A True History - Book Five - Cover

A True History - Book Five

Copyright© 2022 by StarFleet Carl

Chapter 24

“You know, that wasn’t funny,” I complained.

Diana raised her head, allowing my deflating cock to slip from her mouth. She licked a bit of my cum from her lips, then said, “I thought it was fairly amusing myself.”

Helen shook her head, the sweat from our lovemaking glistening on her skin. “Come on. We’re in the Lincoln Bedroom. Where better to ask you that than here?”

I sighed. “Fine. I think I’m spoiled. Besides, you’re the one whose skin is considered black, even if I’m the one who’s more genetically related to Africans out of all of us.”

Snickering, Helen said, “Okay, I won’t ask you to emancipate any more orgasms from me tonight. I probably proclaimed enough that the Secret Service is scared to talk to us.”

Diana giggled then. “You don’t need a mustache for us to ride, not with your tongue.”

I shook my head. “I can’t believe I told all of you what Bob said.”

My wives snuggled up next to me.

“He’s a good man, according to Ginny, anyway. He’s just from a different generation than we are. Now, how about we get at least a little sleep, since we’re supposed to have breakfast with Ron and Nancy in a few hours?” Helen asked.

“Yes, Dear. Have I told either of you how much I love you today?”

“Actually, you did, but that’s okay. We love you, too,” Diana replied.

As we rested, I remembered the reception after the State of the Union address, and how nervous a fair number of Senators and Representatives were upon meeting me. It seemed Jeane had casually mentioned that I wasn’t constrained by American law, and none of them had any hope of intimidating me.

The ‘Lion of the Senate’ wasn’t nervous, and tried.

“So, my boy, how does it feel to be among so many great people?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Where are they?”

His Boston accent thickened then. “Don’t you know who I am?”

“Oh, I know who you are. I just don’t think you’re great. You weren’t important enough of a Kennedy brother to assassinate, and if anyone should know that, one of my wives’ grandfather would. You’re nothing but a fraud who used his father’s money and influence, and then sympathy from the residents of Massachusetts because you weren’t killed, to get and keep your job. I’ll give you credit where credit is due. You’re a great actor, because you can read a prepared speech quite well. But otherwise, you’ve been nothing more than an unwitting tool of the former Bilderberg group, no doubt influenced by your good friend, Tip O’Neil who is, if I remember correctly, now serving a life sentence in Federal Prison for treason. I’m honestly quite surprised that you haven’t announced your resignation so that someone who has both morals and ethics can actually be a good representative for the people of Massachusetts. Hell, if you’ve got the courage, go to Arlington, to the Tomb of the Unknowns, and ask your brother what he thinks. He’s there, and he’ll tell you the truth.”

A rather gawky looking man about an inch taller than me and Kennedy that had been standing next to Ted Kennedy heard what I’d said and took umbrage to my comments. “How dare you say that to my fellow Senator?”

“Um, because someone should? I mean, I’ve seen what the Mother Fucking Alien and his assistant did in this very chamber to some of you so-called elite representatives of the United States and her people. You folks think that just because you’ve managed to get elected to an office, you don’t think you should be held accountable for your actions. Teddy here let a girl die because he was a coward. Now, I know you did serve the United States in combat in Vietnam, and earned the awards you were given. I think you ought to go to the Wall and talk to the thousands of men that now live there because they died for what the United States of America stands for, and see whether they think you deserve to represent anyone due to your despicable public actions.”

I held up my hand. “Don’t get me wrong, Senator Kerry. If you disagreed with what the US was doing in Vietnam, that’s perfectly fine. But standing up and then spitting on your own nation publicly like that? No, Sir. You violated your oath as an officer and your pledge to those men who had served under you, then. Quite frankly, I’m almost disgusted to even be in the same room with a man who would break his sworn oath, and then later and without thinking about it, swear an even more binding oath to the same nation he already broke faith with! How can you swear to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, when by your own actions, you’ve shown yourself to be an enemy of that same Constitution?”

He looked at me in shock. “How dare you speak to me of what I did, and what my own, personal, motivations were for doing so?”

