Starman's Quest - Cover

Starman's Quest

Public Domain

Chapter 16

At the time, he had been much too excited and flustered to answer anything. But, as the next twelve months went by, he learned that being a millionaire was quite pleasant indeed.

There were headaches, of course. There was the initial headache of signing his name several hundred times in the course of the transfer of Hawkes’ wealth to him. There were also the frequent visits from the tax-collectors, and the payment to them of a sum that staggered Alan to think about, in the name of Rotation Tax.

But even after taxes, legal fees, and other expenses, Alan found he owned better than nine hundred thousand credits, and the estate grew by investment every day. The court appointed a legal guardian for him, the lawyer Jesperson, who was to administer Alan’s money until Alan reached the biological age of twenty-one. The decision was an involved one, since Alan had undeniably been born three hundred years earlier, in 3576--but the robojudge that presided over that particular hearing cited a precedent seven hundred years old which stated that for legal purposes a starman’s biological and not his chronological age was to be accepted.

The guardianship posed no problems for Alan, though. When he met with Jesperson to discuss future plans, the lawyer told him, “You can handle yourself, Alan. I’ll give you free rein with the estate--with the proviso that I have veto power over any of your expenditures until your twenty-first birthday.”

That sounded fair enough. Alan had reason to trust the lawyer; hadn’t Hawkes recommended him? “I’ll agree to that,” Alan said. “Suppose we start right now. I’d like to take a year and travel around the world. As my legal guardian you’ll be stuck with the job of managing my estate and handling investments for me.”

Jesperson chuckled. “You’ll be twice as wealthy when you get back! Nothing makes money so fast as money.”

Alan left the first week in December, having spent three weeks doing virtually nothing but sketching out his itinerary. There were plenty of places he intended to visit.

There was London, where James Hudson Cavour had lived and where his hyperdrive research had been carried out. There was the Lexman Institute of Space Travel in Zurich, where an extensive library of space literature had been accumulated; it was possible that hidden away in their files was some stray notebook of Cavour’s, some clue that would give Alan a lead. He wanted to visit the area in Siberia that Cavour had used as his testing-ground, and from which the last bulletin had come from the scientist before his unexplained disappearance.

But it was not only a business trip. Alan had lived nearly half a year in the squalor of Hasbrouck--and because of his Free Status he would never be able to move into a better district, despite his wealth. But he wanted to see the rest of Earth. He wanted to travel just for the sake of travel.

Before he left, he visited a rare book dealer in York City, and for an exorbitant fifty credits purchased a fifth-edition copy of An Investigation into the Possibility of Faster-than-Light Space Travel, by James H. Cavour. He had left his copy of the work aboard the Valhalla, along with the few personal possessions he had managed to accumulate during his life as a starman.

The book dealer had frowned when Alan asked for the volume under the title he knew. “The Cavour Theory? I don’t think--ah, wait.” He vanished for perhaps five minutes and returned with an old, fragile, almost impossibly delicate-looking book. Alan took it and scanned the opening page. There were the words he had read so many times: “The present system of interstellar travel is so grossly inefficient as to be virtually inoperable on an absolute level.”

“Yes, that’s the book. I’ll take it.”

His first stop on his round-the-globe jaunt was London, where Cavour had been born and educated more than thirteen centuries before. The stratoliner made the trip across the Atlantic in a little less than three hours; it took half an hour more by Overshoot from the airport to the heart of London.

Somehow, from Cavour’s few autobiographical notes, Alan had pictured London as a musty old town, picturesque, reeking of medieval history. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Sleek towers of plastic and concrete greeted him. Overshoots roared by the tops of the buildings. A busy network of bridges connected them.

He went in search of Cavour’s old home in Bayswater, with the nebulous idea of finding some important document wedged in the woodwork. But a local security officer shook his head as Alan asked for directions.

“Sorry, lad. I’ve never heard of that street. Why don’t you try the information robot up there?”

The information robot was a blocky green-skinned synthetic planted in a kiosk in the middle of a broad well-paved street. Alan approached and gave the robot Cavour’s thirteen-century-old address.

“There is no record of any such address in the current files,” the steely voice informed him.

“No. It’s an old address. It dates back to at least 2570. A man named Cavour lived there.”

The robot digested the new data; relays hummed softly within it as it scanned its memory banks. Finally it grunted, “Data on the address you seek has been reached.”

“Fine! Where’s the house?”

“The entire district was demolished during the general rebuilding of London in 2982-2997. Nothing remains.”

“Oh,” Alan said.

The London trail trickled out right then and there. He pursued it a little further, managed to find Cavour’s name inscribed on the honor role of the impressive London Technological Institute for the year 2529, and discovered a copy of Cavour’s book in the Institute Library. There was nothing else to be found. After a month in London, Alan moved on eastward across Europe.

Most of it was little like the descriptions he had read in the Valhalla’s library. The trouble was that the starship’s visits to Earth were always at least a decade behind, usually more. Most of the library books had come aboard when the ship had first been commissioned, far back in the year 2731. The face of Europe had almost totally altered since then.

Now, shiny new buildings replaced the ancient houses which had endured for as much as a thousand years. A gleaming bridge linked Dover and Calais; elsewhere, the rivers of Europe were bridged frequently, providing easy access between the many states of the Federation of Europe. Here, there, monuments of the past remained--the Eiffel Tower, absurdly dwarfed by the vast buildings around it, still reared its spidery self in Paris, and Notre Dame still remained as well. But the rest of Paris, the ancient city Alan had read so much of--that had long since been swept under by the advancing centuries. Buildings did not endure forever.

In Zurich he visited the Lexman Institute for Space Travel, a magnificent group of buildings erected on the royalties from the Lexman Spacedrive. A radiant statue sixty feet high was the monument to Alexander Lexman, who in 2337 had first put the stars within the reach of man.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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