Bad Seed - Cover

Bad Seed

Copyright© 2021 by Pars001

Chapter 21

In her gruffest voice Wren said, “So this new syndicate, talk to me I might allow you to live.”

The man began to talk, telling everything that he knew. Wren nodded then took both his hands, “goodbye Ronald,” Wren said, then left as the man fell to the floor screaming.

Wren walked toward the center of the town. A great many people suspected who she was and gave her a wide berth.

Reaching the syndicate headquarters, the twenty men laughed at her before she moved and all of them fell. Moving in no hurry, she started to kill everyone she met. An hour later, she was on the top floor.

A powerful man was hiding behind forty men. “I am sure we can come to an understanding,” the man smiled.

“We have you tampered with the bosses’ goods, therefore your life is forfeit. I am sure that you know that these are the last you have for a minute,” Wren said, indicating the forty men. “Goodbye.”

Wren moved far faster than any of them could follow. As the last one fell, the boss was suddenly against the window. “I think it’s time to play, Wren said as she removed both his hands, then his feet.

She thought about it then removed his sex organ. Writing in the man’s blood she left. I am going to have to find another supplier.

“Bring me aboard, along with all the supplies debugged and remove all tracers. Get the sonic shower I need to get all the blood off me,” Wren said.

“Compliance master Wren, supplies on board, ready to leave once you’re here,” Trigon said.

Wren sighed as soon as she was aboard, and they were leaving.

Trigon got them away before any other ships thought to give pursuit. They were in the closet that they could be, then entered the trans-warp conduit.

“I want us as close to where we left from. It shouldn’t be that hard to detect where the Meltry colony worlds are,” Wren said.

“Compliance master Wren,” Trigon said as they moved forward.

Almost ten minutes later, they exited the portal. “Master Wren, I have the first of the Meltry colony worlds,’ Trigon said.

“Distance?” Wren asked.

“Thirty seconds by trans-warp. At least three, four days by hyper-space,” Trigon said.

“What’s the status of the world shatter bombs? It will take at least four days to get the first four. Also, that long to get the other three hundred thermic missiles,” Trigon said.

“Alright, take us to hyper-space, make sure we have enough of the energy torpedoes. I am sure that they are going to have more battleships this time,” Wren said.

“Compliance master Wren. We are at almost two hundred energy torpedoes. I have managed to have enough space to increase to two fifty,” Trigon said.

“Good work Trigon, I feel that we are going to need them,”Wren said as she sat back.

A little more than three hours later, they entered the portal. Upon exiting, Wren saw that there were at least three battleships. A small smile lit up her features, “target all battleships. Fifty torpedoes each,” Wren said.

Within minutes, there were explosions from all the battleships. Wren smiled as the first cracked in half, then its engines exploded.

They had kept moving though, the last Meltry battleship managed to hit Wren’s ship. This had Wren cursing as the stealth started to flicker. Luckily, the third battleship was destroyed.

Wren had Trigon start to destroy the rest of the Meltry ships. “Uh master Wren?” Trigon interrupted her thoughts.

“What’s wrong, Trigon? Is the matter transfer off-line?” Wren asked, somewhat worried.

“No master Wren, it is working to optimal capacity. It’s the amount of em fields that I am detecting,” Trigon said.

“What?” Wren asked as she ran to observe the readings. “Are you reading this correctly?” She asked.

“Yes, master wren, I have confirmed them three times. I can detect five hundred human em fields. I will start evacuation as soon as the Meltry fleet is defeated,” Trigon said.

“Yes, I also think that we may need more room if there start to be more. After we take these to Decacon-one, have the pods start on another three hundred feet. We might need another engine also,” Wren said.

“I will check all readings to determine if a third engine is warranted. The fleet is proving to be tougher than you at first thought, Master Wren,” Trigon said.

“Start using the rest of the energy torpedoes. Once they are depleted, start with the thermal missiles,” Wren said.

The rest of the fleet was defeated with less trouble than Wren thought they would. Strangely enough, even after all the ships were gone, and the earth people, evacuated, the Meltry were concerned.

“Enemy Planet, this is the Earth Princess Wren Ophelia Tenagram. I am going to show you the same mercy you showed the earth. You,” Wren was saying before she was cut off.