“Quite easily, actually,” I replied. “After all, you’ve never been held accountable for your actions, have you? The same way Teddy here was never held accountable by having at the very least the charge of involuntary manslaughter filed against him. The awards you were given for valor in combat weren’t yours. They were given to you for your men! These ribbons on my chest were given to me by the King of Nepal and are my constant reminder that they represent both lives saved ... and lives lost. The medal Ronald Reagan awarded me tonight isn’t mine. It belongs to those eight hundred thousand men and women who are now permanently and forever dead, because I came up with the idea of the rocket. I simply have both the honor – and the burden – of wearing it. Not for me. But because of what it represents! You know what? I’m tired of both of you, and your sanctimonious bullshit. Come on, let’s go! Right now!”

I reached out and grabbed both of their arms in a quite unbreakable grip, and started literally dragging them both through the parting crowd. Two members of the Capitol Police ran forward to intervene, their hands on their holsters.

“Sir, take your hands off...” They shut up.

I wouldn’t have been surprised if it’d been Sayel or any of my Gurkhas that intervened. It wasn’t. Apparently, I’d gotten just a little loud and vocal with my comments, using my quarterback voice. That meant about halfway through my dressing down of Ted Kennedy, I’d managed to shut down every single conversation remaining in the chamber, because of how my voice carried.

Stepping up to the police and surrounded by some very motivated Secret Service agents, President Ronald Reagan said, “I think Cal has had a great idea. How many of us have made that short trip from here to either the Wall or the Tomb of the Unknowns since we took office, unless it was for some sort of ceremony? Vice-President Kirkpatrick has just been in contact with the DC metro area bus service, and there are more than enough buses on the way, here and now, to transport each and every one of you either to the Wall or Arlington Cemetery. Due to my office, I cannot ride with you, but I can and will also go. I will be giving His Majesty, King Lewis, and Senators Kerry and Kennedy a ride.”

He paused, then looked around at everyone still standing in shocked silence. In a loud and carrying voice, he proclaimed, “As we are all elected representatives of the people of the United States, and this is still being broadcast live on C-SPAN and many of the networks interrupted their analysis of the speech to again show live what was happening here, I suggest we all show the American public they sent the right people to Washington to represent them.”

With that, he pivoted on his heel and headed for the door. While I didn’t lessen my grip on either Kennedy or Kerry, they were no longer resisting me, but were instead meekly coming along.

I didn’t listen in to either of their conversations. Kerry was crying in shame when we left him at the Wall. Several members of the Third Infantry were still at work setting up multiple microphones and speakers, so it was easy for us to get close enough for Kennedy to touch the Tomb. His first words were, “All three of you are here?”

Some members of Congress hadn’t wanted to bother making the trip. Other members didn’t give them a choice.

I don’t know how long things lasted that night. Once Kennedy had touched the Tomb and started talking, my guards escorted me to another vehicle and brought me back to the White House. That was where I found Helen and Diana waiting for me.

Neither of them wore their tiaras now – or anything else. The contrast between Helen’s ebony skin tone and the California tan Diana had picked up living with us immediately made me hard.

“You know, this wasn’t a bedroom when Lincoln lived here, it was an office. And it’s the same room he signed the Emancipation Proclamation in,” Helen said, then she turned and kissed Diana.

The weather had still been slightly misting, so my suit was damp. I took care in removing it and then placing it in the sitting room, where the White House Steward would find it. Then I went back into the bedroom. Diana was now sucking and licking on Helen’s nipples.

“Oh, Master, please come save this poor girl! I’m so hot and ready, I need to have my body emancipated!” Helen said, throwing her head back and her legs open. She was so wet in anticipation, she was already dripping, with it running down towards the bed.

“I’m definitely having more than four scores in seven years,” I said with a chuckle as I dove in between those beautiful thighs.

“Ah, the joy and resilience of youth,” Ronald said as we joined him and Nancy at their private breakfast table.

As I held their seats while my wives sat down, Nancy said, “If you could bottle whatever it is you have, you’d make another fortune.” She had a sly and satisfied smile on her face.

