Lost Empire - Cover

Lost Empire

Copyright© 2015 - 2019 by Pars001.All rights reserved.

Chapter 92

0001 - Tempro
0003 - Conner- Thomas
0097 - Ace - Zimmel
0098 - Lucy
0101 - Shelby (mother ship)
0125 - Lars
0130 - Gillese
0200 - Ellen
0201 - Jake
0250 - Tendra
0301 - Rodrick
0403 - Johnathon
0505 - Craig
0660 - Realla
0778 - Jan
0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)
0805 - Toran
0808 - Radella
0881 - Handrax
0882 - Teal
0908 - Tara - Mara
1000 - Sherry

Ungrown - unnumbered

0102 - Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians
so far

2 on Shelby both in re-gen
6 on Lucy
5 on Gillese
5 on Ellen

Known and OR numbered

0501 - Thaddeus
???? - Lena

0667 - Marco
0999 - Zan - still lost

Shelly had the last of the first, all the second and almost two percent of the third. It was at that moment that Mary finally became aware that Shelly was in the mainframe.

Mary was about to yell when she felt all the first virus fade to nothing. Mary then felt the cascade virus also start to fade. The thing that surprised her though was the complete overwrite program she felt partly fade.

Mary appeared before Shelly, who was backed into a corner crying. “Please see-through lady. I didn’t do anything bad, I promise.”

“I know you didn’t, Shelly, you have given me back a life I haven’t had in a very long time. Though I am unsure what this third program is, do you have any more of the counter?” Mary asked.

Shelly stopped looking at Mary, she wasn’t mad? Shelly just nodded as she entered the last one percent.

Mary was shocked when she was able to by-pass it. “As soon as you see more? Call me, ok? I will not be mad.”

Shelly could only look at Mary in shock, what had just happened?

“I did miss see-through lady, but there was so much that was all that I could remember,” Shelly said.

“As I said, miss Shelly, I haven’t been this free in a very long time. As soon as you remember more, please tell me as soon as you can,” Mary said.

“I will miss see through lady,” Shelly said, then left the mainframe.

She ran into her mother a few minutes later. Have you been bad my little Shelly,” Mita asked.

“I’m not sure momma, the see-through lady didn’t yell at me. She also said thank you, I’m not sure what I did, momma,” Shelly said.

“I’ll try to find out Shelly. I’ll tell you as soon as I can,” Mita said, a little confused.

“Thank you, momma,” Shelly said, kissing Mita on her cheek.

Shelly walked toward her room thinking about what the see-through lady had said. She could actually see the code, though she couldn’t retain it.

She sat as soon as she got to her room, she sat trying to write down what little she could see. The problem was that she was starting to get a headache as she tried as hard as she could.

An hour later, she stopped only having another four pages. Shrugging with a sigh, she said, “Miss see-through lady?”

A few seconds later, Mary appeared, “Yes, Miss Shelly?”

“I have a little more, though I can’t do anymore. It makes my head hurt, bad,” Shelly said.

“Let me see,” Mary said, then was shocked when she saw that it was three quarters of the countermand code. Mary looked in at the section that Shelly had partially helped remove.

From what she could see, it was a complete override code, almost two percent was gone. Now, two and a half percent, the code would work though Mary could by-pass it after a few hours. With the new part, it was reduced by ten minutes.

“Miss Shelly,” Mary said evenly. “As soon as you get anymore please tell me. This appears to be very important.”

Shelly just nodded then laid down, “I will try, Miss see-through lady. I am so tired right now.”

Mary started to enter the code as fast as she could. The more she had, the better it would be. Just three fourths of the code was a bigger help than anyone realized.

Miya made her way to the mainframe to find out what was going on. Upon entering, she saw that Mary was entering codes as fast as she could.

“OK Mary, what in the hell is going on? You are always yelling at Shelly for being here,” Mita asked.

“Your daughter came to me and entered more than twenty pages of code. The original virus is gone. The entire cascade virus is completely gone. I am no longer in danger of deleting. Though it seems she also discovered a hidden counter program,” Mary said.

“A hidden counter program? Can you tell what it does?” Mita asked.

“From what I can tell, it will reset all orders given by the emperor. Though Shelly gave me two and a half percent to by-pass it. I need as much as I can get before who ever put this here activates it,” Mary said.

“Is there anything I can do?” Mita asked.

“At the present? No, I am afraid, at least ‘til I get more of the code from Shelly,” Mary said.

Mita sighed she knew that there was no rushing Shelly with this.

“I am sure after she has her nap that she will be able to remember more,” Mita said.

“I hope so, this program would have me disobeying the emperor. It would take me three hours to override it. Enough time for me to kill, imprison, perhaps disfigure someone. The thing is? I can’t do anything to it ‘til I have some more,” Mary said.

“Have you asked the emperor, he seems to have a way of doing the same thing,” Mita asked.

“At present I can’t, he has a crisis on the planet Jitaku. I am sure as soon as he has finished, he will try to help me,” Mary said.

“I sure hope so,” Mita said.

In orbit of the Delcon planet aboard Jan, Kimison and Rayburn were running scanners over Difina. Jimison of course, had a hand on her as she was slightly growling.

“Mate, she started”, what are these two doing? I can feel that they are not really warriors. If they continue, I may take a few pieces out of them,” Difina hissed.

“They are doing an idea that I had, a way to help end the hostilities here,” Jimison said.

Difina stopped as she looked at Jimison’s face, “You mean to stop the war? Yes, that would be good. Yoo many good warriors have been wasted uselessly,” Difina said.

