Legacy of a Legend - Cover

Legacy of a Legend

Copyright© 2022 by StarFleet Carl

Chapter 65

The lead element of the first column of the Redoran Guard stopped at the rebuilt Traitor’s Post. The bandits that formerly occupied the building had quickly left when the Dragonborn’s Own returned from Winterhold and took to the rebuilding of this post with a vengeance. We had stocked it with food and refreshment for the incoming troops and our cooks were ready.

“I am Captain Merano of the Royal Army. My first contingent of troops will be here shortly. From the tables I see you have set up, you’re prepared with food and drink, and on behalf of King Helseth, I thank you.”

“We have a place just down the hill, towards the bay, where your troops can rest while eating. It’s still a ways to where we have room for them to set up an encampment for the night, though. Since this has been done without full coordination, how many troops can we expect to feed here?”

He nodded. “The Queen Mother anticipated that you might have supply issues, so we’ve spaced our columns out. There’ll be two hundred troops coming through every half day for the next five days.”

“Two thousand? That’s ... that’s literally twice our best hope of support. Why?”

He grinned. “Two reasons. One, I have a letter here for the Queen and Empress. Can you direct me to where she is, so I can deliver it to her?”

I held my hand out. “Easily done. I’m standing here in front of you.”

He looked surprised, then stepped back a pace and bowed. “Your Majesty.” He stood back up, then handed me the note. “Almost everything is in there. The second thing is that ... is the Princess with you as well?” He looked around at the people with me.

From behind me I motioned Karliah forward. “This is Karliah, granddaughter of the Queen Mother Barenziah.” She looked embarrassed.

“Excellent. Your Highness, the Queen Mother personally instructed me to issue you her profound apologies for what happened in the past. The explanations in the letter that Her Majesty sent regarding the Daedric influence in Tamriel explained many things to her that had always puzzled her. She is well aware that apologies are only words, and it is with actions that show true intent. Therefore, I present you with this.”

He pulled out a ring from a belt pouch. “Please, may I have your right hand?” Karliah took her glove off and reluctantly held her hand out. He placed the ring on her third finger. “With this signet ring, and under the authority of, and with the blessing of Queen Mother Barenziah and King Helseth of Morrowind, I hereby formally announce their acceptance of Princess Karliah into the family royal of Morrowind.”

She looked at me, stunned. “This ... this is too much. I’m ... I’m not...”

“Yes, Karliah, you are. You showed your loyalty to your ideals for dozens of years. I’m truly sorry that your lover was killed, but your lifespan is such that he would have died well before you anyway. Now you have a chance to start anew, once we’ve defeated the Aldmeri, of course.”

She frowned. “I hope she doesn’t expect me to wear ball gowns and such, what a Princess is supposed to wear.”

I laughed. “When it’s a royal function, of course you will. Consider it a ... disguise. To allow you to penetrate someplace to case it for future plans. And I don’t think anyone will say much about you wearing armor otherwise, not with the sterling example I’ve set for you. Now, let me read this letter.”

They both stepped back from me while I glanced over it, then followed me as I moved to a table to sit down and read it again. I looked up and then around. “Rikke!”

She came running up. “Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Leave someone here to supervise things. The plan here will be as we anticipated, feed the troops here, have them bed down near Kynesgrove, then send them on to the plains west of Whiterun for encampment prior to deployment. Make arrangements for twice the food and drink we anticipate, we’ve many more soldiers coming to help. But as I said, that’s for your subordinate officer.”

“Certainly, Your Majesty. However, that begs the question, what am I going to be doing?”

“Send a fast rider to General Kottir. I want him to meet us in Whiterun. You’re going with me, my companions, and Prince Merano here for a quick stop at High Hrothgar and then on to Whiterun. Delphine is still in Windhelm, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is. I take it you want her with us as well?”

“Correct.” I looked off into the distance for a moment. “Damn. As much as I don’t want to do this, also send riders to all the Jarls. Tell Balgruuf to be ready to host a meeting of all the Jarls, even though we just had one after the wedding. I want the Jarl, housecarl, steward, and the city guard captains. Have a squad of troops as escort for each of them. Ideally they’ll all be there in six days, conference to last ... probably three days, maybe a little less. Tell them to bring their city and hold account books.”

“That sounds ... ominous.”

“Not really. We just need to figure out the Kingdom budget based upon going to war a little quicker than I had anticipated, in a couple of directions I wasn’t expecting at first. And ... have the Dragonborn’s Own and your Imperial army head that way as well.”

“How many of the troops do you want?”

I had a grim expression on my face. “All of them.”

Her eyes widened at that, then Rikke nodded and hurried off to follow my orders. I sent the rest of my companions to gather their gear and prepare to move out, while Prince Captain Merano handed things over to his second in command. While we were finishing, Galmar came out from the city to meet me.

“Is there something amiss with our preparations here, my Queen? What’s this about a conference in Whiterun?”