I tried to deflect things a little by saying, “I’m sorry if I kept Ronald out too late after the speech last night. I’m afraid I let my emotions get the best of me when Ted Kennedy got in my face.”

Nancy said, “Oh, there’s no need to apologize for that. We’re both used to being woken in the middle of the night for various emergencies of state. And there was definitely an emergency of state last night. It’s just very seldom Daddy gets to stay in bed with me after we’re woken up,” she said with a grin.

Chuckling, Ron said, “If nothing else, you’re definitely royalty, while I’m not. You proved the adage that once a King, always a King. But once a night is enough.”

Diana spit out the bite of egg she’d taken, her face turning red.

Not as embarrassed, Helen said, “I would’ve thought with the distance involved and the building itself, there would’ve been adequate ... soundproofing.”

“Yes, well ... this is the residential floor. Most of the remodeling and upgrades along those lines are on the first floor and between floors and of course, in the West Wing. However, there are doors between my sitting room, the Yellow Oval Room, and the Treaty Room, which does share a wall with the Lincoln Bedroom,” Ronald said, then took in a deep breath. “Anyway, enough of that. I know the three of you had planned on leaving Washington this morning. I would greatly appreciate it if you would remain here until this evening.”

“I don’t have any tests or quizzes today that I’m aware of, so I could miss another day of classes without too much trouble,” Helen said.

Diana nodded and said, “My political science professor will be fine with it. He was planning on having everyone, even me, write a paper on the State of the Union.”

Ronald grinned. “Then he’ll appreciate this,” he said, passing over a piece of paper.

I read it aloud. “To: The Honorable Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America. Mister President, your presence is hereby requested to a Special Joint Session of the Congress of the United States, to be held today, February 5th, 1986, at One PM Eastern Time, in the House of Representatives. This session will be closed to both the general public and the press. If they are available, we request that His Majesty, King California Lewis, and the Queen Consorts Helen and Diana Lewis, also attend. Signed, James Wright, Speaker of the House and Jeane Kirkpatrick, President of the Senate and Vice-President of the United States.”

I started to hand it back to Ronald, and he shook his head. “Go ahead and let Diana have it as extra credit for her class.”

“So, what’s going on?” I asked.

“I’m officially not supposed to know,” Ronald said. “Rather obviously, none of you were in a position to watch any television last night or this morning. Actually, neither of us were, either.” He reached over and patted his wife on the hand, then continued. “But I have staffers here that all they do is watch television, all day, every day, especially now that cable is available. Of course, they’re not just watching our television, they also watch news shows from overseas as well. In any event, do you remember when I first went to the Wall?”

“I’ve seen the news reports, yes.”

He chuckled and said, “Of course you have. Then you remember seeing how difficult it was for the souls to communicate with me, and with others. That difficulty ... no longer exists, at any of the sites you and Jeane visited yesterday.”

“I’d certainly hope not. The souls from Star Home – which is the name of the planet Shiva came from – have an excess of energy. That’s how they were able to destroy Halley’s Comet. They simply donated some of their excess energy to help the souls here,” I explained.

“I’m going to presume you have an explanation about those items that you’ll be able to give to Congress,” he stated.

“Of course, Ronald. It’s all Guardian shit,” I said with a grin, then dug into my breakfast.

Due to the uproar from last night, they hadn’t had time to remove the projector in the visitor’s gallery or the screen from behind the Speaker’s podium. That suited me quite well. With in-flight refueling, it took one of my Tomcats only two hours to get here from Moffett. We’d already let the Secret Service know that someone would be dropped off at the White House, so we were expecting it when they escorted Marcia upstairs.

“So, how was that ride?” I asked.

“How much time do we have before I have to get ready?” she asked.

Helen grinned and said, “None, my sister-wife. While you don’t need the amount of preparation that we had yesterday, you still need a shower and some nice clothes. Give me your dress. The staff here will have it pressed and ready for you to put on by the time you’re out of the shower.”

“Damn! Fine. Mister, you owe me one out of this world fucking!” Marcia stated as she started stripping.

