Lost Empire - Cover

Lost Empire

Copyright© 2015 - 2019 by Pars001.All rights reserved.

Chapter 91

0001 - Tempro
0003 - Conner- Thomas
0097 - Ace - Zimmel
0098 - Lucy
0101 - Shelby (mother ship)
0125 - Lars
0130 - Gillese
0200 - Ellen
0201 - Jake
0250 - Tendra
0301 - Rodrick
0403 - Johnathon
0505 - Craig
0660 - Realla
0778 - Jan
0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)
0805 - Toran
0808 - Radella
0881 - Handrax
0882 - Teal
0908 - Tara - Mara
1000 - Sherry

Ungrown - unnumbered

0102 - Derry (father ship)
Rescued from Tendraxians
so far

2 on Shelby both in re-gen
6 on Lucy
5 on Gillese
5 on Ellen

Known and OR numbered

0501 - Thaddeus
???? - Lena

0667 - Marco

“We need to contact his people if we are to help him,” Kandra said. Grabbing a special comp, he called. “I need the A.I. Mary. Jimison has been hurt beyond the knowledge of our healers.”

Mary answered immediately, “I have a ship on the way, should be there in eleven of your time units.”

“Thank you, Mary,” a thankful Difina whispered.

“You are welcome, Difina,” Mary said.

A few minutes later, one of the ships appeared. “Now commencing IMT,” the female ship said as Difina and Jimison vanished.

Difina and Jimison appeared in the med-bay moments later. “I have him, Princess Difina, make him comfortable, so I can start.”

Difina looked at the holo-gram, nodded, then moved Jimison on the bio-bed. “I know for a fact that he hates this thing,” Difina said.

“He isn’t the only one that has a distrust and taste for it,” the female holo-gram said.

“I’m not sure what your healer did, according to these readings? It would be another month before he’d be out of bed, able to walk,” the holo-gram said.

Difina’s face was suddenly mad as she growled. “I must call father, let him know about this betrayal.”

“For now, I think that you should stay nearby. I have found that humanoids heal faster when they have a loved one near,” the female holo-gram said.

“I will take that to heart Jan,” Difina said. “If I find that his condition was made worse by the one that should be healing him? The pain that I will inflict shall be long and slow, as slow as I can.”

It was a few hours later that Difina finished talking to her father. To say that her temper was at the boiling point was an understatement. They had already detained the traitorous doctor. Difina already had hours of pain planned for him.

It wasn’t too long after that Jimison awoke. This was the only thing that tempered Difina’s temper. She was beside him when his eyes opened. “My love, it is good to see that you are still with us,” Difina said.

Jimison groaned as he tried to speak, “I feel as if I was beaten.”

Difina’s face held a grimace, “the healer that was supposed to be helping you, tried to poison you. I have him scheduled for execution, though very, very slowly.”

Jimison nodded slowly, then was quiet for a few moments. He then motioned Difina close, whispering to her. At first, she was shocked, then as Jimison went on her smile grew.

Now that Jimison was out of danger, Difina relaxed, sleeping next to Jimison. The whole time he thought trying to come up with something to help. They needed something that could ferret out the traitors.

Finally, a few hours later, something came to him. “Jan, I need Rayburn and Kimison, plus the emperor.”

“Contact established,” Jan said.

“Sir,” he said first to Derrick. “I asked all three of you to discuss an idea I had.”

Jimison then started to outline exactly what he was thinking of. Derrick then turned toward his two fleet science division men.

“We’ll start on it as soon as possible. I’m afraid that we are going to have to actually go there, sire,” Kimison said, with Rayburn nodding his agreement.

“Alright, at the moment we have a situation here. For now, Brigader General Dempsy has most of it handled, as well as most of the planet,” Derrick said.

“Damn, if anyone can handle it, it’s Kimon, he is one damn tough master. His fiancé is a very close second,” Jimison said.

Derrick nodded as his attention was divided between the three men and the feed from where Kimon was. “Sir?’ Kimison asked, startling Derrick. “Are you alright?”

Derrick shook his head a moment as he watched Kimon and Onai flow through enemies. “It appears that old enemies of Kimon and Onai’s clans are back. Damn! I knew they were fast, but this is ridiculous.”

Jimison nodded his head, he knew for a fact how fast they were. He turned to Kimison and Rayburn, “so do you think that it is possible?”

Both men looked at each other a few moments, discussing things in their minds. “Yeah, we’re going to have to go there and take readings. I’m afraid without them, it might not be possible,” Rayburn said.

“It sounds a lot like a device we tried to make at the start of the war, then abandoned. I believe that you told us it was taking far too long,” Kimison said.

Derrick was quiet a moment, then clarity came to his eyes. “Ah! I remember that the readings we got I found out, had been tampered with. I as the enemy realized that had you finished it, it would have ended the war years sooner,” Derrick said.

“So, then it is possible, how long do you think it will take to complete it?” Jimison asked.”

Both the men stood there a few moments in thought, “not that sure. We still have the plans that we had, so no more than maybe a month at most. Though it depends greatly upon the readings, just how much different they are to our galaxy,” Kimison said.

“Alright, make this a priority. Tempro, I want you to transport as soon as you and they are ready, good luck,” Derrick said, then clicked off.

“OK, I’ll see you both in a little while,” Jimison said, then clicked off.

Both Kimison and Rayburn started to go through all their records, finding what they needed. They then made sure that Tempro had all that they would need. An hour later, Tempro opened a portal, then moved forward and vanished.

Ten minutes later, another portal opened a few million miles from the Delcron planet.

