Here I Go Again: My Second Chance - Cover

Here I Go Again: My Second Chance

Copyright© 2023 by Liza Devereaux

Chapter 3

08:30, August 20, 1983

I biked back to the house and went inside to have breakfast. Mom had fixed me two eggs, over easy, bacon, and toast. She gave me a glass of milk and OJ. Not the healthy breakfast I would have liked, but the best she could do today. At least it wasn’t full of processed sugars and carbohydrates, except for the toast.

“Mom, I noticed that there was a sold sign on the house next door. I guess we’ll be getting new neighbors pretty soon.”

“Yes, your dad met the new owner last month when he signed the home loan. The man’s name was Snodgrass. According to your father, he is a retired Marine Colonel. The Daily News hired him as the new managing editor. He is married and has a fifteen-year-old daughter. They should move in soon. Mr. Snodgrass wanted to get here before school got started and enroll his daughter.”

“That’s neat, too bad she’s a girl. Not that I don’t like girls, but a guy next door would have been great. I would have given me someone to hang out with and maybe work out with.”

Mom grinned. “You know, I’ve heard that some girls run and swim, too. Plus, at your age maybe she’ll be pretty and looking for friends. If nothing else, introduce her to some of your friends and look out for her until she gets settled here.”

I just nodded. I would look out for her this time. As a matter of fact, I would make sure she wasn’t attacked and felt like she needed to end her life. This time Amaryllis Snodgrass would get to grow up.

I finished my breakfast just as my older identical twin sisters were coming downstairs. May and Mary Jane were eighteen and going to be seniors this year. The only way any of us could tell them apart was a small scar that May had gotten when she’d banged her head during a cheering competition. It was so small that if you weren’t looking for it, you’d miss it.

While they both looked alike, they were as different as could be. May was a social butterfly. She was the most popular girl in school, head cheerleader, and queen bee. The jocks and popular kids flocked to obey her every desire.

Mary Jane, while looking the same, was the exact opposite. Where May ruled the school’s social life, Mary Jane was the queen of the college prep tribe. She was a shoo-in to be the Valedictorian at their graduation this year. Until then, she was the class president and leader of most of the school’s dance committees.

If they weren’t my sisters, I would have called them hot. But they were my sisters, my annoyingly bossy older sisters. Unlike some guys, I had never perved on them nor tried to sneak a look at them coming out of the shower. I Tried to keep out of their way and avoided being singled out by them for anything. Where I was Dad’s whipping boy and punching bag; the two of them were his little princesses.

May looked surprised to see me. “What are you doing up, squirt? You normally sleep until noon, if not later.”

I nodded. “You’re right, but since I turn fifteen in a couple of days, I thought it was time to change some things. At six in the morning, I spoke with my mom and dad, and afterwards I went to school to jog and exercise. I don’t plan to remain the smallest, weakest kid in high school. I might not get taller, but I can get stronger and fitter.”

May laughed, but I could see Mary Jane thinking about what I said. “Harrison, we all know that you won’t follow through on this. It will be like you wanting to try out for football in Junior high. As soon as you realize how much work it really is, then you’ll be right back to normal.”

I opened my mouth to tear into May, but Mary Jane spoke before I could. “I don’t know. May look at him. Have you ever seen him look as determined before? I think our baby brother is serious this time. He might finally be growing up.”

I smiled at Mary Jane. “You know, I always thought you were my prettiest sister and so much smarter, too.”

May stomped her foot. “You take that back, Harrison. We look exactly the same.”

I couldn’t resist. It had been years since I’d been able to pick on my sister. “I don’t know, May, that might have been true in the past, but I’m extremely sure that Mary Jane is both smarter and prettier. After all, she doesn’t have that huge scar above her left eyebrow.”

I winked at Mary Jane, and she giggled. May started for me and I laughed and ran up the stairs to my bedroom listening to her chase me yelling, “You take that back, Harrison.”

I stopped as a memory from my future came to me. May lying in a hospital bed, her lovely face covered in stitches. Her psycho boyfriend had carved her up to keep other guys from hitting on her. Police arrested him, but the damage was done and not just to her face. May’s fear of people and their judgment led to her developing agoraphobia. She withdrew from college, got certified as an online medical transcriptionist, and never left her apartment again. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t occur.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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