Legacy of a Legend - Cover

Legacy of a Legend

Copyright© 2022 by StarFleet Carl

Chapter 53

Falk spit his drink back out over his breakfast. “You what?”

“I believe I said that it’s possible Elisif is pregnant.”

“Look, I know we haven’t seen her for the last three days. Only a very stern Bolgeir, who said you were home, and the both of you were catching up on your relationship. That he was here and not by her side was disconcerting, but that’s okay, I’m a capable steward, and between myself, Bryling, and Styrr we’ve handled or put off all the needs of the citizens of Haafingar. But ... how?”

Bryling smacked her husband in the back of the head. “She told us that this could happen less than a month ago, right here at this very table. Were you not paying any attention whatsoever?”

“I remember the conversation, but ... surely you were speaking in jest then? I mean, unless there’s been something happen, two women ... just ... can’t...”

“Something did happen. My mother. Serana, would you please show the ... er ... well, it’s shaped rather like...”

Serana reached down and pulled out the device, placing it on the table. “It’s shaped a lot like a double ended pleasure toy for women, is what you were trying to say, I believe.”

Bryling and Sybille both got up and moved to examine it closer.

“Yes, look at how this would fit inside a woman, sort of curved upwards.” Bryling said.

“Oh, yes, and this end has an opening, designed just like a male member.” Sybille noted. “You can see why it needs straps, though. It wouldn’t stay in place through any normal physical activity.”

Bryling looked up. “Dear, are you all right? You face is the same color as your beard.”

“My Jarl, if I may?” Styrr politely asked.

“Certainly, Styrr.” Elisif replied.

“Oh, I don’t want to examine it physically.” He began a small prayer to Arkay as he got up from his chair and walked around the table. His hands made several motions with his hands, then sat back down. “Remarkable, truly remarkable.”

“What did you find?” I asked.

“That’s a truly amazing artifact, my Queen. I remember your tales of your mother, and I can sense her influence there. But there is more, much more. There are influences from at least three gods on that as well. I would have to do more study in depth ... well, that may be a poor choice of words, considering your chuckles ... but more study, anyway, to tell all of what the gods did.”

Falk had regained his control. “So you’re saying that this ... false male appendage ... could allow a woman to make another woman with child?”

“I don’t know if it would work for just any woman, Falk. That would require more study and I doubt that I’ll have that chance. But I can tell you this. The three gods that I can sense on that ... device ... are of physical love, spiritual love and compassion, and life. People normally only come to me when someone has passed away, but Arkay is the god not just death, but also of life, of birth. For example, being a priest of Arkay allows me to tell that three of the women at this table are expecting.”

“Three?” There was a strange catch in her voice as Serana said that.

“Why, yes. Thane Bryling is the most along, obviously, and I’d guess you’ll give birth about the first week of Sun’s Dusk. Both Elisif and yourself have only recently become with child, sometime within the last couple of days, actually, so you won’t be ready to deliver your child until around the end of Evening Star or early Morning Star. As to the how it happened, since I’m gathering that there were no men present, then the only answer is that it was a miracle of the gods, through usage of ... well, this device.”

“Your mother is going to kill me.” I said, half in jest.

“She tried once before, remember? Oh, shit. That second day, when we switched after, I didn’t clean it off before ... but ... oh.” She suddenly looked quite young and scared, even though she was the oldest one at the table.

Elisif and I both got up and went to her side. Sybille and Bryling came over for support as well. “Don’t worry, dear. I can tell your love for Martina is strong. We’ll figure something out, don’t worry.” Elisif repeated herself. I could tell she was worried.

Sybille said, “Well, if nothing else, this is definite proof that you’re fully human again. It’s not possible for a vampire to be with child, our bodies just won’t let it.”

“Actually, it’ll be easier than you think, depending upon how you want to do this,” said Erandur from where he was sitting. “I’m not referring to the vampirism thing, not like either of you or Lady Serana are really vampires any longer, either, but about the whole figuring something out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Simple, my Queen. Mara is truly the Goddess of Love, mortal compassion. Presuming that all other things being equal in the ... um ... royalty department, I would describe it ... I would see no reason why the three of you couldn’t simply all marry each other. I’ll grant you that this wedding should be done at the Temple of Mara in Riften, but I would think that would be the only complication from ... well, the spiritual side of things. As for the other, um, Sybille, you might want to be careful if you don’t want to find yourself with child. You’re no more a vampire now than I am.”

