The Romance of Modern Mechanism - Cover

The Romance of Modern Mechanism

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Chapter 22: Pneumatic Mail Tubes

You put your money on the counter. The shop assistant makes out a bill; and you wonder what he will do with it next. These large stores know nothing of an open till. Yet there are no cashiers’ desks visible; nor any overhead wires to whisk a carrier off to some corner where a young lady, enthroned in a box, controls all the pecuniary affairs of that department.

While you are wondering the assistant has wrapped the coin in the bill and put the two into a dumb-bell-shaped carrier, which he drops into a hole. A few seconds later, flop! and the carrier has returned into a basket under another opening. There is something so mysterious about the operation that you ask questions, and it is explained to you that there are pneumatic tubes running from every counter in the building to a central pay-desk on the first or second floor; and that an engine somewhere in the basement is hard at work all day compressing air to shoot the carriers through their tubes.

Certainly a great improvement on those croquet-ball receptacles which progressed with a deliberation maddening to anyone in a hurry along a wooden suspended railway! Now, imagine tubes of this sort, only of much larger diameter, in some cases, passing for miles under the streets and houses, and you will have an idea of what the Pneumatic Mail Despatch means: the cash and bill being replaced by letters, telegrams, and possibly small parcels.

“Swift as the wind” is a phrase often in our mouths, when we wish to emphasise the celerity of an individual, an animal, or a machine in getting from one spot of the earth’s surface to another. Mercury, the messenger of uncertain-tempered Jove, was pictured with wings on his feet to convey, symbolically, the same notion of speed. The modern human messenger is so poor a counterpart of the god, and his feet are so far from being winged, that for certain purposes we have fallen back on elemental air-currents, not unrestrained like the breezes, but confined to the narrow and certain paths of the metal tube.

The pneumatic despatch, which at the present day is by no means universal, has been tried in various forms for several decades. Its first public installation dates from 1853, when a tube three inches in diameter and 220 yards long was laid in London to connect the International Telegraph Company with the Stock Exchange. A vacuum was created artificially in front of the carrier, which the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere forced through the tube. Soon after this the post-office authorities took the matter up, as the pneumatic system promised to be useful for the transmission of letters; but refused to face the initial expense of laying the tube lines.

When, in 1858, Mr. C. F. Varley introduced the high pressure method, pneumatic despatch received an impetus comparable to that given to the steam-engine by the employment of high-pressure steam. It was now possible to use a double line of tubes economically, the air compressed for sending the carriers through the one line being pumped out of a chamber which sucked them back through the other. Tubes for postal work were soon installed in many large towns in Great Britain, Europe, and the United States; including the thirty-inch pneumatic railway between the North-Western District post office in Eversholt Street and Euston Station, which for some months of 1863 transported the mails between these two points. The air was exhausted in front of the carriage by a large fan. Encouraged by its success, the company built a much larger tube, nearly 4-1/2 feet in diameter, to connect Euston Station with the General Post Office. This carried fourteen tons of post-office matter from one end to the other in a quarter of an hour. There was an intermediate station in Holborn, where the engines for exhausting had been installed. But owing to the difficulty of preventing air leakage round the carriages the undertaking proved a commercial failure, and for years the very route of this pneumatic railway could not be found; so quickly are “failures” forgotten!

The more useful small tube grew most vigorously in America and France. In, or about, the year 1875 the Western Union Telegraph Company laid tubes in New York to despatch telegrams from one part of the city to the other, because they found it quicker to send them this way than over the wires. Eighteen years later fifteen miles of tubes were installed in Chicago to connect the main offices of the same company with the newspaper offices in the town, and with various important public buildings. Messages which formerly took an hour or more in delivery are now flipped from end to end in a few seconds.

The Philadelphia people meanwhile had been busy with a double line of six-inch tubes, 3,000 feet long, laid by Mr. B. C. Batcheller between the Bourse and the General Post Office, for the carriage of mails. The first thing to pass through was a Bible wrapped in the “Stars and Stripes.” A 30 horse-power engine is kept busy exhausting and compressing the air needed for the service, which amounts to about 800 cubic feet per minute. Philadelphia can also boast an eight-inch service, connecting the General Post Office with the Union Railway Station, a mile away. One and a half minutes suffice for the transit of the large carriers packed tightly with letters and circulars, nearly half a million of which are handled by these tubes daily.

