Bad Seed - Cover

Bad Seed

Copyright© 2021 by Pars001

Chapter 17

After all were out, she told them they were safe for now. She showed them all that she had prepared, also that she would bring more as soon as she got them.

With that, she left, stopping in orbit to put several defense satellites. At least now she thought they had some better protection.

As they rose away from the planet, Wren started to ask her sister about all the people. Her sister said that most of the planet had people being held. The aliens were using their brain power to survive.

This made Wren pissed as she opened a portal back to where they had been. Helene’s mouth hung open as she watched the portal open.

It was almost ten minutes when Wren’s ship came out of the portal near the destroyed planet. Wren looked at it with tight lips, they had held her sister, she wished she could kill them again much slower.

It was then that she noticed that there were a huge number of heavily armed Zetcron ships near. Searching she also saw that there were a few Meltry ships keeping a distance from them.

An almost evil smile lit up Wren’s face as she took readings, nodding she started to type at a furious rate. Helene watched with her mouth still open, her sister was moving faster than she could see.

Wren stopped a moment, reaching over, closing her sister’s mouth gently, with a small grin. “You’ll get used to it,” Wren said.

“Does this have anything to do with those skills you were going to take on that Ceti-5 world?” Helene asked.

Wren stopped short, how in the hell had Helene known about that? “How?” Wren said.

“Oh, Papa, he told me you were going to do some training there. Then the Earth was attacked, so, I never knew if you went. Plus, Momma’s ship was taken as well as her and me,” Helene said.

Wren dropped her head, “I am so sorry that I didn’t get there faster. That you were hurt and taken, put into that machine. I promise you, if I ever have a say about it? That will never happen again.”

Helene was taken back by the fierce look of Wren’s face plus her fierce voice. Helene reached out to hug her sister, tears falling from her eyes. “I know you will, Wren, I know you will.’

Wren turned back to the data board, typing even faster. “Data received,” Trigon said. “Integration and implementation will take another fifteen hours and twenty minutes.”

“Damnit!” Wren cursed, then apologized to Helene. “Do we have sufficient power to destroy the Meltry ships?” Wren asked.

“Insufficient data to determine right now. At present, we do not have full weapons, so a tentative answer would be no master wren,” Trigon said.

“How long ‘til we have full weapons?” Wren asked.

“I estimate at least another hour-twenty-four minutes. Shields are now at nine nine percent, as is stealth,” Trigon said.

Wren nodded as she again concentrated on the weapons, trying to increase their power. Hell, she thought, even a few more percent gave her a better chance.

“How much more on weapons?” Wren asked.

“They have now increased destructive power by another five percent. They should be twenty percent more effective against the Meltry. Though as to destruction? Data is still uncertain,” Trigon said.

“It’ll have to do,” Wren said as she sighed. “Target all the Meltry ships with energy weapons. I want thermic missiles targeting all the Zetcron ships. I want all ships destroyed if possible,” Wren almost snarled.

“All ships targeted, weapons and shields at full. Stealth is holding at ninety-nine percent. Trans-warp at sixty and slowly rising,” Trigon said. Wren nodded, then managed to get it up to Sixty-five.

“Fire on the Meltry first, then I want a blanket of thermic missiles hitting the Zetcron ships,” Wren said.

Wren smiled as the extra power managed to destroy all but one of the Meltry ships. The Zetcron fared less well as they vanished within seconds of being struck.

Wren had Trigon move to the Meltry ship. “Open a channel. Meltry ship, do you wish to surrender?” Wren asked.

A moment later, a voice replied, “We are defenseless, we expect no mercy.”

“Good,” Wren hissed, “I do not grant mercy or honorable deaths to murdering cowards! You will die like the cowards that you are, alone, slow, miserable and with no honor. Trigon target all their power supply. Know that you face Princess Wren Ophelia Tenagram! First Princess of the Earth Empire! Fire Trigon!”

They could hear shouting and screaming, then nothing as the ship went dark. “All power to the ship has been terminated. I estimate they will be dead within the hour,” Trigon said.

I turned back toward Helene as she stood there with her mouth open. “I am sorry that you find it as bad as you obviously think it is. I made a promise to the Earth, to the people that were killed, that they wouldn’t do it again,” I said.

“All of them?” Helene said with a sick look on her face.

