Leben - Cover


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Chapter 9

Alan appeared back in the bunker a few moments later amid smirks from the other four. “You really think it was a good idea that you let her go?” Harman said though he made no move toward Alan.

“I don’t see why not.” Alan replied. “I felt no one there where she was that was in any way strong enough to penetrate our bunker. Besides,” Alan started with a smirk, “I felt she was somewhat turned on by you.”

Harman’s face registered shock causing both Angelika and his sister Truda, to break out in a round of giggling. “Me?” Harman finally managed to get out, an even more severe look of shock on his face.

“Yes you brother,” Truda said after a moment. “You are after all ruggedly handsome. If you weren’t my brother I might try a go at you my self!” This of course caused Harman to back away and the others to almost fall on the floor laughing. “Hey! I’m serious! I happen to like his looks!”

Alan nodded then sat to think, the old man he’d met was the strongest there. The thing is Alan felt that the man was hiding his power. This was a lot like he did when he first started out. Then there was the fact that the man had a familiar feeling to him. It was the strangest thing; Alan could swear he’d met the man before.

Shaking his head he turned back to Harman who was still running from his sister. Laughing a moment Alan still felt that he knew the man nagging at the back of his mind. Shrugging he decided that for now he’d shelf it ‘til he got a better handle on it.

Alan called Varick aside a few minutes later to discuss with him about future strategy. “I know that you are the leader of this group and have been for a very long time. The thing is I am used to being on my own; it’s hard for me to follow what you say. I’m not saying you are a bad leader it’s just that I just cannot always follow like the others do.”

Varick was nodding the whole time he’d pretty much expected Alan to say this. Sighing he knew that they needed Alan far too much to let him go out on his own. Then again they were just starting to gain the power to resist the doctor and his assistant now. Without Alan, Varick knew they wouldn’t be half as far along as they were now.

“I know it is hard Alan, though I cannot give complete leadership over to you, I do wish to share it. I have been doing this for longer than I can remember. Even a little relief would be a welcome change. I know your mother would accept this, as I am sure Truda would. The problem I see is Harman; with him trust is something he is extremely stingy with. I think the fact that you can do something for his sister that he can’t is gnawing at him. He has been her protector for as long as they both can remember. I think he needs to be able to give her something, something that he will feel he has control again with her.” Varick said with all frankness.

Alan nodded he might not completely agree with Varick’s reasoning but he could see the logic in it. Alan sat in silence for a few minutes contemplating everything that Varick had said. Something that Harman could feel he’d gained control over in his quest to protect his sister. Hmmm interesting Alan thought though for the moment there was only one thing Alan could think of. The problem was if Harman was willing enough to go that far for his sister? His only family?

Alan looked over at Varick with a small grin, “I may have a plan, but getting Harman on board might be difficult even for you. Here’s my idea so far...”

Harman had been watching his sister for an hour now; he felt he’d lost so much with her now. Sighing he could see that it was a losing proposition with her. It seemed as if nothing he did now was right. Staring intensely he didn’t notice Alan or Varick across the room watching him as he watched his sister.

Varick nodded to Alan and started to walk across the room to talk to Harman. Finally breaking Harman’s focus on his sister, Varick started to question Harman about strategy. Alan who’d withdrawn behind the wall, smiled as he gently reached out for Harman. It all depended on just how distracted Varick kept Harman. Reaching in Alan started to adjust the areas that he knew would let Harman affect all the effects that would be needed. A full ten minutes later Alan had felt numerous parts that he moved fall into place.

Touching Varick’s mind, Alan waited as the man retreated back to him. “Did you achieve all you set out to?” Varick whispered as he came around the corner where Alan was hiding.

“I think so; I did have to move quite a few things around to get him there. I think all we have to do is wait and enjoy any show that may take place.” Alan told Varick who was nodding.

Suddenly a thought crossed Varick’s mind, “he won’t have an effect on Angelika will he?”

Chuckling a bit Alan replied, “No, I have him tuned to his sister only. Though maybe one day, by then I am sure that it might not be a good idea. All of you are increasing each day, as I said it might not be a good idea then.” Alan looked straight at Varick, “I am sure you remember your sister’s anger.” Varick nodded and shook a bit, who in the hell could forget?

“Do you think he will need a push or a thought toward what you talked about? She is after all his sister; he might find all this repulsive.” Varick asked pensively.

