Sabotage in Space - Cover

Sabotage in Space

Copyright© 2022 by Carey Rockwell

Chapter 17

Stand by to raise ship!

Connel’s bull-throated roar blasted through the intercom of the gleaming projectile ship from the power deck where Dave Barret was stationed, up to the radar bridge where Professor Hemmingwell waited anxiously.

On the main deck, seated at the controls, Connel spoke rapidly into the audioceiver microphone. “Projectile vessel to spaceport traffic control,” he called. “Request blast-off clearance!”

“Spaceport traffic control to Connel,” came a voice in reply over the audioceiver. “You are cleared. Your time is two minutes to zero!”

Connel began snapping the many levers and switches on the control panel in proper sequence, keeping a wary eye on the astral chronometer over his head as one of its red hands ticked off the seconds to blast-off.

The teleceiver screen to his right showed a view of the stern of the vessel and Connel could see some of the ground crew slowly rolling away the boarding equipment. Flipping on the switch that opened a circuit to an outside loud-speaker, he bellowed an order for the area to be cleared. The crew scurried back behind the blast deflectors and watched the ship through the thick crystal viewports.

“Power deck,” Connel called into the intercom, “check in!”

“Power deck, aye!” reported Barret.

“Radar deck, check in!”

“Radar deck, aye!” Professor Hemmingwell acknowledged in a thin voice.

“Feed reactant!” Connel ordered.

“Reactant feeding at D-9 rate,” said Barret after a split-second pause.

“Energize cooling pumps!”

“Cooling pumps, aye!”

“Cut in take-off gyros!”

“Gyros on,” repeated Barret.

“All clear forward and up!” replied the elderly man.

“Right!” bawled Major Connel. “Stand by!”

Tensely he watched the red hand crawl up the face of the chronometer and he gripped the intercom microphone tightly. “Blast off,” he began, “minus five, four, three, two, one, zero!”

Connel slammed home the master control switch and in an instant the silver ship trembled under a tremendous surge of power. Flame and smoke poured out of its exhaust and slowly it began to reach for sky, straining as if to break invisible bonds holding it to Earth. Her jets shrieking torturously, the ship picked up speed and then suddenly, as though shot from a cannon, it blasted up through the atmosphere--spacebound.

A moment later, on the control deck of the ship, Major Connel swung forward in his chair, shook off the effects of the tremendous acceleration, and called into the intercom, “Switch on the gravity generators!”

As soon as the artificial gravity was in effect, the officer put the ship on standard cruising speed, changed course slightly to put them on a direct heading to Mars, and then ordered Barret and Hemmingwell to the control deck.

“Well, Professor,” he said as he gave the old man a hearty handshake, “so far so good. She handles like a baby carriage. If the projectiles work half as well, you’ll really have yourself something!”

Professor Hemmingwell smiled appreciatively and turned to Barret, who was just climbing through the hatch from the power deck. “You’ve done as much as anyone to help this ship get into space, Dave,” he said. “Thank you!”

“Think nothing of it, Professor,” replied Barret airily.

“Well, shall we begin the first series of tests?” asked Connel.

“By all means!” said the professor enthusiastically. “If you and Dave will check the firing stations, I’ll take care of the paper work!”

“Right,” replied Connel. “Let’s go, Barret!”

“I’ll work outside, Major,” said Barret, turning toward the air lock. “You see that all the firing chambers are properly loaded.”

“Anything you say, Barret.”

The two men turned away from the smiling professor and left the control deck. They separated in the companionway, Connel hurrying to the starboard firing chambers and Barret going to the midships air lock where he put on a space suit for his task out on the hull.

In two minutes the young scientist was out on the odd-looking blisters that marked the exterior of the firing chambers ringing the hull.

At each blister Barret examined the hollow firing tube carefully. In several he made delicate adjustments to a small metallic ring extending from the opening of the tube. The ring was one of the most important parts of the firing unit, emitting the long-range electronic beam controlling the flight of the projectile.

Meanwhile, inside the ship, Connel checked the loading of each of the chambers, making certain that each of the ten-foot-long torpedolike projectiles was properly secured in its blasting cradle. After fifteen minutes and a complete trip around the ship, the major was satisfied that all was in readiness. He returned to the control deck, meeting Barret on the way, and they found Professor Hemmingwell just completing his calculations for the initial test. He turned to them, waving a paper in front of their eyes.

“Gentlemen,” he said proudly, “we are almost ready. If you will adjust course fifteen degrees to port, we’ll be in proper position for the test!”

“Right,” nodded Connel. “Stand by below, Barret.”

“On my way,” replied Barret, disappearing through the hatch.

“Well, Professor,” said Connel, walking to the controls, “this is the big moment!”

“Yes,” nodded Hemmingwell. “If these rocket projectiles prove workable now, there’s nothing to stop us from carrying on with our test of the ground receivers on Mars immediately.”

“Power deck to control deck, check in!” Barret’s voice suddenly crackled over the intercom.

“Control deck, aye,” replied Connel. “Ready to blast?”

“All set!”

“Give me a ten-second burst on the starboard steering rockets,” ordered Connel, gripping the steering vane control tightly.

“Coming up!”

There was a sudden, jolting blast from the stern and Connel and Hemmingwell hung on grimly as the mighty ship turned in space. Watching the control panel instruments carefully, Connel slammed home the switch that opened the powerful nose braking rockets and brought the ship to a dead stop in space.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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