“Just that, Galmar. A slight change in my plans, and I want my Jarls ... all of them ... to know what’s going to happen. That way there is no misunderstanding. If you wish to wait and travel with Jarl Korir of Winterhold, that’s fine. I don’t know if Jarl Astrid will end up coming this way or not, so don’t plan on her being with your group. Windhelm wasn’t part of the most recent conference, where the Jarls discussed trade and where I thought we had things planned out for a while. This won’t be about trade, this will be about something a bit closer to the heart of Nords.”

“Oh? I know you’ve spent quite a bit of time here with us. What do you think that is?”

“An honorable war.”

He looked shocked at my comment, muttering, “You do understand us.” He shook his head. “Yes, my Queen. We shall meet you in Whiterun.” He turned and hurried back into Windhelm.

My group was ready and we left the camp then. It was dark when we reached Ivarstead. The town guards were alarmed when such a large group came riding into town, at least until they saw the banners. We stuffed the Vilemyr Inn that night. Karliah and Rikke ended up sharing the main guest room with me, Prince Captain Merano got the single, and everyone else filled the commons. Wilhelm was a little overwhelmed at how much business he had and the coin he made that night and next morning.

After breakfast, we started up the Seven Thousand steps. When we reached the snowline, Merano commented, “I don’t think is something many of my people have ever done before, Your Majesty.”

“Probably not, Your Highness. One thing I’ve found is that it’s a great workout for your legs, though, since the trails are just too treacherous for horses. It certainly did wonders for the residual baby fat Lydia had on her thighs.”

From behind me a snowball came flying past my head. “I heard that. If I recall right, it was your butt that was flabby, not mine.”

“Too bad we don’t have any impartial witnesses to those conversations now, dear. Ah, well, life happens.” I looked at the expression on Merano’s face and grinned. “You’ll find that I’m not quite a stuck up prig, just because of the titles I have.”

Jordris laughed. “No. You’re a respectable married woman now with children on the way, instead of the wanton slut that you were when we first met.”

“Now, now, Jordris. I was never wanton. Or wanting, whichever.” I chuckled a little.

“Are you sure you’re the High Queen and Empress? This is ... well, nothing like any conversation I’ve ever imagined hearing. Certainly nothing I’ve heard in our court.”

“Prince Merano, you are familiar with the history of Queen Barenziah, right? There’s a reason why Karliah here was born, and it had nothing to do with chastity on the part of the Queen Mother.”

“Yes, well ... one tends not to think that way of the Queen Mother. Not at her age.” He looked at me then. “That is something she didn’t know, though, and one of the reasons I was sent here, since I’m part of the royal line.” At my look of confusion, he said, “That you were married. She had hoped ... well, that perhaps you and I ... anyway, if you have a husband now, I don’t think that would work now. Although you look remarkably fit for being expecting a child.”

I laughed at his comment, as did nearly everyone in my party. He looked a bit peeved at that. “Prince Merano, Jordris didn’t say I had a husband. She said I was married, with children on the way. I’m not pregnant, my wives ... all three of them ... are pregnant. With my children.” At his look of disbelief, I said, “My mother was involved. You may have heard of her, the Daedric Lord, Lady Sheogorath.”

We spent the rest of the climb discussing my heritage. High Hrothgar was in sight when we finished talking. Merano finished our conversation by saying, “I ... um ... damn. If I didn’t have proof of everything here, I would swear that was the biggest...”

“Pile of steaming dragon shit? Yes, I’m well aware of how it must sound. But as you said, you have the proof. And just to make it perfectly clear, you’re going to see something soon that few people have. Come on, let’s go see Arngeir.”

We entered High Hrothgar. Borri was in meditation in the entry hall. His whispered greeting of “Dovahkiin” shook the entry hall. I acknowledged his greeting, and asked, “Where is Arngeir?”

From the main hall, I heard the old man. “I am here, Dragonborn. Have you returned for your lessons in wisdom? Perhaps not, I see you are still with the Blades. Why is she in our hall?” His tone was angry as usual.

“Because this is the quickest and easiest way to go to the Throat of the World. Things are coming to a head quicker than I anticipated and I am going to talk to Paarthurnax.”

“That is the way things always happen when the Blades interfere with the Dragonborn. I cannot allow you to proceed onward until you return to our teachings. It is not the way of the Voice.”

“The Blades are not interfering with me, Arngeir. Your own arrogance does not allow you to see the truth.”

“Just as before, the Dragonborn has the power but not the wisdom. You may proceed no further, and I must ask you to leave.”

I sighed. “I see that I must demonstrate to you why you are wrong, again. Master Borri, would you please stand in the center? I promise that nothing I am going to do will cause you any harm, although you may be discomfited by it briefly.”

Borri moved to the center of the room, where months ago the Greybeards had shouted at me. I motioned for my companions to move back. I heard Lydia whisper, “Let’s get behind that pillar, I suspect there may be a bit of debris flying.”

Arngeir started talking. “There is nothing you can say that will change my mind...”