Twenty minutes later, the four of us met Ronald and Nancy for a very light snack that only took ten minutes, then we rode with them to the Capitol Building. While on the ride there, Diana and Helen helped Marcia put her tiara in place, as she hadn’t had time after her shower to do so.

Ronald laughed and said, “You know, it’s a good thing you’re all royalty. If this was a contest to choose who deserved the crown as a beauty contest winner, it’d be impossible to pick a winner.”

“You know you don’t have to flatter us to try to win our vote, Mister President. None of us are eligible to vote in a US election,” Diana said.

“That’s why it’s not flattery and only the truth, young lady,” Nancy said.

Marcia spoke up then. “Thank you. And that’s actually a good question, my sister-wife. I think the six of us that are over eighteen can still vote, at least in Kansas. We just couldn’t hold political office in the United States.”

Diana looked thoughtful and said, “I’ll actually have to check that with my political science professor when we get home. We’d talked about my specific status, but we really didn’t talk about the rest of us.”

“I’ve got a Kansas Driver’s License, and that’s dangerous enough for me!” Helen said with a laugh. “I don’t need to screw things up by voting here, too!”

We pulled up in front of the Capitol, the Secret Service opened the doors and wondered why we were all laughing. Ronald got out first, followed by me, then everyone else. We were escorted into the hallway just outside the chamber. The doors were actually opened already and waiting for us. I motioned the Sergeant of Arms over.

“This is my wife, Princess Marcia Lewis. She’ll need access to the projector in the visitors gallery, as well as making sure the audio system is hooked up into the House speaker system,” I said.

He looked a little surprised at the request, but nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He waved two men over. “Your Highness, if you’ll go with my assistant, he’ll escort you there. Jeffery knows how to run the projector and sound system upstairs.”

“Thank you,” she said, and headed off.

Then, the Sergeant at Arms stuck his head in and shouted, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States, the King of Punjab, and invited guests.”

Jim Wright pounded on his gavel for attention, and said, “Please have them enter.”

Unlike last night, there wasn’t any applause when Ronald entered. I walked in next to him, as his equal, instead of going to the visitor’s gallery. We walked in step down to the well of the House, then escorted Nancy, Helen, and Diana to their seats in the first row of seats, where the recording clerks would normally sit. There were two of those clerks, seated at the far end in the bill clerk’s chairs. Then Ronald took a step up to where the Tally Clerk would normally sit, to the right of the podium, and I stood by a seat where one of the Reading Clerks would’ve been, on the other side of the podium. At the same time, we took our seats. While we’d been walking down and taking our seats, Marcia and her escorts came in through one of the doors to the Visitor’s gallery and quietly walked down to the front, where she began working on the projector.

From behind us, Jim Wright hit his gavel. “At this time, the doors and entrances to the House Chamber will be closed and sealed. This is a closed Joint Session of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.” He rapped his gavel again, and there was an echo as the open doors slammed shut.

Wright continued with, “Thank you all for coming. Please note that, prior to your arrival, we took a full roll. All one hundred members of the United States Senate are present this afternoon. We have four hundred thirty-two members of the House present. Three members were not present last night or today, as they are in the hospital due to an assortment of illnesses. Mister President, we are gathered here to vote upon your request regarding a declaration of Martial Law for next month. However, before we do so, we have a few questions regarding those weapons you mentioned and this so-called Guardian of the Earth.”

Ronald stood up and moved to the podium where he’d spoken last night.

“I’m quite certain you do. I know there is one person in this room who knows and understands exactly why I said what I did. Madame President of the Senate?”

He moved back to his seat and let Jeane take his place. I thought that was well done on his part, because that would give her additional credibility for the 1988 Presidential election.

“Thank you, Mister President.” She hit a toggle and the screen began to lower behind her like it had last night. The lights in the room also dimmed, and a slide projector came on. It took a couple of seconds for it to get into focus. The slide read: ‘Presidential Eyes Only – Top Secret: Astronomer – Project: Return Visitor.’

