The Sky Is Falling - Cover

The Sky Is Falling

Public Domain

Chapter 10

Three days can work magic--in a world where magic works. The planets swung along their paths again and the sun was in the most favorable house for conjuration. The universe was stable again.

There was food for all, and houses had been conjured hastily to shelter the people. The plagues were gone. Now the strange commerce and industry of this world were humming again. Those who had survived and those who could be revived were busily rebuilding. Some were missing, of course. Those who had risen and--hatched--were beyond recall, but no one spoke of them. If any Sons of the Egg survived, they were quiet in their defeat.

Hanson had been busy during most of the time. It had been taken for granted that he would tend to the orrery, setting it for the most favorable conditions when some special major work of magic required it, and he had taken the orders and moved the controls as they wanted them. The orrery was housed temporarily in the reconstituted hall of the Satheri in the capital city. They were building a new hall for it, to be constructed only of natural materials and hand labor, but that was a project that would take long months still.

Now the immediate pressure was gone, and Hanson was relaxing with Bork and Nema.

“Another week,” Bork was saying. “Maybe less. And then gangs of the warlocks can spread out to fix up all the rest of the world--and to take over control of their slaves again. Are you happy with your victory, Dave Hanson?”

Hanson shrugged. He wasn’t entirely sure, now. There was something in the looks of the Sather who gave him orders for new settings that bothered him. And some of the developments he watched were hardly what he would have preferred. The warlocks had good memories, it seemed, and there had been manifold offenses against them while the world was falling apart.

He tried to put it out of his mind as he drew Nema to him. She snuggled against him, admiring him with her eyes. But old habits were hard to break. “Don’t, Dave. I’m a registered and certified--”

She stopped then, blushing, and Bork chuckled.

Ser Perth appeared at the doorway with two of the mandrakes. He motioned to Hanson. “The council of Satheri want you,” he said. His eyes avoided the other, and he seemed uncomfortable.

“Why?” Bork asked.

“It’s time for Dave Hanson’s reward,” Ser Perth said. The words were smooth enough, but the eyes turned away again.

Hanson got up and moved forward. He had been wondering when they would get around to this. Beside him, Bork and Nema also rose. “Never trust a Sather,” Bork said softly.

Nema started to protest, then changed her mind. She frowned, torn between old and new loyalties.

“The summons was only for Dave Hanson,” Ser Perth said sternly as the three drew up to him. But as Hanson took the arms of the other two, the Ser shrugged and fell in behind. Very softly, too low for the hearing of the mandrakes, his words sounded in Hanson’s ear. “Guard yourself, Dave Hanson!”

So there was to be treachery, Hanson thought. He wasn’t surprised. He was probably lucky to have even three friends. The Satheri would hardly feel very grateful to a mandrake-man who had accomplished something beyond their power, now that the crisis was over. They had always been a high-handed bunch, apparently, and he had served his purpose. But he covered his thoughts in a neutral expression and went forward quietly toward the huge council room.

The seventy leading Satheri were all present, with Sather Karf presiding, when Hanson was ushered into their presence. He moved down the aisle, not glancing at the seated Satheri, until he was facing the old man, drawing Nema and Bork with him. There were murmurs of protest, but nobody stopped him. Above him, the eyes of Sather Karf were uncertain. For a moment, there seemed to be a touch of friendliness and respect in them, but there was something else that Hanson liked far less. Any warmth that was there vanished at his first words.

“It’s about time,” Hanson said flatly. “When you wanted your world saved, you were free enough with offers of reward. But three days have passed without mention of it. Sather Karf, I demand your secret name!”

He heard Nema gasp, but felt Bork’s fingers press against his arm reassuringly. There was a rising mutter of shock and anger from the others, but he lifted his voice over it. “And the secret names of all those present. That was also part of the promised reward.”

“And do you think you could use the names, Dave Hanson?” Sather Karf asked. “Against the weight of all our knowledge, do you think you could become our master that easily?”

Hanson had his own doubts. There were counter-magical methods against nearly all magic, and the book he had read had been only an elementary one. But he nodded. “I think with your name I could get my hands on your hearts, even if you did your worst. It doesn’t matter. I claim my reward.”

“And you shall have it. The word of Sather Karf is good,” the old man told him. “But there was no mention of when you would be given those names. You said that when the computer was finished you would wait for my true name, and I promised that you should have it when the time came, but not what the time would be. So you will wait, or the agreement shall be broken by you, not by me. When you are dying or otherwise beyond power over us, you shall have the names, Dave Hanson. No, hear me!”

He lifted his hand in a brief gesture and Hanson felt a thickness over his lips that made speech impossible.

“We have discussed your reward, and you shall indeed have it,” Sather Karf went on. “Exactly as I promised it to you. I agreed to find ways to return you to your own world intact, and you shall be returned.”

For a moment, the thickness seemed to relax, and Hanson choked a few words out through it. “What’s the world of a mandrake-man, Sather Karf? A mandrake swamp?”

“For a mandrake-man, yes. But not for you.” There was something like amusement in the old man’s voice. “I never said you were a mandrake-man. That was told you by Ser Perth who knew no better. No, Dave Hanson, you were too important to us for that. Mandrake-men are always less than true men, and we needed your best. You were conjured atom by atom, id and ka and soul, from your world. Even the soul may be brought over when enough masters of magic work together and you were our greatest conjuration. Even then, we almost failed. But you’re no mandrake-man.”

A load of sickness seemed to leave Hanson’s mind. He had never fully realized how much the shame of what he thought himself to be had weighed on him. Then his mind adjusted to the new facts, dismissing his past worries.

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