The Status Civilization - Cover

The Status Civilization

Public Domain

Chapter 20

According to Eylan, Group Two had at least one serious flaw: the men who composed it were, for the most part, past their physical prime. There were some younger members, of course; but they had had little contact with violence, and little chance to develop traits of self-sufficiency. Secure in the underground, most of them had never fired a beamer in anger, had never been forced to run for their lives, had never encountered the make-or-break situations through which Barrent had lived. They were brave but unproven. They would willingly undertake the expedition to Earth; but they would have little chance of success.

“And you think I would have a chance?” Barrent asked.

“I think so. You’re young and strong, reasonably intelligent, and extremely resourceful. You have a high survival quotient. If any man could succeed, I believe you could.”

“Why one man?”

“Because there’s no sense in sending a group. The chance of detection would simply be increased. By using one man, we get maximum security and opportunity. If you succeed, we will receive valuable information about the nature of the enemy. If you don’t succeed, if you are captured, your attempt will be considered the action of an individual rather than a group. We will still be free to start a general uprising from Omega.”

“How am I supposed to get back to Earth?” Barrent asked. “Do you have a starship hidden away somewhere?”

“I’m afraid not. We plan to transport you to Earth aboard the next prison ship.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Not at all. We’ve studied the landings. They follow a pattern. The prisoners are marched out, accompanied by the guards. While they’re assembled in the square, the ship itself is undefended, although loosely surrounded by a cordon of guards. To get you aboard, we will start a disturbance. It should take away the guards’ attention long enough for you to get on board.”

“Even if I succeed, I’ll be captured as soon as the guards return.”

“You shouldn’t be,” Eylan said, “The prison ship is an immense structure with many hiding places for a stowaway. And the element of surprise will be in your favor. This may be the first time in the history of Omega that an escape has been attempted.”

“And when the ship reaches Earth?”

“You will be disguised as a member of the ship’s personnel,” Eylan said. “Remember, the inevitable inefficiency of a huge bureaucracy will be working for you.”

“I hope so,” Barrent said. “Let’s suppose I reach Earth safely and get the information you want. How do I send it back?”

“You send it back on the next prison ship,” Eylan said. “We plan to capture that one.”

Barrent rubbed his forehead wearily. “What makes you think that any of this--my expedition or your uprising--can succeed against an organization as powerful as Earth?”

“We have to take the chance,” Eylan said. “Take it or go down in a bloody shambles with the rest of Omega. I agree that the odds are weighted against us. But our choice is either to make the attempt or to die without making any attempt at all.”

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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