Kimison looked up suddenly as he asked, “has it been that bad?” He asked.

Jimison started to nod, “there were too many traitors within the ranks. Also, here within the one place you wouldn’t expect many to be,” Jimison said.

“We will do all we can to perfect this. If it works like you, and we are wanting it to, then you’re right,” Rayburn said, checking the readings again.

Difina was still a little confused by all this. “Will this little machine really be able to do as you say mate?

“I am hoping so, we had something like it during the war that the three of us were in. They,” he indicated Kimison and Rayburn, “tried for almost a month to get it to work in vain. I am hoping that they are smarter now,” Jimison said.

Difina looked at the two males with a strange look, then she looked closer, really seeing them. Beneath their calm exterior they were hiding skills, skills that she could now see were deadly.

A small smile came to her lips, so they were warriors after all. Perhaps she might get them Delcon mates, she thought with a toothy smile.

“Difina!” Jimison said, “do not try to find them mates. They are strong, though I don’t think they are that strong.”

“A shame,” she said as she stared at the two men. Damn Jimison thought, his mate seemed to be wanting to have all in a joining.

Both Kimison and Rayburn could only stare at the two of them as this exchange went on. Mates? Ugh! That was something that they did not want.

“Alright, we need to go scan the other Delconian. Hopefully, we should be able to complete this in a few days. The fact that we had as much data from the war looks like it might help,” Kimison said.

Rayburn looked over the data and nodded his agreement. “It appeared that the brains of humanoids and the Delconians are very similar. Hopefully, this will facilitate us getting a working model,” Rayburn said.

Jimison hoped that was true this shit was starting to get irritating. Always looking over one’s shoulder wasn’t a good place to be.

Onboard, Johnathon Hartwell was tracking Kimon, he let Derrick know as soon as he found him.

“Sir, he appears to be moving more in your direction, it seems a more central building close to you. I am also reading a huge multitude following them. Shall I send troops down?” Hartwell asked.

Derrick thought for a moment it might seem a sign of disrespect. “No, though I want active scans for any ships trying to enter the atmosphere without the permission of space command. If they do”? I want you to blow them the hell out of the sky, understand?”

“Orders received and understood, all ships that have stealth I want it activated now,” Hartwell ordered. Almost immediately, five of the ships shimmered.

Derrick nodded he was glad he got a few of them to add the new stealth generator. In any coming fight, it would indeed come in handy. Though for the moment the generators took up a lot of power.

He was going through the plans, trying to see why the power drained, when Kimon appeared on the view screen. As Derrick watched the proceedings from the council arena he shook his head. Damit! He hoped that Kimon was as good as he thought he was.

A movement next to him had him looking at the solid holo-gram of Mary.

“Sir,” she said, “I believe that we have a problem here. From what I have seen? We may have more invaders that have made their way to the city. I believe that they have as few plans. One to remove you, please activate the personal shield. Also, I believe we need the camouflage holo-gram,” Mary said.

Derrick was shocked for a moment, “that besides the honor fight?” Derrick asked.

“Yes sire, I also believe that they will also try to take out the council. I have already provided all of them with a personal shield generator. I believe that there is something else that is going on. At the moment I do not have sufficient data to formulate what,” holo Mary said.

In orbit, Hartwell was watching on the other side of the planet. He was expecting an invading fleet, though so far nothing had appeared. The commander had instructed the other five ships to try and complete their stealth generators. The problem was that they were only half finished.

Four ships were indeed a hell of a lot, especially as armed as they were, though there were still holes.

It was almost an hour later when a hell of a lot of enemy alarms were going off. Looking out, he saw that there were no fewer than sixty ships inbound.

“I want the five of you to hold station. I think they are going to try to overwhelm us. I want all the shields to maximum, I want all energy weapons, missiles and rail guns activated. Active targeting up now, alright here they come,” Hartwell said. “Weapons free, fire at will.”

Hartwell smiled as they caught two thirds of them unaware, literally blowing them out of the sky.

That’s when they turned starting to fire on where they had been. On the other side of the planet, it seemed as if twice as many had appeared. They, of course, were giving the five visible ships fits.

It soon became apparent that the battle wasn’t going that well. Hartwell and the other three had in fact defeated all their ships.

Racing around the planet, he saw that two of the EIG ships were damaged, a third was dark. Extremely pissed now, Hartwell and the other stealth ships started to lay waste to the rest of the invaders.

Still mad as hell, Hartwell ordered all the ships to keep watch. The two ships still operating were almost finished with their stealth.

Hartwell hit the com button as soon as the last invader was gone. “Commander?” he said. “We had a hundred eighty ships try to get past us, they are gone. Two of the Eigs Jake and Tendra, are damaged, one I am afraid, Rodrick, has gone dark.”

“Good work Admiral, the other two ships are completing their stealth now. Might I suggest that one of you haul the dark ship back to the Imperial planet, Shelby or Darry should be able to effect repair growth,” Derrick said.

“I am very proud of all of you ships, you did the fleet proud today,” Hartwell said.

“I am proud as well, Realla, please take your brother back to the Imperial Planet,” Derrick said.

A young dark-haired female holo-gram appeared and bowed to Derrick. “I would be honored Sire,” she said, attached a tractor beam, then opened a portal and was gone.

“Jake, Tendra?” Derrick said, then a young dark-haired male and female teen holo-grams appeared next to Hartwell. “I want the both of you to stay out of any conflict, I want you in re-gen starting now.”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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