The Raid on the Termites - Cover

The Raid on the Termites

Public Domain

Chapter 3: Ant-Sized Men

Next morning, at scarcely more than daybreak, Jim and Denny stood, stripped and ready for the dread experiment, beside Matthew Breen’s glass bell. The night, of course, had been sleepless. Sleep? How could slumber combat the fierce anticipations, the exotic imaginings, the clanging apprehensions of the two?

Most of the night had been spent by Denny in dutifully arguing with Jim about the advisability of his giving up the adventure, in soothing his conscience by presenting in all the angles he could think of the risks they would run.

“You’ll be entering a different world, Jim,” Denny had said. “An unimaginably different world. A terrible world, in which you’ll be a naked, soft, defenseless thing. I’d hate to bet that we’d live even to reach the termitary. And once inside that--it’s odds of seven to one that we’ll never get out again.”

“Stow it,” Jim had urged, puffing at his pipe.

“I won’t stow it. You may think you’ve run up against dangers before, but let me tell you that your most perilous jungle is safe as a church compared to the jungle an ordinary grass plot will present to us, if, as we plan, we get reduced to a quarter of an inch. I’m going in this with a mission. To me it’s a heaven-sent opportunity--one I’m sure any entomologist would grab at. But you, frankly, are just a fool--”

“All right,” Jim had cut in, “let it go at that. I’m confirmed in my folly. You can’t argue me out of it, so don’t try any more. Now, to be practical--have you thought of any way we could arm ourselves?”

“Arm ourselves?” repeated Dennis vaguely.

“Yes. It’s a difficult problem. The finest watch-maker couldn’t turn out a working model of a gun that could be handled by a man a quarter of an inch tall. At the same time I have no desire to go into this thing bare-handed. And I think I know something we can use.”


“Spears,” said Jim with a grin. “Steel spears. They make steel wire, you know, down to two-thousandths of an inch and finer. Probably our friend has some in his laboratory. Now, if we grind two pieces about a quarter of an inch long off such a wire, and sharpen the ends as well as we can, we’ll have short spears we could swing very well.

“Then, there’s the matter of clothes.” He grinned again. “We’ll want a breech clout, at least. I propose that we get the sheerest silk gauze we can find, and cut an eighth-inch square apiece to tie about our middles after the transformation.”

He slapped his fist into his palm. “By George! Such talk really begins to bring it home. Two men, clad in eighth-inch squares of silk gauze, using bits of almost invisibly fine steel wire as weapons, junketing forth into a world in which they’ll be about the smallest and puniest things in sight! No more lords of creation, Denny. We’ll have nothing but our wits to carry us through. But they, of course, will be supreme in the insect world as they are in the animal world.”

“Will they be supreme?” Denny said softly. That unknown intelligence--that mysterious intellect (super-termite?) that seemed to rule each termite tribe, and which appeared so marvelously profound! “I wonder...”

Then he, in his turn, had descended to the practical.

“You’ve solved the problem of weapons and clothing, Jim,” he said, “and now for my contribution.” He left the room and came back in a few minutes with something in his hands. “Here are some shields for us.

“Oh, not pieces of steel armor. Shields in a figurative more than a literal sense.”

He set down a small porcelain pot, and opened it. Within was a repulsive-looking, whitish-brown paste.

“Ground-up termites,” he explained. “If we’re to go wandering around in a termitary, we’ve got to persuade the inmates that we’re friends, not foes. So we’ll smear ourselves all over with this termite-paste before ever we enter the mound.”

“Clever, these supposedly impractical scientists,” murmured Jim, with a lightness that did not quite succeed in covering his real admiration of the shrewdness of the thought.

And now they stood in front of Breen’s glass bell, with Breen beside them all eagerness to begin the experiment.

“What am I supposed to do after I’ve reduced you to the proper size?” he asked.

“Take us out to Morton’s Grove, to the big termitary you’ll find about a quarter of a mile off the road,” said Denny. “Set us down near the opening to one of the larger termite tunnels. Then wait till we come out again. You may have to wait quite a while--but that isn’t much to ask in return for our submission to your rays.”

“I’ll wait a week, if you wish. Let’s see, what had I better carry you in?”

It was decided--with a lack of forethought later to be bitterly regretted--that an ordinary patty-dish of the kind in which restaurants serve butter, would make as good a conveyance as anything else.

Matt got the patty-dish and placed it on the pedestal floor, tipping it on edge so Jim and Denny would be able to climb into it unaided (he wouldn’t dare attempt to lift bodies so small for fear of mortally injuring them between thumb and forefinger). Into the patty-dish, so they could be readily located, were placed the bits of wire, the tiny fragments of silk gauze to serve as breech clouts, and a generous dab of termite-paste; and the two men stepped inside the glass dome to share the fate that, the night before, had been the dog’s.

The bell was lowered around them. They watched the inventor step to the switch and pull it down...

At first there was no sensation whatever. Almost with incredulity, they watched the glass walls cloud, realized that the fogging vapor was formed of exudations from their own substance. Then physical reaction set in.

The first symptom was paralysis. With the vapor wreathing their heads in dense clouds, they found themselves unable to move a muscle. The paralysis spread partially to the involuntary muscles. Heart action was retarded enormously; and they ceased almost entirely to breathe. In spite of the cessation of muscular functioning, however, they were still conscious in a vague way. Conscious enough, at all events, to go through a hell of agony when--second and last stage--every nerve in their bodies seemed of a sudden to be rasped with files, and every tiny particle of their flesh jerked and twitched as if to break loose from the ever-shrinking skin.

Time, of course, was completely lost sight of. It might have been ten hours, or five minutes later when they realized they were still alive, still standing on their own feet, and now able to breathe and move. The spell of rigidity had been broken; nerves and muscles functioned smoothly and painlessly again. Also they were in clear air.

“I guess the experiment didn’t work,” Dennis began unsteadily. But then, as his eyes began to get accustomed to his fantastically new, though intrinsically unchanged surroundings, he cried aloud.

The experiment had worked. No doubt of that! And they were in a world where all the old familiar things were new and incredible marvels.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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