Annika said as he looked down at Baxton. “Fleet Admiral Baxton!? What is the meaning of this?” He got out of his seat and pointed at him. “What is the meaning of this?”

Annika remained seated, but she didn’t look excited to see Baxton. “Fleet Admiral Baxton, we were not expecting to see you come to this courtroom. We expected prosecutor Harris to show up ... the one that you told us was coming.”

Baxton walked up to the center, looking up at the three. Mizu felt a sense of fear and intimidation at looking at the fleet admiral. It took him by complete surprise. Baxton ignored Mizu at first as his attention was clearly focused on the three admirals. He placed the tablet in his other armpit next to his swagger stick and did the familiar salute that was only practiced on Batrice. The closed fist went outward and remained perpendicular to the carpet below him.

“Fleet Admiral Baxton,” he calmly answered to them. “Head and CO of Fort Batrice ... leader of the Batrice military forces.”

“Baxton, this is outrageous,” the Paloran office said as he stood up too. “You step into this courtroom. You come in a uniform that is not proper attire and regulation to the UHN.”

Baxton lowered his salute. “Admirals of the tribunal room,” he explained to them. “I come from Fort Batrice to represent my people. Prosecutor Harris was unable to attend. I ... requested to come to prosecute these three criminals myself.”

“Baxton,” Annika said as she even had a firm look of anger on her face. “You step into this courtroom expecting to serve as prosecutor. You are supposed to be in proper UHN military attire. You come in wearing ... that thing on your arm. We have proper standards for the military...”

“Fleet Admiral Annika,” Baxton continued. “I have the authority to be here. I am a Fleet Admiral. I choose to wear these colors to represent who I am. It is the future of Batrice.”

Mizu couldn’t believe it. Baxton was telling these officers off. On the one hand, he would have felt glad to see this officer have the audacity to tell the three who was boss, but it was one that still served as a glaring contrast to everything that represented the UHN. It was too extreme in its own right. Why was he doing this? Mizu could only stare at Baxton and watch the spectacle that was unfolding. He couldn’t have imagined this officer showing up to be a part of this. The very thought that he was going to be the prosecutor was one that sent chills up Mizu’s spine. For Li’lo and Jenta, it would be the first time they would see this officer that had them incarcerated.

“You demand to be made a part of this!?” the bald admiral beside Annika asked in a yelling tone. “How dare you show up as Fleet Admiral in the UHN ... you come here dressed up as a charlatan. You mock our courtroom and our laws!”

“Admiral Simmons,” Baxton answered back. “I come here to serve as a defendant of justice and Batrice itself. These criminals must pay for their actions. I will see to it that it does happen.”

“Baxton, be aware of your actions,” Annika explained. “While it allowed for you to serve as a voice of prosecution against the suspects in question, by stepping into this courtroom and not taking our laws seriously, it will discredit you and your arguments.”

“I would expect nothing more than the ones who wish to see Batrice be considered as lower life forms. My words or anyone else’s in my place would face the same regardless.”

The three officers all had a look of anger and disappointment. Baxton’s inflammatory words were well pronounced and undeniable. Baxton himself appeared to be indomitable in how he looked at the three above him. He turned his head and gave a stoic smile towards Mizu before he focused his attention forward. It was as if he had a personal vendetta towards the three that Mizu could clearly see.

“I would assure you,” the Paloran admiral said to Baxton. “That we intend to give a fair hearing on this ... regardless of your intentions to possibly sabotage it.”

“I prefer that no matter what,” Baxton replied.

“With these sort of things brought to our attention,” Annika explained. “We will allow you to serve in the representation of Batrice’s prosecution against the three, but be aware that we will not watch this courtroom undergo any form of shenanigans or malcontent. We treat these events very seriously under the UHN laws and rules established. If we feel the need to eject you from the court, then we can decide to do so. Is that clear?”

“Quite...” the fleet admiral said with a short nod. Annika looked at the two admirals and nodded to them. Both of them went and had a seat to get themselves comfortable once again.

“Very well ... you may have a seat to your right. We will commence with the hearing that is put into place, but first, we must explain our intentions and goals of these proceedings.”

“Fleet Admiral Baxton ... Petty Officer Mizu, Li’lo, and Jenta ... we are holding these proceedings to establish the intent and purposes that have occurred in this week involving the alleged bombing at Fort Batrice and Mizu’s subsequent breakout of the two prisoners of that alleged bombing. I am Fleet Admiral Annika. This is Admiral Simmons and Admiral Thiago,” she explained as she looked at the bald admiral and the Paloran admiral. “Petty Officer Mizu, this hearing was intended to serve as a hearing and trial to see if you, Li’lo, and Jenta are guilty on actions of assault, murder, and aiding and abetting terrorists on Fort Batrice. How do you plead?”

“Not guilty on all counts, Fleet Admiral,” Mizu replied.

“Very well ... Li’lo, Jenta, we now turn to you on regards to the trial and hearing that is to take place. Originally, it was intended to have two separate hearings for Mizu and one for both you and Jenta. Due to the nature of the events that have transpired, we feel that it would be easier to have all three of you here to have a verdict for each one. If you wish, Li’lo, Jenta, you can still have a separate hearing and not be included in this. You reserve that right if you wish.”

