A Captain Decision - Cover

A Captain Decision

Copyright© 2023 by Pars001

Chapter 8

I had Rommie open a portal as we started to travel to where Picard’s ship was. Less than a minute later, we exited the portal.

I was shocked when I saw that Picard’s ship was surrounded by a huge host of ships. At first, I thought that they were meeting them, ‘til they started to fire on them.

I, of course, recognized the Klingon ships, as well as the Romulan ships. I also saw that there were what appeared to be Cardassian ships.

My eyes flew open when I also felt what appeared to be a Q. Damn it, I wasn’t expecting enemies, especially this many of them. Then I swear I felt the Q moving toward me, not good.

It seemed to get even worse when I felt the ship rock when the Q smashed into my shields.

“I suggest you not attempt that again; an unconscious Q is not a good thing. I am a lot more powerful than you think I am,” I said.

“Just who are you? You feel human, though no human has the amount of power that you do. Might I suggest that you keep out of this ‘til all of us are finished,” Q said.

I smirked as I said, “might I suggest?” I started. “That unless you and all those that are here, wish destruction? That all of you clear out before I get angry, something I don’t think all of you would like,” I said.

I could almost feel the Q smirk as it started to power up. I just shook my head as I released a huge amount of power shaped like a huge fist.

What really shocked me was when the fist connected, knocking the Q out. Huh, I thought, I am far stronger than I thought.

I then turned toward Picard’s ship, surprised that it was holding up as well as it was. I could see though that they were going to lose soon without help.

I lightly growled as I pointed at all the ships, then smiled when half of them blinked out of existance.

“Might I suggest that you break off before the rest of you are destroyed?” I asked as they kept firing. “Alright, target all of them, take almost all systems offline.

“Now firing, John. Reading almost all systems offline,” Rommie said.

I nodded as I turned toward Picard’s ship, “alright contact...” I started when the ship entered warp space. “Damnit! I guess I am going to have to immobilize them,” I said.

Onboard Picard’s ship, they were analyzing all the data that they had received. “Do you have any idea of who they are?” Picard asked.

“No idea, they do appear to be extremely powerful,” his first officer said.

Picard was staring at the picture of the strange ship, something seemed to be nagging at his memories. The worst thing, though, was that, for the life of him, Picard was sure he’d seen it before.

They were grateful that the strange ship had helped them though, as powerful as it was, leaving was essential. He just hoped that whoever it was that they weren’t upset the way they left.

“Keep a lock on them and the three races that attacked us. Also keep an eye out for that Q, lord only knows what he wanted,” Picard said.

“Aye sir,” the first officer said. “Any other instructions sir?”

“No, not now, at least not until we can figure out just what the hell is going on,” Picard said. “If you need me, I’ll be in my ready room.”

“Sir!” The communications officer started. “It appears that Starfleet command wishes a private com. with you.”

“Alright, put it through to my ready room,” Picard said. “Admiral, how can I help you?”

“Captain, are you aware of the plague planet crisis about a hundred, hundred and fifty years ago?” The Admiral asked.

Picard sat and thought for a few moments,” wasn’t that during the first Enterprise’s run? I believe commanded by James T. Kirk?”

“Yes good, so you are a little familiar with it,” ther Admiral said.

“Only that the mission was saved by the Kirk’s ship, though much of the mission is still classified secret,” Picard said.

“Much of that mission was somehow erased from the memories of all of them. This,” here the Admiral clicked up a picture of a long shuttle type ship. “Was recorded for a few seconds by Kirk’s ship. Look familiar?”

Picard’s mouth dropped open, “there is no way, it would be ancient. The one I saw today was a little larger and far more powerful. Are you suggesting that this is the same ship?”

“At this point, we aren’t ruling anything out. Starfleet wants you to stay as far away from it as you can. Apparently, it has targeted you much as it did Kirk’s ship,” the Admiral said.

“We will do the best that we can, Admiral, though if this is as advanced as you seem to think, we might fail, Picard said.

The Admiral sighed, “we realize this, though it may give us time to prepare for what we can.”