New York is equally well served. Tubes run from the General Post Office to the Produce Exchange, to Brooklyn, and to the Grand Central Station. The last is 3-1/2 miles distant; but seven minutes only are needed for a tube journey which formerly occupied the mail vans for nearly three-quarters of an hour.

Paris is the city of the petit bleu, so important an institution in the gay capital. Here a network of tubes connects every post office in the urban area with a central bureau, acting the part of a telephone exchange. If you want to send an express message to a friend anywhere in Paris, you buy a petit bleu, i.e. a very thin letter-card not exceeding 1/4 oz. in weight, at the nearest post office, and post it in a special box. It whirls away to the exchange, and is delivered from there if its destination be close at hand; otherwise it makes a second journey to the office most conveniently situated for delivery. Everybody uses the voie pneumatique of Paris, so much cheaper than, and quite as expeditious as, the telegraph; with the additional advantage that all messages are transmitted in the sender’s own handwriting. The system has been instituted for a quarter of a century, and the Parisians would feel lost without it.

London is by no means tubeless, for it has over forty miles of 1-1/2, 2-1/4, and 3-inch lines radiating from the postal nerve-centre of the metropolis, of lengths ranging from 100 to 2,000 yards. The tubes are in all cases composed of lead, enclosed in a protecting iron piping. To make a joint great care must be exercised, so as to avoid any irregularity of bore. When a length of piping is added to the line, a chain is first passed through it, which has at the end a bright steel mandrel just a shade larger than the pipe’s internal diameter. This is heated and pushed half-way into the pipe already laid; and the new length is forced on to the other half till the ends touch. A plumber’s joint having been made, the mandrel is drawn by the chain through the new length, obliterating any dents or malformations in the interior.

The main lines are doubled--an “up” and a “down” track; short branches have one tube only to work the inward and the outward despatches.

The carriers are made of gutta-percha covered with felt. One end is closed by felt discs fitting the tube accurately to prevent the passage of air, the other is open for the introduction of messages. As they fly through the tube, the carriers work an automatic signalling apparatus, which tells how far they have progressed and when it will be safe to despatch the next carrier.

The London post-office system is worked by six large engines situated in the basement of the General Post Office.

So useful has the pneumatic tube proved that a Bill has been before Parliament for supplying London with a 12-inch network of tubes, totalling 100 miles of double line. In a letter published in _The Times_, April 19, 1905, the promoters of the scheme give a succinct account of their intentions, and of the benefits which they expect to accrue from the scheme if brought to completion. The Batcheller system, they write, with which it is proposed to equip London, is not a development of the miniature systems used for telegrams or single letters here or in Paris, Berlin, and other cities. Such systems deal with a felt carrier weighing a few ounces, which is stopped by being blown into a box. The Batcheller system deals with a loaded steel carrier weighing seventy pounds travelling with a very high momentum. The difference is fundamental. In this sense pneumatic tubes are a recent invention, and absolutely new to Europe.

The Batcheller system is the response to a pressing need. Careful observations show that more than 30 per cent. of the street traffic is occupied with parcels and mails. These form a distinct class, differentiated from passengers on the one hand and from heavy goods on the other. The Batcheller system will do for parcels and mails what the underground electric railways do for passengers. It has been in use for twelve years in America for mail purposes, and where used has come to be regarded as indispensable.

The plan for London provides for nearly one hundred miles of double tubes with about twice that number of stations for receiving and delivery. The system will cover practically the County of London, and no point within that area can be more than one-quarter of a mile from a tube station. Beyond the County of London deliveries will be made by a carefully organised suburban motor-cart service. Thirty of the receiving stations are to be established in the large stores. The diameter of the tube is to be of a size that will accommodate 80 per cent. of the parcels, as now wrapped, and 90 per cent. with slight adaptation. The remaining 10 per cent.--furniture, pianos, and other heavy goods--are to be dealt with by a supplementary motor service. If the tubes were enlarged their object would be partially defeated, for with the increased size would go increased cost, great surplus of capacity, less frequent despatch, and lower efficiency generally. The unsuccessful Euston Tunnel of forty years ago--practically an underground railway--is an extreme illustration of this point, though in that case there were grave mechanical defects as well.

From a mechanical point of view the system has been brought to such perfection that it is no more experimental than a locomotive or an electric tramcar. The unique value of tube service is due to immediate despatch, high velocity of transit, immunity from traffic interruption, and economy. The greatest obstacle to rapid intercommunication is the delay resulting from accumulations due to time schedules. The function of tube service is to abolish time schedules and all consequent delays.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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