I shouted LAAS YAH NIR at Borri. I could see his aura then, as well as those of the other two Greybeards coming towards the room. Arngeir’s aura looked ... odd. Arngeir started to talk again and I shouted FAAS RU MAAR. I knew that Dismay wouldn’t affect Borri. I took in another breath and shouted ZUN HAAL VIIK. He had no weapon, so he wouldn’t be disarmed.

Borri was standing still as I then shouted KAAN DREM OV, took another quick breath and then shouted GOL HAH DOV followed immediately with MUL QAH DIIV. Kyne’s Peace wouldn’t affect him as he wasn’t an animal, and while Bend Will might, I took the chance that it wouldn’t. And of course, suddenly also having Dragon Aspect appear on myself would show my skill.

“Master Einarth, Master Wulfgar, greetings. I am glad you got the opportunity to see the end of my demonstration to Arngeir. I am not a student of the Way of the Voice. I am a Mistress of it. I say this not in arrogance but as simple statement of fact. I am the Last Dragonborn. Your order has prided itself on not being part of political affairs until it was forced to do so. That time is upon you again. I am taking these people with me, we are going to the Throat of the World, and I will speak with Paarthurnax. Arngeir, does the name Miraak mean anything to you?”

He frowned in thought. “Miraak ... Yes, he was a Dragon Priest from ancient times. I recall his name from the Dragon Wars. He vanished ages ago.”

“He was the First Dragonborn, even before Saint Alessia. His temple was on Solstheim. He spent the time since he vanished studying with Hermaeus Mora in Apocrypha. He returned to Solstheim recently...”

Arngeir interrupted me. “So, you need our help in defeating this First Dragonborn? How typical.”

“How typical your own arrogance. I killed Miraak in Apocrypha, defeated his plan to take over Solstheim, just as I defeated Molag Bal and have returned free will to the people of Tamriel and Nirn, removing the Daedric influence from our world. Did you not notice something in my demonstration with Master Borri? Can you shout, then immediately shout again? Akatosh himself has given me the Words of Power ... all of them ... and the ability to use them. As I see fit. I am Dovahkiin.

“I have told you this before. I am the High Queen of Skyrim, I am Septim, Empress of Tamriel. I am the Last Dragonborn. It is not you who passes judgment on me, it is you who does as I command! I am done with your obstructions. My kingdom is going to war, to free the Empire from the Thalmor and the grip they and their Daedric masters placed upon it. I am going up to the Throat of the World to talk to Paarthurnax. Arngeir, you have forgotten the teachings of Jurgen Windcaller yourself. The Way of the Voice teaches that while violence is the least of the Voice’s uses, it must be used in times of True Need. The Aldmeri seek to rule over all Tamriel, to destroy the worship of Talos. Do not seek to pit your powers against mine, not as the Greybeards once did against Wulfharth of Atmora. You ... will ... lose.”

From the expression on his face, Arngeir was now furious. Before he could say or do anything, Einarth spoke. His voice shook the hall. “Arngeir! You forget yourself! She is Dovahkiin! She is Ysmir!”

Wulfgar spoke as well, again shaking the hall. “Arngeir! You are wrong. Listen to the Dovahkiin!”

Borri didn’t speak. He simply came up and stood beside me, facing against and facing down Arngeir.

Arngeir didn’t look like he was going to back down, and I was suddenly struck by a very nasty thought. I looked at the other three Greybeards. “Do not interfere.”

I then shouted at Arngeir JOOR ZAH FRUL, which should not have affected him other than to perhaps cause him to stumble because it was just Dragonrend. Instead, it caused him to fall to the floor, writhing in pain. The three Greybeards looked on in shock as I then shouted GOL HAH DOV, then yelled out a command as the Bend Will shout allowed, “Release him from your thrall, you sneaky bastard!” Nothing happened for a moment, so I then shouted RII VAAZ ZOL, to tear their souls apart. That did it.

From out of Arngeir, just as had happened many times when I killed a dragon, the magic began flowing and I felt the soul of a dragon entering my body. Arngeir was bouncing on the floor as the soul of the dragon that had infected him left his body. After a few moments, the magic ceased and I felt the dragon soul completely gone from Arngeir.

“Erandur, Frea, come quick, see if you can heal the wounds that Arngeir has sustained.” They ran forward while the rest of my companions gathered around. Borri was looking at me with a questioning look on his face, with rage behind his features at how Arngeir had been treated.

“Did you ever wonder why Arngeir was so oppositional to me? With him it was always the Way of the Voice as peace, even though violence is a part of it. He argued against my learning Dragonrend, that perhaps it was time for our world to end. He was trying to hide something, never being open with me. He didn’t want me to talk to Paarthurnax in the first place. He continued to defy and oppose me if he thought he could do so, always trying to put obstacles in my path. Since coming to High Hrothgar for the first time, I’ve felt something off with him, like he was being controlled by someone else. I just proved that he was.”

Erandur looked up from where Arngeir lay on the stones. “We’ve done what we can, with both spell and potion. It’s not much. It will depend upon his own will, what little of it there is remaining, on whether he lives or dies. What was that in him?”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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