Alan thought a moment, “hmmm you might have a thought there. I gave him the ability but that was all. The desire to actually do this though is still up to him.” Alan reached out and as gentle as he could trigger a few thoughts that Harman had repressed. Alan concentrated a few moments longer then nodded to Varick who smirked, and then moved back into the common area with Harman.

A few moments later Varick and Harman were talking about their sisters. “Harman are you alright? You have seemed so distracted lately, plus you have been attacking Alan lately.”

Harman sighed then replied, “I have felt so useless lately Varick. Truda is looking at me so differently. I am at a loss what to do or say. It should have been me that was able to release her from what the doctor and his assistant did to her.”

Varick nodded as much to Harman as he was to Alan who was trying to get him to keep Harman talking.

“I know Harman but with Alan now, at least we have a chance against the both of them.” Varick told the tense man.

Sighing Harman nodded, “Yes I know, and believe it or not, I am grateful to him for THAT. I do have something against him though about Truda. She is MY sister the only family I know of that I have left. I am not about to lose her or that!”

Varick could hear Alan saying that Harman was almost there, to try and keep him talking about his family.

“So no further memories about the past or family?” Varick asked then suddenly felt something like a lock slip in his mind.

“No, only Truda she is all I know I cannot lose her!” Harman suddenly yelled out.

Suddenly Truda appeared a slight look of confusion on her face. “What in the hell is going on?” She asked as she looked around the room. “Oh my god!” She breathed out as she started to tremble slightly. Falling to the couch in the middle of the room she looked at Varick then stared straight at her brother. “Holy shit! When did you discover this power! I ... AAAAAAAA OMG!” Truda screamed out a little louder. “Damn it don’t you dare stop. Oh, you son of a bitch! Give it to me ugh!” With that her whole body convulsed then she passed out!

Harman could only stare opened mouth as he watched his sister cry out in pleasure. The same cries that she had issued when Alan had done this to her. Smiling a bit Harman stood up taller and sat next to Truda ‘til she awoke. “You tell Alan I said thank you. I don’t know what or how he did it but thank you.” Harman told Varick.

Varick was trying to nod to Harman but something was wrong. A terrible pain was trying to take all of his attention. Finally emitting a small scream Varick grabbed his head and slowly sunk to the floor. “Nein, nein Bruder tun es nicht! (No, no brother do not do it!)”

Alan appeared immediately and delved into Varick’s head. Shaking his head he was at the beginning of it all! They were all being lead in at gun point when another teen chopped a guard and took off running for the entrance. Several guards opened up with machine guns and dropped the teen. “No brother do not!” He heard Varick say, brother? What in the hell was going on.

They were all lined up against the wall when Dr. Johann Bauer walked in. Looking at the body in the hall way he told the guards to remove it and toss the body in the scrap heap. “I’d advise against trying that again unless you all wish to die. No? Good then we understand each other.” Alan heard the Doctor say. As he watched them take the body away Alan could swear that the teen was still alive!

Reaching past the memories Alan could see and feel the pain of loss that Varick was feeling. A pain so deep it was crippling Varick’s mind and body. Alan did all he could to ease the pain but he needed to find this Varick to try and heal him also. Finally in another deep corner Alan found the youngest version of Varick he’d ever seen yet.

<Hello Varick> Alan said almost startling the teen.

<Hello sir, you seem very familiar sir. Have we met before?> the teen visage asked.

Alan smiled as he tried to think of a way to explain that might make sense. <We have met but it was a little later in your memories I am... > Alan started.

<You are the one who made the dark man go away! I told you I would remember! My brother! I was unable to save him, Angelika will be so mad at me; I told both of them that I would protect them. Those dirty Nazi’s killed him! I... > the visage of Varick started.

<Before you do, may I show you something?> when the teen only nodded Alan continued. <I am assuming that they took all of you because all of you showed abilities?> the teens eyes went wide and he nodded vigorously. <I also take it that your brother had them also?> Again the silent nod. <Then I am glad to inform you that I think that he survived, here let me show you.>

Alan replayed all that they had just been through. Alan wished he didn’t have to show it again as the horror was apparent on the teens face. Then they both watched as the guards picked up the body and carried it out. They both could see that the body was still glowing as it was taken out. A look of joy covered the teen’s face. <See I told you, > Alan said to the now joyful teen.

<Then he might still be alive!> the younger Varick shouted.

Alan nodded then felt a familiar tug, <we need to go, I think that the other you from before might join with you, that ought to make you far stronger.>

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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