“Again Admiral, prepare for what? This took out an equal number of Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian ships. Plus, the Q that was about to come on board? Also, it was knocked out, might be better to talk to them rather than attack,” Picard said.

“You have your orders, Captain. Starfleet out,” the Admiral said, then disconnected.

Picard could only shake his head; he was starting to have a really bad feeling about this.

I had taken a nap while Rommie kept an eye on Picard’s ship. Finally, feeling better, I saw that the ship was still moving. I decided that I needed to strengthen myself more.

This was the first time I had done this while I was out on a mission. As I moved through each of the abilities I had, I felt almost all of them almost double. With all that I felt out there after me, I knew I’d need it.

I tried not to work on this for very long, afraid that I might overextend. Though, as I learned later, I wasn’t really pressing too far at all.

I was shocked when I almost tripled my abilities. I looked at the engines making them twice as strong along with the hull. I then turned to the weapons, making a few more weapons that I had only thought of.

Now I thought it was more on par with the energy beings that I felt between the universes.

I had just finished when I felt the Q from before appear outside the ship. I know that you don’t want to mess with me Q. I am not in a good mood right now and might end you, my thoughts said.

I felt him start to laugh, which pissed me off. I pulled, and he appeared within the ship a look of surprise on his face.

“So, you are human, plus you made your first mistake,” he said with a smile, snapping his fingers. His smile vanished immediately, then he turned to me. “What have you done?”

I smirked, “you wanted to insult me? Fine, I made you human. I told you I am far stronger than you. I am stronger than any Q now. I just increased my power, though I am not stupid,” I told the startled Q.

“Fine, I was sent as an ambassador for the Q continuum. We have felt you in no less than five universes. We demand to know what your intentions are,” the upset Q said.

“Demand? I could destroy a great many of you, especially now. Hmmm,” I said. “I think,” here I opened up communication to the others Q’s. “I think that all of ther Q? Need to rephrase what was just said.”

I felt more than a few raised voices start to shout at me. I got mad again and pulled the three loudest voices, then they were there, each with a shocked face.

“As I told this Q, I am far more powerful than any of you. Now do you wish to rephrase or do I make an example of one of you?” I asked.

All four of them looked at each other then stared at me.” Why,” the oldest started, ‘til I waved my hand, and he couldn’t speak.

“I guess we aren’t going to get anywhere, might as well send you back. Then you’ll have to wonder if I am going to end all of you,” I said.

I was about to send them when the oldest held up his hand. I sighed and allowed him to speak.

“Please forgive us, we aren’t used to being human. You have more power than we have ever seen, it is scary. What are your intentions?” The oldest looking one asked.

I nodded at what the older looking male had said. “At the moment I am trying to help save all the universes. I have saved two so far. I am working on the last two.”

All four of the Q looked at me strangely, “you, as a human wish to save universes? Why, this has never been heard of on such a grand scale.” They looked at me even harder, “you appear to be human, though your actions say that you are not.”

I sighed as I shook my head, “I assume that you don’t mean to insult me? Cause for a moment there it most definitely seemed that you did. Need I remind you, that I am still human and don’t take insults very well at all.”

Three of them shook their heads negatively, while the fourth only smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him, “hey,” he said, raising his hands. “I am not insulting you, just amazed that they capitulated as easily as they did.”

The other three’s mouths fell open as they stared at him. “Yes,” I said as I narrowed my eyes again. They did seem to give in rather easily, know I am far more powerful than you think. The simple fact that I pulled three of you here and took you power should be enough. Now then, I have a lot to do, including chasing down certain people.”

“So, you don’t have aims to take...,” the oldest Q started.

“Look,” I said as my anger rose to the surface. “I have enough to do without dealing with you and your continuum. Leave me alone, and you won’t have a problem with me, mess with me? I might end up destroying some of you, OK?”

I waved a hand at the last three I had pulled, watching as they were amazed, then vanished.

“For some reason, I feel that you have far more information about me than I do about you. I also do not wish to make an enemy of you, though I am afraid that some of the younger Q might try to interfere,” the Q I knew said.

I nodded my head, “I do know more about you than most of the Q. I know that you like to interfere more than the others. I suggest that you stay as far away from this as you can ‘til I am gone.”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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