I looked behind me, where all the housecarls were standing guard. “Lydia...”

“My Thane, I am your sword and shield. I always will be. We’ve had our fun. It’s possible we may have more fun, especially if we head into battle. But I am not your future, not the future of this realm. Neither is Jordris.”

I felt a tear of gratitude run down my cheek. “Thank you.” I looked down at Serana, who was still in a bit of shock at everything that had happened. “What was it Erandur said, the royalty department? Your father held a rank in an Empire ... gods ... that was probably given to him by Alessia herself. Since no one conquered Castle Volkihar, we can assume that his peerage and barony remained intact even if the Empress that granted him the title was no more.”

“You did, though, you conquered it. Mother even said she was changing the name, to Castle Dragonborn, in your honor.”

“Yes, well, that makes it easier still, because I also said she could keep the castle and it’s environs, didn’t I? That means she’s the Baroness now, Lady Valerica. Which is still her old title, anyway. And as the only heir, you remain Lady Serana. But also an eligible member of the peerage. Falk, correct me if I’m wrong, Haafingar never did claim that castle for its own, did it?”

“Gods, no. Most of the time we pretended it didn’t exist. No one wanted to find out if it was still a vampire lair. No offense to the ladies here, but ... you’re not ... I mean, you were, but now ... damn it!”

“That’s twice this morning you’ve turned the color of your beard, dear. I haven’t seen you this flustered since Erikur made a snide comment about your manhood and you just couldn’t respond because you’d secretly just left my bed.”

“Gods, woman, give me matters of state or troubles from a town or a hold! Those I can handle!”

Bryling laughed at that. “So, I guess telling them how your beard tickles my inner...”

“Enough! Please?”

“Getting back to the point, you said we’d need to go to Riften, Erandur?”

“Yes, My Queen. While there are shrines to the gods all over Skyrim, there’s only one main temple to each of the divines. The actual Temple to Mara is in Riften. You should talk to Maramal, he is the priest of that Temple.”

“Well, Falk, you said you and Bryling and Styrr were able to handle things while Elisif was absent. Send word to General Rikke. We aren’t going to be able do this the usual way, just a few people. I want three ... no, four squads of soldiers for escort.”

“My Queen?”

“I’d told Rikke we’d have other plans for her troops by the first of Rain’s Hand. This isn’t what I was thinking of then, but it’ll do. Presuming the other ladies agree, we’ll leave for Riften the day after tomorrow.”

It wasn’t every day that a visit between Jarls happened. The rest of the day, the ladies spent packing things that Elisif would need to be gone from the Blue Palace for a month. I spent time in conversation with Falk and Bryling, giving them special dispensation to act if needed. Riders were sent out to five Jarls who had already pledged themselves to me, to let them know what was going on. A rider was also sent to the Temple in Riften, so the priest wouldn’t be caught off guard. Erandur had drafted that letter most carefully.

The morning of the second day a befuddled looking Surgus came to the Blue Palace. “I was hoping you’d show up at some point, Surgus. I need to talk to you.”

He threw his hands up in the air. “Don’t bother.” He acted a little drunk.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, our Loremaster asked me to still advise you, if possible, and like you’d take my advice anyway. But we have nothing to go on. You’ve done it. I don’t know what you’ve done, how you did it, but somehow or other, you’ve done it.”

“Surgus, are you drunk?”

“Dragonborn, what else could I do? The threads are gone. Poof. Vanished in the aether, like they never existed. Celarus is beside himself. How can he be the Loremaster when we can’t see the threads to give the Lore anymore? I finally got one of the residents of High Reach to tell me you’d come up here to the Blue Palace, because I’ve had no idea where you’ve been for almost a full week!”

“Jordris, go take Surgus somewhere to sleep this off. And stay with him, so he doesn’t vanish on us. We’ll have time to talk on our trip.”

“Oh, gods, I’m not going to like that, am I?”

“Just go get some sleep.” I shook my head. Wheels within wheels, eh, mother?

I have to give Rikke credit. She managed to get two full companies of soldiers ready in the short time, and she led them herself. She made arrangements with one of her legates to have a series of riders always carrying dispatches from the column back to Solitude, so she could remain in touch, just as if she were going into battle. Which was possible, but not likely, all things considered.

