Danger in Deep Space - Cover

Danger in Deep Space

Public Domain

Chapter 14

Major Connel paced nervously in front of the group of spacemen. Tom, Roger, Astro, Alfie, and Mr. Shinny were lounging around the small clearing between the Polaris and the Space Devil. A piece of thin space cloth had been stretched between the two ships to shield the men from the blazing sun. Connel stopped in front of Roger and Shinny.

“And you say the satellite is three-quarters solid copper?” asked Connel.

“Yes, sir,” replied Roger, “at least that’s what Loring and Mason told us.”

“Where is it?” asked Connel. “I mean, where exactly?”

“I spotted her coming in, sir,” replied Roger. “I’d say she was about three hundred thousand miles outside of Tara in perfect orbit.”

“By the blessed rings of Saturn,” exclaimed Connel, “it’s almost too good to be true! The whole Solar Alliance needs copper desperately. And if what you say is true, that’s enough to last for a hundred and fifty years!”

“Didn’t you have any idea they discovered it, sir?” asked Tom. “I mean, when they took that unauthorized flight on your first trip out here?”

“Didn’t suspect a thing, Tom,” replied Connel. “I thought they had gotten a little space rocky on some homemade rocket juice and just went on a wingding. Imagine the colossal nerve of those two wanting to corner the market with the largest deposit of copper ever found.”

“How do you plan to get it back, Major?” asked Shinny.

“I don’t know, Shinny--”

Mr. Shinny!” snapped the wizened spaceman. “I’m not one of your cadets!”

“Still the hotheaded rocket buster, eh?” asked Connel, eying the toothless spaceman. “It was the same thing that got you kicked out of the Solar Guard twenty years ago!”

“Wasn’t either! And you know it!” snapped Shinny. “You retired me because I busted my leg!”

“That helped,” said Connel, “but the main reason was because you were too hotheaded. Couldn’t take orders!”

“Well,” said Shinny doggedly, “I ain’t in no Solar Guard now, and when you talk to me, it’s Mr. Shinny!”

“Why, you old goat!” exploded Connel. “I ought to arrest you for aiding criminals!”

“You can’t do a thing to me,” barked Shinny. “Prospecting is prospecting, whether it’s in the asteroid belt or out here on Tara!”

Unable to hold back any longer, the four space cadets suddenly roared with laughter at the sight of the two old space foes jawing at each other. Actually, Connel and Shinny were glad to see each other. And when they saw the boys doubled up with laughter, they couldn’t help laughing also. Finally Connel turned to Roger.

“Can you find that satellite again?” he asked.

“Yes, sir!” Roger grinned.

“All right, then,” said Connel finally, “let’s go take a look at it. I still won’t believe it until I see it!”

“Who’s hardheaded now?” snorted Shinny, climbing into the Polaris.

Later, as the rocket cruiser blasted smoothly through space, Connel joined Roger and Alfie on the radar deck. The two cadets were bent over the radar scanner.

“Pick her up yet?” asked Connel.

“There she is, right there, sir,” said Roger, placing a finger on a circular white blip on the scanner. “But the magnascope shows pretty rugged country. I think we’d better take a look on the opposite side. Maybe we can find a better place to touch down.”

“Very well, Manning,” replied Connel. “Do what you think best. Tell Tom to land as soon as possible.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” replied Roger.

Leaving Alfie on watch at the scanner, Roger hurried down the ladder to the control deck where Tom was seated in front of the great board.

“Tom,” called Roger, walking up behind his unit-mate, “we’re going to take a look at this baby on the other side. See if we can’t find a better place to touch down. Stand by to pick up the surface of the satellite on the teleceiver as soon as we get close enough.”

“O.K., Roger,” said Tom. “Where are you going?”

“Down to Loring and Mason in the cooler! I want to see their faces when I tell them they finally are getting where they wanted to go, but under slightly different circumstances!”

Tom laughed and turned back to the board. “Power deck, check in!”

“Power deck, aye,” replied Astro. “When do we set down on the precious rock, Tom?” asked the Venusian.

“Should be soon, Astro,” said Tom. “Better stand by for maneuvering.”

“Right!” replied Astro.

Tom turned his full attention to the control board and the teleceiver screen above his head. He was happier than he had ever been in his life. The report sent back to Space Academy by Major Connel had been answered with a commendation to both Roger and Shinny for capturing Loring and Mason. With Roger back in the unit, Tom was at peace. Even Alfie was overjoyed at seeing Roger back aboard the Polaris.

And Tom had noticed that Major Connel was beginning to call them by their first names!

“Radar deck to control deck!” said Alfie. “From casual observations, Tom, the surface of the far side of the satellite is more suitable for a touchdown. I would suggest you observe the planetoid yourself with the magnascope and draw your own conclusions.”

“O.K.,” replied Tom. He switched the teleceiver screen on to the more powerful magnascope and studied the surface of the small celestial body. He saw a deep valley with a flat hard surface set between two tall cliffs. It would be a tricky spot for a landing, but it looked like the best place available. Tom snapped open the intercom.

“Attention! Attention! Stand by for touchdown. Power deck stand by for deceleration. Radar bridge stand by for range and altitude checks!” Sharply, crisply, Tom’s orders crackled through the ship.

Working together with the ease and thoroughness of men well acquainted with their jobs, Astro and Shinny on the power deck, Roger and Alfie on the radar bridge, and Tom on the control deck handling the delicate maneuvering, combined to bring the great ship to a safe landing on the dry valley floor of the satellite.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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