Lost Empire - Cover

Lost Empire

Copyright© 2015 - 2019 by Pars001.All rights reserved.

Chapter 95

“I have the same concern though. I do know that they do need to come home once in a while. I am fine with that but no more lying, it’s hard to take,” Kimison said.

“So, you would consent to join with them. The ceremony wouldn’t be like mine though a little close. They are of science, as you two are so yeah, different,” Jimison said. “Shall we?”

All three of them walked in seeing that all three females hadn’t moved, plus they were all trembling.

“Alright, first you,” here he touched Difina’s face. “This will be the last time that you pull this.” Difina looked up into his stern face, trembling again.

“There are conditions that will have to be met, the first you just heard,” this made all three females shiver again. “My men can not stay here as I am, they still serve our Emperor. Third, no more lies from any of you four. Yes, this includes the both of you, Kimison and Rayburn,” Jimison said.

“So far your conditions are not beyond us sir,” Medalina said.

Jimison nodded his head, then said, “they will also bring you home as I am sure you have family here.” Here Jimison said as he looked over to his now smiling wife.

“Sir,” started Cetalina, “she is about the only family that we would really miss.”

Jimison looked at Kimison and Rayburn, “Is this alright with the both of you?”

Both men looked at each other then turned back to Jimison. “We find nothing wrong with this arrangement,” Kimison said.

Rayburn was silent a moment, all the females afraid that he’d not agree. “I have never had a female that was as smart as I am. I do believe that this would be a grand adventure.”

A collective breath was released in the room. Jimison nodded, then left the room with Difina close at his heels.

Jimison and Difina weren’t that far from the lab when he turned. Difina stopped short at the stern look on his face, her smile quickly fading.

“I meant what I said Difina, you are famous for this. It stops today, you won’t like what will happen if I find out you have carried on,” Jimison said.

The smile was back on her face as she said, “Yes, husband.”

The look on Jimison’s face got harder as he stared at his wife. “I am not playing about this Difina, you won’t like the punishment if I find you are still at it.”

The smile on Difina’s face got larger as she whispered, “sometimes the punishment is worth it.”

Jimison could only shake his head, yep, he was going to have his hands full with her.

In orbit around the Planet Jitaku, Hartwell was starting to grow angry. “You said that there are still thirty out there?” He asked.

“Yes, Lord sir. They seem to have a type of stealth technology, at the moment we are having problems piercing it,” Bee said.

A moment later, there was a huge explosion off the port side, then another. “Please tell me that was the enemy,” Hartwell said.

“Yes, Lord sir,” Bee said, a slight smile on her face. “Lord sir, it appears that some of the enemy are emitting a strange energy. It is making tracking them easier.”

Two more explosions near one of the other ships caused Hartwell to slightly smile. “All ships try to scan for any energy emissions that are out of place.”

“Adjusting now for new readings. Contact with several new targets,” several of the ships A.I. replied.

A beeping alerted Derrick of the situation in orbit. A situation that the Empress Shelby was keeping her eye on.

Derrick was nodding at the information that was coming in to him. He quickly tapped out a message when he saw that six of the last thirty had been destroyed.

He looked over to Shelby, nodding as they both went back to the contest before them. Akira and Onai were both still tense even after the Empress had reassured Onai.

As of yet, neither of the combatants were able to get the upper hand. Higon was almost dragging an injured arm with him. Kimon was slightly limping though was dealing with it apparently better than his brother.

They had been at it for more than six hours now. Kimon was still trying to discern why his brother had such hatred for the clan and family.

“So, my ‘supposed’ brother is far more skilled than I thought. Good, then the defeat of an actual master will cement my place in the clan. A place that should have been mine all this time,” Higon sneered at Kimon.

“You really think that the clan will welcome you after this treachery? I think that you are more deluded than I at first thought,” Kimon said.

“Deluded? No, I think that it is you that are. It was a fair fight that I clearly won, you were unable to fight, you were done,” Higon said. “Yes, the clan will have no choice than to accept me. As will your bride as she will be mine after you are dead!”

Kimon stiffened a moment then smiled at Higon, which seemed to make the male even more angry.

“I can see that you are mostly mouth with a few forbidden moves. It is rather pathetic, I must say,” Kimon said with a short laugh.

“So, deception is still on the table, very well,” Higon said as his entire body started to glow.

Kimon nodded he’d been expecting this, though made no visible move. Higon then released a hellish red energy toward Kimon, who seemed to stand his ground.

Most that were there gasped when the energy washed over and bathed Kimon in its light. There were more gasps as the image of Kimon fell to the floor convulsing. The image lasted a moment then faded.

A smiling Higon slowly approached Kimon then gasp as he was suddenly propelled toward the wall. Onai smiled as she saw more than a dozen hits that connected with Higon’s stomach.

Higon stopped at the wall, crumpling to the floor, his back connected to Kimon’s fist at his back. A fist that Kimon had to rapidly rip loose as a light from Higon tried to attach to Kimon.

For a few moments, everyone thought it was over as Higon didn’t move. Kimon was across the floor, a slightly weary look on his face.

Higon groaned as he slowly made his way off the floor. Looking at Kimon, he smiled, “so you know more than I thought. I do not believe that you know enough to defeat me. Then again, we will see, won’t we?”

