Danger in Deep Space - Cover

Danger in Deep Space

Public Domain

Chapter 21

Tom stirred. He rolled his head from side to side. His mouth was dry and there was a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He opened his eyes and stared at the control panel in front of him. Instinctively he began to check the dials and gauges. He settled on one and waited for his pounding heart to return to normal. His eyes cleared, and the gauge swam into view. He read the figures aloud:

“Distance in miles since departure--fourteen thousand, five hundred...”

Something clicked. He let out a yell.

“We made it! We made it!” He turned and began to pound Connel on the back. “Major Connel! Major, wake up, sir! We made it. We’re in free fall! Junior’s far behind us!”

“Uh--ah--what--Tom? What?” Connel said, rolling his eyes. In all his experience he had never felt such acceleration. He glanced at the gauge.

“Distance,” he read, “fifteen thousand miles.” The gauge ticked on.

“We made it, sir!” said Tom. “Astro gave us a kick in the pants we’ll never forget!”

Connel grinned at Tom’s excitement. There was reason to be excited. They were free. He turned to the intercom, but before he could speak, Astro’s voice roared into his ears.

“Report from the power deck, sir,” said Astro. “Acceleration normal. Request permission to open up on hyperdrive.”

“Permission granted!” said Connel.

“Look, sir,” said Tom, “on the teleceiver screen. Junior is getting his bumps!”

Connel glanced up at the screen. One by one the white puffs of dust from the reactor units were exploding on the surface of the planetoid. Soon the whole satellite was covered with the radioactive cloud.

“I’m sure glad we’re not on that baby now,” whispered Tom.

“Same here, spaceman!” said Connel.

It was evening of the first full day after leaving Junior before the routine of the long haul back to Space Academy had begun. The Polaris was on automatic control, and everyone was assembled in the messroom.

“Well, boys,” said Connel, “our mission is a complete success. I’ve finished making out a report to Space Academy, and everything’s fine. Incidentally, Manning,” he continued, “if you’re worried about having broken your word when you escaped from the space station, forget it. You more than made up for it by your work in helping us get Loring and Mason.”

Roger smiled gratefully and gulped, “Thank you, sir.”

Loring and Mason, who had eaten their meal separately from the others, listened silently. Loring got up and faced them. The room became silent.

Loring flushed.

[Illustration: _”I know we’re going to be sent to the prison asteroid and we deserve it,” said Loring._]

“I’d like to say something,” he began haltingly, “if I can?”

“Go ahead,” said Connel.

“Well,” said Loring, “it’s hard to say this, but Mason and myself, well--” He paused. “I don’t know what happened to us on the first trip out here, Major, but when we saw that satellite, and the copper, something just went wrong inside. One thing led to another, and before we knew it, we were in so deep we couldn’t get out.”

The faces around the table were stony, expressionless.

“Nobody deserves less consideration than me and Mason. And--well, you know yourself, sir, that we were pretty good spacemen at one time. You picked us for the first trip out to Tara with you.”

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