Toman of the Cherokee - Cover

Toman of the Cherokee

Copyright© 2017 by Pars001

Chapter 22

Gwendydd - sister
Morgenau - brother
Morial - brother
Morien - brother
Mordaf - brother - Naci’s father

New Council Members

Clondal - female
Lyndeth - female

I was pissed as hell. Other than my mother Drenna and Morganna I could remember nothing else. Hell, they told me that I had lived in this village before though I still had no memory of it.

It had taken almost a week for most of the fractures of most of my bones to heal. Mother was there every day trying to heal me. This was the seventh day now that I could stand for more than an hour.

“Toman, don’t go far you’re still not that healed.” I heard her say as I was slowly walking away.

“Not much chance of that mother. As I still don’t know where I am, I’d get lost easily.” I replied back to her.

I started to walk looking at all the ... what had they called them? Teepees? I hadn’t gone far when I happened upon a smaller Teepee behind the one I had been in. Inside was a young woman feeding a young infant girl.

I had stuck my head in the quickly averted my eyes when I saw that the young woman was breastfeeding.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to intrude.” I said to the doorway. “I am not one that stares at people.” I told the young woman embarrassed.

I heard an amount of rustling then her very soft voice say, “I apologize also. I normally have the flap closed, though the heat today caused me to leave it open.”

“Still I am sorry that I intruded upon you.” I then looked at the young woman, both her legs were shriveled so small compared to the rest of her. She caught me looking as I quickly turned my face away greatly embarrassed.

A smile came across her face, “Please I don’t mind. I don’t have many visitors. As you can see I cannot leave, Tall Bear and the medicine men have tried to heal me many times to no avail. I have accepted my fate.”

As I was sitting there listening to her I felt something in my head almost break. What in the hell was that I thought as I closed my eyes. Looking back at the young woman I could suddenly see that her injuries were of magic. Then just as suddenly I knew that I could heal her though I knew it would be very painful.

What the hell should I do? Suddenly I had a small flood of memories come to me. The people of this village did not know or trust magic. Great, here I could help her, and their superstitions kept me from it. I also knew that there were a few magic users here, had she said Tall Bear? Yes, he was one of them, then again if he couldn’t heal her how the hell did I expect to?

Shaking my head, I felt power well up in me that I hadn’t before. Hell, before now I didn’t even know I could do magic.

Reaching out I asked if I could touch her legs. When she nodded yes, she said, “I haven’t been able to feel them for almost a year now. I can’t really see any harm in anyone touching a dead part of me.”

I nodded sadly as I reached out again touching her legs. I could feel my power surge up a moment as it flowed into her then it faded.

“Strange,” I said. “They don’t appear to be dead.” I said as I pulled me hand away from her. I just hope that the small partial way I did it wasn’t as painful as I knew it could be.

The young girl looked at me strange then shook her head. “No, I am afraid that they are dead, I accept that I will never walk again.”

I looked at her legs again seeing the energy I had infused in them starting to heal them. I hated that it would take so long to heal her, though at least now she had a chance. I thanked her for her time then left.

I walked straight back to where mother was a determined look on my face. Walking in I sat facing her. “So,” I started. “Where in the hell is pops? Last I knew the council was hunting the both of us.”

Mother stopped shocked slowly turning to face me. “You finally remember! Thank the great power!”

I could only shake my head sadly, “some yes, though not very much. I remember how to heal, how to shield not much beyond that. In remember releasing you from pops, I...” I was suddenly struck silent as I remembered pops with two shadows around him. A look of horror came across my face as I whispered, “father!”

Mother ran to me as huge tears started to fall from my face. How could I have forgotten about him! “It’s alright Toman he knows. When you are ready you’ll bring him back also.”

I flexed my power internally feeling a hell of a lot more power than I remembered having. I might have been strong before though now? My power now was like the strength of an adult compared to an infant. I had to be nine or ten times more powerful than I was before. If I didn’t know better, I had more than enough to bring father back.