“Ladies and Gentlemen of Congress, the President of the United States holds the ultimate authority on classification of material. You are all aware of the various levels of security classification. This slide briefing, and everything else you are going to see and hear today is classified Top Secret: Astronomer. What that security clearance means is quite simple. If you discuss, leak, or otherwise tell anyone outside of this chamber what you learn today, you will not be arrested. You will not face prison time. Violating this security classification is considered treason and thus Article One, Section Six, Clause One, of the US Constitution is not applicable. You will simply be killed, and it’s quite possible that your entire family will also meet that fate.”

She raised her voice to still any protests and kept talking. “This is not politics as usual in Washington. This is not about political parties, or political power. This is about the survival of the human race! Oh, and if you are killed because you just couldn’t keep your mouths shut, if nothing else, you won’t be the first person to die because of this.”

From the darkness, I heard a voice say, “Fuck, I want out of here!”

Surprising me, a voice I recognized shouted out, “Sit your chicken shit ass down and shut your fucking mouth. You took the oath, the same as I did. At least you didn’t get your ass reamed like I did last night by my brothers for my actions. If I can put up with that, and still have the courage of my convictions to show up today, then you can just shut the fuck up and listen to the Vice-President.”

I used my vision to look through the darkness. Kennedy looked rumpled, his suit dirty, with bags under his eyes like he hadn’t slept. But the look of anger on his face directed towards the original commentator was quite genuine. The ‘Lion’ was angry and would roar if needed.

Jeane blinked and said, “Thank you, Senator Kennedy. All right, then. This briefing was originally given to President Reagan in the fall of 1984, after the Messenger from Above arrived. We obviously know more now than we did then, but updates will come after you see the original briefing.

“First slide. This is California Lewis, quite possibly the most intelligent person on Earth. He is very athletic, knowledgeable in topics that are beyond those of most top scientists, and like all those you are going to see, has a background that fits Project Return Visitor. Next slide. This is Ramaeshwara Randhawa, also known as the Thug. He was a brutal killer, incredibly strong, incredibly fast, and utterly ruthless. He may have been capable of saving Earth, but he was also capable of destroying it. Next. This is Cristian Calvin Bauman. He is the private ruler of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. He is charming, ruthless, and an expert in hand-to-hand combat, as well as small and long arms. His goal is to rule the planet under his own control. Next. Hugo Kelekes Sokalski. He is the oldest of the four, and has worked behind the scenes to manipulate the less stable governments of Europe and Africa to his own ends. He is incredibly strong and brutal, and has been witnessed killing a man by squeezing his head with one hand until his skull cracked open. His goal is to rule the world under his own control. It is not a coincidence that the four men you just saw appear to be related.

“Next. This is the Messenger from Above, also known as Caelistis. These are his three ‘Angels,’ Evabethia, Belador, and Lynevila. The four of them possess powers similar to those recorded by the last alien visitor to this planet, the Hindu God, Shiva. Next. This is Halley’s Comet. The US Government has been aware since the 1835 visitation of the comet that a being claiming to be Shiva was in the Comet. The British Empire has been aware of this since 1682. Next. This is a device that very, very few people can use. These are devices that were left over from Shiva’s visit ten thousand years ago. The Sixth Xhosa War, the Mexican Revolution, and the Mexican-American War were fought over these devices, to prevent someone from gaining some of them.”

She paused, took a breath, and then continued. “That was the initial briefing. There is other background information that is irrelevant. There is current information that is relevant. Rather obviously, His Majesty, King California Lewis, is seated to my left. He will discuss a few things with you later. Ramaeshwara Randhawa is dead, killed by King Lewis, in hand-to-hand combat. It should be noted that his family claimed lineage and descent from Shiva, and based upon certain analysis, it appears he was bred by his family for specific traits, just as we’d breed dogs. Cristian Bauman is now one of the Federation Ministers for North and South America. He was created in a lab run by Doctor Joseph Mengele in Argentina after the end of the Second World War. He’s ... well, he’s on our side now, since he didn’t use the large nuclear device he’d brought with him to blow San Francisco off the map when I met him last year. Hugo Sokalski is effectively the ruler of every nation in Africa that isn’t a member of the Federation, it’s just that some of them don’t know it yet. He’s also on our side, now. Oh, and his father was Grigori Rasputin, also known as the Mad Monk, and he specifically was conceived during the 1910 visit of Halley’s Comet. Yes, he’s that old.