It took one additional day, but our column was finally ready to head out. A group of scouts led the way, followed by two groups of soldiers. Then the covered carriage with Elisif, Serana, and Sybille. My companions and I, with Surgus joining us, were on horse next, then three wagons with supplies, followed by two more groups of soldiers.

As we rode into Dragon Bridge, a raven haired woman stepped out from the porch of the tavern. “Were you just going to go off and do this without anyone telling me?”


“It is fortunate that your intended sent a message to me, my child. This is not something I would want to miss.”

She joined the ladies in the carriage.

“Um, who is that?” Erandur asked.

“Baroness the Lady Valerica, Serana’s mother.” Lydia replied. “Is it just me, or does she look a little different?”

“I suspect my blood is working on her, albeit at a slower pace than it did on Serana.”

“My Queen, this is ... I’m sorry. Vampires are normally not exactly the best friends of the Temples.” Erandur said. “I can see that the priesthood is going to have a lot of learning to do in the future, dealing with ex-vampires.”

Serana laughed. “Yes, that’s what happens when our Martina gets involved. Although I think it’s more appropriate to say that Sybille and I are former vampires.”

Erandur looked like he wanted to say something more, but didn’t. With Valerica seated and in deep discussion with Serana, I nodded to Rikke that we could proceed.

We made it to Rorikstead without further stops. A small group from different locations was waiting for us there. I couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s so funny, my Queen? I saw that you were going to come this way, so I’m here now. I want to see all of the events in Riften with my own eyes, not through some vision. And I thought soaking these old bones in one of your famed tubs might do me some good.”

“Of course, Jarl Idgrod. I presume you’ve introduced yourself to the rest?”

“Why should I? They know who they are. That’s Delphine from the Blades, she’s here with some news for you, and that’s Annekke, who followed you and still cares for you, but is going to marry Thongvor when he asks her in about five or six months. He’s around here some ... oh, yes, over with his soldiers.”

I thought Surgus was going to sprain his neck, he turned so quickly. “How...?”

“Because my visions come to me directly, Psijic, not from some convoluted path that Mephala had set up. No, I don’t know how or where they do come from, my daughter is starting to get them now herself, and no, you may not study either of us. Just go with our Queen and Empress, she’s at least going to need your support, even if for now your Order is a mere shadow of itself.”

“So, in other words, it’s time for me to buy dinner again. Got it. Come on, let’s allow the soldiers to do their thing while we eat here at the inn.” I led the way.

Over dinner, Annekke and Thongvor told me of that the rebuilding of Markarth was proceeding rapidly, and with the war no longer on, three attacks upon the Forsworn had already occurred, with all three of them being victories for Markarth.

“These are the troops General Kottir sent with us.” There were six soldiers that had escorted them and were seated at a different table. Those troops were wearing tabards with the image of a dragon on them. “That was a brilliant idea, their name. That meant they could still be soldiers, keep their honor, and still join you. Since my ... our ... visit was secret, we didn’t want half the army as an escort. Especially not with the famous Delphine and her sword along as well.”

“That’s actually something I wanted to talk to both the Queen and you about, Thongvor. With the Blades able to go public now for the first time in generations, we’ve had more than a dozen recruits show up looking for us, seeking to join our forces. Is it going to cause problems with Markarth, since we’re so close?” Delphine asked.

“Not at all. Your allegiance is to the Empress, and there are still dragons running or flying around that need killed. One flew by Kolskeggr Mine the day before we left.”

I said, “Obviously not all of them need to be killed ... well, it’s not obvious, but it’s also the truth. Many of the dragons have recognized the rightness of my Thu’um. And who knows? Someday, your forces may find themselves working with the dragons that follow Paarthurnax.”

“That’ll be the next generation of Blades. I don’t think I can find it in myself to forgive him for what he did.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to personally do that, Delphine. At the same time, keep an open mind. We may need their help when we finally take the battle to the Thalmor in the Summerset Isles.”

“Like I’ll still be alive when that finally happens.”

“Are you ill? Is there some reason you won’t be around in a couple of years?”

“Two years? Are you joking, Your Majesty? Getting the Thalmor out of Cyrodiil and the rest of Tamriel will take a lot longer than that,” Delphine protested.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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