Vagabonds of Space - Cover

Vagabonds of Space

Public Domain

Chapter 3: A Message

The days passed quickly, whether measured by the Martian chronometer aboard the Nomad or by Carr’s watch, which he was regulating to match the slightly longer day of the red planet. He was becoming proficient in the operation of all mechanisms of the ship and had developed a fondness for its every appointment.

Behind them the sun was losing much of its blinding magnificence as it receded into the ebon background of the firmament. The Earth was but one of the countless worlds visible through the stern ports, distinguishable by its slightly greenish tinge. They had reached the vicinity of the phenomenon of space Mado had previously discovered. Carr found himself seething with excitement as the Nomad was brought to a drifting speed.

Mado, who had disclaimed all knowledge of navigation, was busy in the turret with a sextant. He made rapid calculations based on its indications and hurried to the controls.

“Find it?” Carr asked.

“Yep. Be there in a half hour.”

The nose of the vessel swung around and Mado adjusted the gravity energy carefully. Carr glued his eye to the telescope.

“See anything?” inquired Mado.

“About a million stars, that’s all.”

“Funny. Should be close by.”

Then: “Yes! Yes! I see it!” Carr exulted. “A milky cloud. Transparent almost. To the right a little more!”

The mysterious cloud rushed to meet them and soon was visible to the naked eye through the forward port. Their speed increased alarmingly and Mado cut off the energy.

“What’s that?” Mado stared white-faced at his friend.

“A voice! You hear it too?”

“Yes. Listen!”

Amazed, they gazed at each other. It was a voice; yet not a sound came to their ears. The voice was in their own consciousness. A mental message! Yet each heard and understood. There were no words, but clear mental images.

“Beware!” it seemed to warn. “Come not closer, travelers from afar. There is danger in the milky fleece before you!”

Mado pulled frantically at the energy reverse control. The force was now fully repelling. Still the billowing whiteness drew nearer. It boiled and bubbled with the ferocity of one of the hot lava cauldrons of Mercury. Changing shape rapidly, it threw out long streamers that writhed and twisted like the arms of an octopus. Reaching. Searching for victims!

“God!” whispered Carr. “What is it?”

“Take warning,” continued the voice that was not a voice. “A great ship, a royal ship from a world unknown to you, now is caught in the grip of this mighty monster. We can not escape, and death draws quickly near. But we can warn others and ask that our fate be reported to our home body.”

A sudden upheaval of the monstrous mass spewed forth an object that bounced a moment on the rippling surface and then was lost to view. A sphere, glinting golden against the white of its awful captor.

“The space-ship!” gasped Mado. “It’s vanished again!”

They hurtled madly in the direction of this monster of the heavens, their reverse energy useless.

“We’re lost, Mado.” Carr was calm now. This was excitement with a vengeance. He’d wished for it and here it was. But he’d much rather have a chance to fight for his life. Fine ending to his dreams!

“Imps of the canals! The thing’s alive!” Mado hurled himself at the controls as a huge blob of the horrible whiteness broke loose from the main body and wobbled uncertainly toward them. A long feeler reached forth and grasped the errant portion, returning it with a vicious jerk.

“Turn back! Turn back!” came the eery warning from the golden sphere. “All is over for us. Our hull is crushed. The air is pouring from our last compartment. Already we find breathing difficult. Turn back! The third satellite of the fifth planet is our home. Visit it, we beseech you, and report the manner of our going. This vile creature of space has power to draw you to its breast, to crush you as we are crushed.”

The Nomad lurched and shuddered, drawn ever closer to the horrid mass of the thing. A gigantic jellyfish, that’s what it was, a hundred miles across! Carr shivered in disgust as it throbbed anew, sending out those grasping streamers of its mysterious material. As the Nomad plunged to its doom with increasing speed, Mado tried to locate some spot in the universe where an extreme effect could be obtained from the full force of the attracting or repulsive energies. They darted this way and that but always found themselves closer to the milky billows that now were pulsating in seeming eagerness to engulf the new victim.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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