“Yes, there were six races that banded together to try and destroy ther Earth and all on it. They came close to doing it, though the Earth forces destroyed half of them. I got a few myself before they dropped a shatter bomb. Yes, the same that I use, cost me a lot,” I told her.

Again her mouth was hanging open then, I saw my always calm and sweet little sister grow furious. “Thank you for telling me, I have no problem with what you are doing now,” she hissed out.

Wren smiled, this was more like it! The fact that she was as pissed as she was? It was a damn good thing.

“Alright Trigon, scan all the planets that are ahead. I want the location, whose on it and how ready we are. We are going to need at least eight shatter bombs,” I told Trigon.

“I have already started master Wren, we already have four of the shatter bombs, the next two are starting now. We have at least two hundred thermic missiles, all weapons have been repaired and are ready,” Trigon reported.

“Continue production of thermic missiles, also begin production of energy torpedoes I loaded for you. I want as many as you can make before we get there,” Wren said.

Wren then turned toward her sister. “Helene, I lost you once. I don’t want to put you in danger. I mean really? Mom and Dad would absolutely kill me if I saved you, then you got hurt while with me.”

“What are you planning?” Helene said, a suspicious look on her face.

“I was thinking of you staying with the masters on Ceti-5,” Wren said, waiting for the explosion that she was sure was about to happen.

Helene sighed as she stood stock still a moment, “I know that you worry about me. Won’t it take a long time to get there?”

Wren just shook her head no as she asked, “so you aren’t mad about it?”

Helene shook her head, then said, “No, though please remember Wren, that you are also my sister, so I worry about you also, OK?”

Wren just sighed she wasn’t used to another person worrying about her. It had been a long time, just to have family again was strange enough.

“Alright, stand back,” Wren said as a portal opened in front of both of them. Again Helene’s mouth dropped open as she saw the control room of the Ceti-5 planet.

Wren then took Helene’s hand as they both stepped through and were suddenly there. “What, how, when did you,” was all that Helene could get out.

Flugret stood there with a look of shock on his face, “little Wren, who is this? I take it they are very special if you brought them here?”

“I would like to introduce you to my sister Helene. Helene? This is Master Flugret, my first instructor in the art,” Wren said.

Flugret bowed to Helene, who giggled a bit. “So, I take it you need a favor from us little Wren?” Flugret asked.

“I need to keep her safe. I don’t feel that I can really do that if she is out there with me,” Wren said.

Flugret stood there nodding his head. Though really, this wasn’t his decision, he was ready to agree.

“I have to call the others, I alone can not make this decision alone,” Flugret said as he concentrated.

A moment later, the room became a little crowed as twenty-one males and fourteen females entered.

Helene’s mouth was again open as she stared at the females. She then reached out to touch a few of them, “are ... are you Ceti-5 females?” Helene asked.

“Yes, we are miss Helene. Yes, we know who you are.” Rena said, then turned toward Wren with her mate. “We would be honored to watch over your sister.”

Wren bowed slightly to all there, then stood, “I need to get a few more,” then moved toward the chrysalis room.

“Please remember Wren, you still aren’t all that strong. You have depleted yourself before, last time was as bad as it gets,” Rena said.

“I know I don’t really want to be out that long again, Rena,” Wren said.

Rena sighed, she could feel just how powerful Wren was, though she knew that Wren did what she wanted.

Wren moved to the chrysalis, laying a hand on it. Her sister had followed her, her eyes getting huge when she saw the huge chrysalis.

“Wren?!” She said, her voice several octaves higher than usual.

“I am trying to save lives, be right with you,” Wren said.

Again, Helene’s eyes got huge as first her sister started to glow. Then, not three but four spots on the chrysalis started to break off.

“WREN! No, you can’t be sure that you have enough power!” Rena was yelling as the four spots came lose and started to elongate.

“What are you talking about,” Helene asked as she looked at her sister as she was glowing brighter.

“She’s done this before, we can’t get near her if she decides to keep going,” Rena said.

“You are masters you can do almost anything,” Helene was almost yelling.

“No, my dear,” Rena said, placing a hand on Helene’s shoulder.

It was at that moment that one of the elongated orbs screamed, causing Wren to curse.

“Wren!” Helen yelled as she ran at Wren full force. The masters and their mates tried to stop her, then watched amazed as Helene barely bounced off Wren. Wren looked shocked as she felt a surge, then all four quickly solidified.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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