“You are confused obviously, that was a simple move of our clan’s style. Had you actually studied, then you would have known. A style of honor and not deceit, it appears that is all you know,” Kimon said.

“Oh, I studied the clan’s style, never was a move of the dark arts within its teachings. Clearly, you had prior knowledge of it when we fought before. So, perhaps it was you that used forbidden moves to win,” Higon accused.

Kimon started to laugh at what Higon had said. “Your lies seem to be getting larger and larger. You believe that father was the only one there for our contest? I know of at least three others that were there.”

Higon’s face twisted into a mask of rage, “you lie! I would have felt others if they were there. If there were others name them!” Higon roared.

Kimon nodded as he stood straight, pointing to Isamu Sakuta. “At the time, he was his clan’s leader. Now he is on the council, I am betrothed to his daughter, so he had an interest. Major General Norman was my best friend, who was also there, though he is serving the emperor at this moment. The third, I am not allowed to say.”

Higon’s mouth was open as he stared at Isamu Sakuta, “you should not have been there. You,” Higon started.

Isamu Sakuta held up a hand, “I was bound by the honor of my clan and my daughter. Though I was not seen nor heard, like the others weren’t.”

“What honor of your clan? The proposed joining? That is not honor, it is duty only,” Higon was saying.

Isamu Sakuta’s eyes were wide as he stated, “you obviously have no honor then. The joining was and is a high honor when two clans join. It is one of the highest honors, had you still a clan, then you would know. As I am sure you will find out after this contest, you have no clan, therefore no honor.”

Higon’s temper started to flare as his gaze glared at the council leader. “Old man, I have more honor in my little finger than you have in your entire body. Perhaps I should challenge for the council leadership after this insect is crushed.” Here Higon laughed though was a little unsettled by the council leader’s calm confidence.

“You may find that going against a council member is far different than going against a FULL clan leader,” Isamu Sakuta said with a smile toward Kimon.

Kimon blinked as a different belt appeared around his waist. He felt a hidden power he hadn’t before suddenly energize him. A look at the council and its leader confirmed his escalation to a higher rank.

A slight smile came to Kimon’s lips as he nodded, now he thought we will see who truly is the weak one. He rushed toward Higon, throwing a hit that connected only a moment, driving Higon to his knees with a gasp.

“It appears that you are again far weaker than you thought you were. It is a shame that you were and are as conceited as you are,” Kimon said completely seriously.

“So, this will finally be a contest between a true master and not a fake. Finally, we will have a contest that pits the best against, whatever you are,” Higon sneered at Kimon.

“The best? My, my you truly are more deluded than I had at first thought. Such a shame that as much art as you possess will end here today,” Kimon said

A wide wicked mile came to Higon’s lips. “With this advance in position, you have let what little more power you have, go to your head. No, you are about to see a true master of the art. When I defeat you and take your essence, then I will be the strongest of the art. Even the council leader won’t have the power to defeat me.”

Kimon smiled a smile that seemed to irritate Higon even more. There were far more things that Kimon knew that not many others did. One way or another, this ended here today.

Kimon rubbed the arm that he’d put Higon down with, even with the added power it had still numbed it somewhat. Then again, he thought, that might be an advantage after all.

He could see that the few injuries he’d inflicted on Higon still weren’t healed. The thing is, his own from Higon weren’t healing that well neither.

“So, tell me who the other two were if they truly exist,” Higon spat a look of hatred toward Kimon.

Here Kimon looked toward Onai, nodding at her open mouth. “How? Not even father knew that I was there! I did not feel you reaching out when I was there,” Onai said.

Higon’s eyes went wide, then he started to laugh. “A female? Especially one pledged to join with you. This I cannot accept. So, you only have two, therefore it is only hearsay.”

“No! There were three, four with Onai,” a male voice shouted.

All eyes turned toward the entrance to see Riku Sakuta.

“So, the female brother of Onai Sakuta speaks. How glad you must be that SHE speaks,” Higon said with a sneer.

“I see that the great dishonored one can still speak also. It is amazing that the amount of dishonor still allows IT to speak,” Riku said as he started to laugh.

“The words of this ... THING cannot be allowed,” Higon spit out.

“Ah, but they can, unlike you, they still have honor,” Isamu Sakuta said.

Higon’s face became blood red as his anger rose, then it was gone as fast. “Well, we will see who has honor after this, shall we? I know it will be myself and not the one that secured victory through deception.”

On Kandria, Jimison was walking away from the labs still more than pissed off. He’d been told that Difina tried to pull tricks like this, though he thought she wouldn’t around him.

He wasn’t sure what he should do about her, though at the moment, he felt like leaving. He swore that he could almost feel panic from Difina as she hurried to catch up to him.

“Husband!” He heard Difina shout in almost desperation. When he seemed to ignore her, he heard a startled gasp that caused him to stop.

He was breathing hard when she caught up with him. She started to open her mouth ‘til she saw the look on his face.

Jimison closed his eyes a moment as he tried to calm down a moment. True, he loved his wife as she was the perfect female for him. The dishonesty was something that he really couldn’t abide with.

He took a few more moments, then he turned to stare at Difina. It was the first time he thought that he’d ever seen her afraid.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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