“King Lewis was created in a laboratory as well, but in the old fashioned way. His parents worked in a secret CIA laboratory that, as one of their projects, was the study of those devices. Yes, we used to have quite a number of them. That’s why he’s ... rather attuned to them. But more on that later. One thing we were seriously bothered by is the coincidences involved between these men. Apparently some things simply are not left to chance. California, Cristian Calvin, Hugo Kelekes, and Caelistis. Elizabeth, Maria Elizabeth, another Elizabeth, and Evabethia. Evelyn Lynette, Evelin, Lydia Evelin, and Lynevila. Dora, Salvadora, Dorothea, and Belador. The only outlier for this was Randhawa, and he only had slave women, not ... actual women that loved him. What do all those coincidences mean? Damned if I know. However, as we all noted last night, the souls of our dead are very much aware of what is going on, they have their own opinions, and because of that, I cannot but think there has been some divine intervention. Even if we now know both Jesus and Mohamed were simply men who could use those devices. Now, I believe there is a short film for us all to watch.”

She stepped to one side and sat down on Ronald’s other side. I hadn’t even noticed that Jim Wright had taken the seat next to me.

The light source briefly flickered, as the slide projector light was turned off, and the film projector was turned on. There were some numbers shown on the screen counting down, which allowed Marcie to focus things. Then I heard a familiar voice, that of Mycroft, as he began narrating.

“Hello. The first part of this film is a re-creation of historical events that did happen. We know this re-creation is accurate, due to commentary from souls that lived through these events.”

The screen then faded to black, then came up inside a large room that was lit with a red tinge. A man was standing behind a young, dark brown skinned woman, who was seated at a desk with a number of shivalingam sitting on it.

“Irhaal, how are you coming along in your investigations of these ancient devices?”

“I know I’m young, Zarathen, barely two hundred, but I’m an expert at figuring out their programming,” the woman said. She didn’t look like Nyota, but after thousands of years of body sculpt, I didn’t expect her to.

“That’s good, Irhaal. The one I have can only do the one thing it’s designed for, and that’s to compensate for the genetic modification our ancestors made so we could live here that seems to have passed me by,” he said.

She looked back over her shoulder, and said, “Don’t worry, Zarathen. I won’t let you or the Star Home Investigation of Valuable Artifacts department down.”

He patted her on the shoulder, and said, “I know you won’t,” as the camera zoomed in on his chest, showing the letters in our language, then shifting them so they spelled S.H.I.V.A. in English.

The scene zoomed out from that to show Zarathen talking to someone that remained off-camera. “You’ve found the records? Excellent. I need to see if it’s possible, then, to recreate the faster than light drive our ancestors once had. If it works, well, you know what that means to our evacuation plans. Yes, I know the planetary council is working on building ships to transport our people to that planet we know of that we can live on. That will take thousands of years for us to get there. If we have this FTL drive, we can get there in months instead of millennia. Of course, thank you, I’ll get right on it. Thank you, and goodbye.” It then showed Zarathen smiling. “Of course I will. I have no desire to spend the last three thousand years of my life stuck in a stupid ship traveling through space!”

Another voice spoke then, coming from a computer speaker. “I think this will prove most educational for those who looked down on you and on us, Zarathen.”

“Yes, it will. How is your copying process going?”

“It’s nearly complete. One copy of me to run your ship, another to stay behind and erase the evidence. Those little devices your department found have come in very handy,” the computer said.

“As have you, my friend. I doubt the council would approve of using my own thought processes to be used as the basis for an artificial intelligence, no matter how superior to all of them I am.”

The camera changed to the interior view of a spaceship, along with the caption that said, ‘Two years later.’ Three beautiful women were following Irhaal into the spaceship. One of them asked, “So, Irhaal, you mentioned to us that you had some research you wanted to show us. What exactly is it that you’ve discovered?”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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