“To the criminal, we will not surrender, we,” the voice from the radio said.

“Criminal?! Your people attacked the earth without provocation. No, you are the criminals, and you will recieve the same as the Earth. Trigon drop all four shatter bombs!” Wren shouted.

At first there was a huge amount of screaming, then nothing causing Wren to smile.

“Alright Trigon,” she said, “on to the next,” she started when there was an explosion beside the ship. “Is it another battleship?” She asked.

“No, master Wren, it is the ship you identified as your brother’s ship,” Trigon said.

“What weapons do we still have? Any thermic missiles left?” Wren asked.

“They are also depleted, we do have two hundred regular missiles plus energy weapons,” Trigon said.

“Fire what you can, we might be able to end this, though I don’t think so,” Wren said, shaking her head.

Thomas had just shot a couple of more weapons at Wren’s ship when she caught his ship with energy weapons.

Thomas started to curse when his ship was tossed around. He thanked whatever deity he could as the new shields held. Then again, he thought they were almost defenseless.

“Keep moving beyond her. Get us as far from her as you can,” he was yelling.

They hadn’t lost all their power, though they weren’t at full. A moment later, they slipped into a trans-warp portal.

Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. “Did you get more readings?” He asked his lead engineer.

“Yes, we did,” the alien told him, looking over its readings. “It appears that we can increase the shield more. Though overall, it won’t be much.”

“Do it. Any advantage we have will keep us alive a lot longer,” Thomas said, a smile on his lips.

On the Planet of Meltry, Emperor Piton was far angrier than he had ever been. “We lost three light battleships!? You say it was only one ship: a human ship! How many escaped?” He asked.

“From the reports, none survived, plus all the brain-prisoners were rescued. I am afraid all were lost, sire,” the emperor’s chancellor said, then stepped back.

The chancellor could see that the emperor’s face was getting redder and redder. “I want the yards to start growing more heavy battleships. If this enemy human reached home world we will be ready. No race can defeat us we are the greatest warriors. Have everything increased!”

“Yes sire, I will take care of it personally. All ships will be increased ‘til we have enough to darken the skies! We will not let the enemy get close to us,” the chancellor said, a look of anger on his face.

Good the Emperor thought when he saw the chancellor’s face. I need to get all of them mad about this, in a frenzy to destroy the enemy.

“Yes, push all of them, we need to make sure that this enemy pays for what they have done,” the emperor said.

A sudden thought occurred to the emperor: just where in the hell was this earth ship coming from? He still had quite a few of the regular star fighters out there. It might be a good idea to watch the area of earth.

He nodded his head, yes, they needed to keep an eye on that distant place. No one really knew what was going on out there. Moving to another room, he moved to the fleet com. Station.

“I want those ships that are in the area of earth,” he said.

I have them now sire,” the tech said.

“I want all of you that are in the area where earth was to keep an eye on it. Our enemies may have a secret base there to launch attacks against the empire. Watch this area and destroy all that you see there,” the emperor said.

“It will be as you order, sire,” the leader of the group said.

Good the Emperor thought as he closed the connection, that way we will know ahead before anything happens. Now he thought we have to expand the fleet, so nothing can reach us.

A smile came to his face as he took a move to a huge room. In it were well over a thousand humans, all hooked to huge cerebral machines. Another smile came to his face, in the center of all them was a single male human. That male was, it appeared, the greatest strategist that he’d ever seen.

Piton was worried for the first time in his life. They had never had a fleet army or planet of theirs that had ever been defeated. Though he knew it was possible, though improbable, ‘til now it was still a worry.

Wren was pissed that her damn brother had gotten a hit on her ship again. She was going to have to kill that prick before he got stronger.

The thing was that she had to get these people to Decacon-one before she did anything else. “Alright, we need to get to Decacon-one Trigon,” Wren said,

“Destination set master Wren,” Trigon said.

“See if you can get the masters, I need to tell mother and them,” Wren said.

“Compliance master wren. Connecting now, they are awaiting you,” Trigon said.

A familiar face was on her screen, causing her to smile and then bow.

“Master Flugret, I hope that all is well. I have wonderful news, I think my mother would like to hear also,” Wren said.

Flugret’s eyes were wide for a moment, then came back on with the masters and her mother.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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