“Your honor ... I would like to have it all together,” Li’lo replied.

“Same...” Jenta added as well. Mizu could understand what was happening, and it supposedly made sense as he considered it. The officers were trying to simplify the system. It made things much easier in earnest to have things operating together.

“Baxton...” Annika asked him. “Due to the nature of this, do you have any objections in having the hearing and trials be conducted in unison for all three?”

“None,” Baxton replied.

“Very well, let us make things clear that this is intended to serve as a hearing first and foremost. This hearing is intended to serve as a weighted decision by Simmons, Thiago, and me. We have already reviewed most of the reports from both sides prior to this hearing. Our goal is to ask questions and clarify more on these reports. We are here to resolve the issues that transpired between the parties of Mizu, Li’lo, and Jenta. It has been specified that you ... Baxton, under your report that you accuse Li’lo and Jenta of conducting a bombing and assassination plot on Ambassador Ifra and Ambassador Kane. You wish to have these two be surrendered to you to so that they may face the justice system of Batrice. Do you still wish to carry out with that?”

“Yes, I do,” Baxton said as he went and placed his tablet and swagger stick on the table.

“Very well, we also want to make it clear that Petty Officer Mizu requested asylum on Mars due to the events that have transpired as of two days ago in breaking out the prisoners Li’lo and Jenta. According to your report, you accuse Mizu of committing acts of assault, attempted murder and murder of enlisted personnel, destruction of Fort Batrice property, stealing a shuttlecraft, and attempts at sedition of Fort Batrice itself. Do you wish to still carry out with that?”

“I do, and I will,” Baxton said as he looked at Mizu closely. Mizu could feel the gaze of the fleet admiral try to slice into him.

“Understood,” Annika continued as she folded up her hands together. “Mizu, Li’lo, and Jenta, due to the fact that you do not have a defense attorney assigned to you, one can be made for you. Li’lo, I know that you are a qualified defense attorney. I remember you from the hearing procedure that was made for Shira over a couple of months ago. As we have mentioned to you before, if you still wish, you may represent your party in the defense proceedings.”

“I would be happy to do so, your honor,” Li’lo happily replied. “I have had a chance to evaluate the records and would be ready to mount a defense.”

“Mizu, Jenta ... Any objections to this?”

“None,” Mizu and Jenta almost said in unison.

Of course ... it made sense now to Mizu. The attempt to make the procedures all together wasn’t only to simplify the law process but also to allow Li’lo to serve as her intended role. For him, he could see that the officers got what they wanted. They didn’t want to go through two separate hearings and have to go through the extra efforts to procure the necessary personnel for each one. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to be convenient. On the one hand, he could view this as laziness, but on the other hand, everything would be done and finalized after this. For some reason, though, when he thought of Li’lo serving as a defense attorney, it didn’t seem to make him too comfortable, but before he could think too much more about it, his thoughts were interrupted.

“I knew it!” Simmons remarked as he got loud and quite vocal. He pointed his finger at Li’lo. “It was you in that hearing with Shira! You were the bumbling attorney that tried to defend her.”

“Admiral Simmons...” Annika tried to interrupt him. “This is inappropriate.”

“Ugh ... she owes me for the desk that she scratched up when she accidentally tripped on it over two weeks ago! Yeah, you know what I am talking about.”

Mizu seemed surprised to hear it, and it only affirmed him of Li’lo. He looked down at her as she turned her scaly head to look up at him. She gave a big shrug as she smiled.

“Heh ... I tripped on it after Ambassador Ifra came to see Admiral Simmons,” Li’lo commented to Mizu.

“Ugh...” Mizu said as he put his hand to his head. He knew that Simmons probably already made up his mind then and there with Li’lo. He could tell that Thiago was trying to hide a small chuckle. Baxton, of course, tended to look at Li’lo as some sort of monumental threat, but Mizu could tell that the opinion was already set prior.

“Enough,” Annika said as she politely tapped her hand on her desk. “Order. I don’t care what Li’lo did to your belongings. It has no relevancy to this hearing.”

Simmons grumbled as he waved his hand up and rolled his eyes. She shook his head as Annika seemed satisfied that Simmons had shut up. On the one hand, Mizu did consider Simmons to be sort of a whiner when it came to things not going his way. No matter. Baxton seemed to call out on him.

“Baxton,” Annika continued as she looked at a tablet that was on her podium. “According to the report, the bombing on Fort Batrice occurred on August 26th at 0850. We reviewed the pictures and the video recording of the explosion. While we did review the reports, what makes you conclude that Li’lo and Jenta were responsible for this explosion?”

“Admirals,” Baxton explained as he tapped his tablet. A projector was activated from the central podium that everyone was able to see. “The evidence that Li’lo and Jenta were culprits to the Zaza terrorist organization was found in both the recording and on Li’lo’s tilon. On it proclaims that Li’lo was a fervent member of this group. She activated the switch.”

“Objection,” Li’lo said as she stood up. “Umm ... Jenta and I had nothing to do with this. Where is the proof?”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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