Looking at mother I think she could feel and see it also. “I remember using the restore spell on you. I even remember the first part of it. I can’t seem to grasp the rest of it. I have forgotten so many things I can now feel them there it’s just there is something between me and them.”

“If this has returned to you, the rest should soon also. The natural healing...” Mother started when I shook my head.

“I was talking to one of the young women in the village when I felt something break in my mind. It was like a dam released a clump of memories though no more. When I started to talk to you remembered the restore spell well part of it. I can’t remember anything else.” I told her.

A strange look crossed her face as she stared at me. “A young woman? Who? Perhaps she has an energy that helped your mind heal.”

I took mother’s hand taking her around the Teepee pointing to the one behind mine. “That one, she has an infant and her legs won’t allow her to leave yet.”

Mother’s face got a strange look on it when I pointed to the Teepee, then one of concern when I said yet. “What do you mean yet? Mordaf has tried to heal her for almost a year now. She isn’t a magic user be careful she doesn’t see you.”

“Yes, I remembered that mother. I am unfortunately having to use slow healing on her. If I did anything else she would know, I am afraid it would also cause her undo pain, a lot of it.” I replied to mother.

Mother was about to say more when Morganna came flying out of the same small Teepee. “By the great power! The young woman’s legs have feeling in them again!”

I smiled slyly as I stated to her, “It must be your supreme healing Morganna.”

Morganna stopped what she was about to say staring at me opened mouth then she whirled me around. “You’re remembering! This is a truly momentous day!”

I smirked at Morganna as I said, “Okay maybe not, I don’t remember you being this annoying.” Morganna dropped her arms then looked at the ground chagrined.

When I and mother started to laugh she punched me lightly in the arm. “Oh! by the great power you both are so bad!”

I stopped suddenly as I said, “Seriously you are a far better healer than I am. I just wish I had half the skill you did at it.”

Morganna’s eyes went wide as she shook her head. “You possess far more power than I do Toman. The field and trail of dead you left in the dark range was proof of that. It took me far longer to get to the center, with it accepting me.”

I could only shake my head in disbelief she was more powerful than she thought. I looked back at Morganna suddenly seeing a myriad of colors coming from her center. looking closer I saw that a great many that had once been open were now closed or covered. Not knowing I reached out flicking away at a few of those spots.

Morganna’s mouth dropped open again her eyes getting wider. “What!? I can ... but ... but...” I felt her power up a lot more than she had before. Nodding I saw that there were a few blocks around her power that seemed to be out of place. I started to push them around a bit ‘til things looked more like they should.

I suddenly stopped, how in the hell did I know all of this? Morganna was on her knees as tears started to flow. “I haven’t been able to access those powers for centuries! I...” She started then stared at me. “My ... my ... control has risen! I have more than I did at my height with Merlin!” Rushing over Morganna threw her arms around me giving me a crushing hug.

After she released me, I saw that my mother had tears in her eyes also. “It appears that you memory is returning faster now.”

Sadly, I shook my head, “I’ve only gained a few more spells and abilities nothing more. I will keep at it mother.” I nodded toward the small Teepee behind mine as mother slightly nodded her assent.

Ukobach was pissed as hell. It had almost been a year since anyone had seen that bastard wild magic user Toman. The thing is for some strange reason Ukobach had felt him the whole time. Though the most irritating thing was that he could never pinpoint where the bastard was. Now suddenly Ukobach could feel that Toman was back in the human dimension again.

He’d called in a few favors to see what they could find to no avail. Another bad thing the bastard felt a hell of a lot stronger. It felt he was on a par with Ukobach! Ridiculous! He was a demon no magical being could ever have that much ... Damn! he’d forgotten about the ass kicking Merlin had given him. Okay almost all magical beings.

Still with only one arm Ukobach was keeping an eye out more on all the councilors. The three strongest he wasn’t worried about, nor the lowest five. The three that were in between were of worry. They were his kind of scum though not when he was as incapacitated as he was.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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