“Greetings Brother Tempro,” A signal came from Jan. “we are prepared to receive you in orbit.”

“Greetings to you Jan, now moving to close proximity to you,” Tempro said.

Both Kimison and Rayburn IMT’ed aboard Jan as soon as they could. They were about to move to Jimison, when a fierce-looking Delcron female blocked their way.

“You invite death if you think to reach my mate!” The female hissed.

“Difina!” They all heard, “these are my comrades that I told you of.”

Difina growled a few more times, then sniffed at both men, then scampered back to Jimison’s side.

Both men moved forward then groaned when they saw Jimison in the bio-bed. “We need to find a way to increase the healing of them. I still feel that the bio-beds could be better,” Kimison said.

Rayburn was nodding his agreement, “I know that a lot of the higher-ups would be far happier for sure.”

“I’m glad you’re here. I think that she,” indicating Difina. “Could help you greatly with the readings,” Jimison said.

Both men pulled out scanning devices as they nodded.

Lucie was smiling more than she had in quite some time. They had recovered ten more of the brain boxes, that was ten fewer voices asking for help. They just had to get them back to Shelby.

She hoped that the new father ship, Derry, would be able to start re-growing the ships also. Her brother had seemed worried that they didn’t have enough ships.

Lucy hoped that that wasn’t true. She had seen only ten of the ships take out almost four hundred thousand enemy ships. They had now what? Twenty-two ships, they could definitely cut a wide swath through the enemy.

Lucie couldn’t imagine the loss of over twenty thousand ships at once. She thought that it would make an enemy give up almost immediately.

A shake of her head, Lucie asked Johnathon, “how long before we can trans-warp?”

“From all readings, I am getting secondary prime, it will be another hour before we are clear of the debris field. Then at least another ten minutes before I can start and engage the trans-warp field,” Johnathon said.

“Very good, please notify the Empress and Emperor that we’re returning soon,” Lucie said.

“For the moment, they are on Brigadier General Dempsy’s planet of Jitaku for his joining. According to Mary, a large hostile force has landed, attacking the General’s groups. Most of the clans of the planet are moving to render aid,” Johnathon reported.

It was almost an hour later when Admiral Hartwell awoke. One look at where he was caused him to groan. “How long have I been here?” He asked.

“A little over an hour,” Johnathon said.

“My release?” Hartwell asked.

“Surprisingly, only another thirty minutes, as you had no physical injuries,” Johnathon reported.

“What are your orders at present?” He asked.

“At present we are moving out of the ripalon energy field. We are about to engage trans-warp to return to the Imperial planet to off load the ten boxes we collected,” Johnathon said.

“Belay those orders, we need to depart for Jitaku, immediately,” Hartwell said.

“Unable to comply, Admiral Hartwell, you have been medically relieved of command ‘til released from med-bay. I am sorry, prime, I am not allowed to let you go back to command ‘til you are clear,” Johnathon said.

Hartell’s mouth hung open a few moments, then he started to laugh. “Prime? Are you well?” Johnathon asked.

“Yeah, he’s fine, he just realized that he has no choice but to wait,” Lucie said, having just entered the med-bay.

He then looked at Lucie and started to laugh even harder. “Johnathon, who is in command of you as of this moment?”

“As of this moment, the secondary prime is in command,” Johnathon said.

This, of course, made Hartwell laugh even harder, had he not been confined he’d have fallen out of the bed.

“Secondary prime now spinning up trans-warp, Imperial planet in a minute and a half,” Johnathon said.

The trans-warp conduit opened not far from the seventeen ships that were around the Imperial Planet.

They transferred five ships to Gillese and five to Ellen. Twenty minutes later, Hartwell was released, assuming command.

“Alright,” Hartwell addressed the other ships there. “I need to take more of you with me to Jitaku. It appears that a very hostile force has landed there. I need some of you here to guard the Imperial Planet, the rest are with me. Thomas, I need you here in command. Zimmel, you and Ace are coming along with; Lucy, Lars, Jake, Tendra, Rodrick, Craig and Realla.”

“Are we expecting trouble?” Thomas asked.

“You know me and the Commander, we ALWAYS expect trouble. That way, when it arrives, we aren’t as surprised,” Hartwell said.

Less than ten minutes later, a huge trans-warp conduit opened with nine ships vanishing into it.

Several alarms were going off on the planet Jitaku when a portal almost as large as the planet opened. The thing that made even more go off was the nine ships that exited the portal.

“This is Admiral Hartwell of the Imperial space force, here to render aid to Jitaku and the Emperor,” Hartwell said.

“It’s good to see that you have returned, admiral,” Derrick said.

“Yes sir, I have brought another nine ships. There are still another nine around the Imperial Planet. My sister found another ten of the boxes, they are with the ships in orbit there,” Hartwell said.

“Good, though for the moment we have a missing crew member. I want all ships to scan for General Dempsy,” Derrick said.

Onai had searched all over the area, finding no sign of Kimon. This was not like she intended, thinking back, she could only assume that he’d been caught in the blast.

Not long after, she found a very well-hidden trail leading back toward the capital city. She and several thousand members of the clans that had joined to free her, followed.

Kimon’s mother had also been with her as they left. She, too, was worried that Kimon was hurt badly, he would surely have let her know.

Onai, Akira and all those with her were traveling as fast as possible. Strangely, enough they didn’t seem to be gaining any on them.

Kimon Dempsy, lay as still as he could as soon as he was conscious. Damn he thought I have drank, to excess a great many times. He had never had as pounding of a head as he did right now.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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