Someone to Watch Over Me - Cover

Someone to Watch Over Me

Public Domain

Chapter 7

He felt quite cheerful as he left the two together in his cabin. At long last, he was free of responsibility, of illusion, of dreams. He didn’t need a woman; it would be wrong for him to expect a woman to live with the kqyres, even unwittingly. Love was for the very young; he had his work. And now that he was free of all these vexing human entanglements, he’d be able to take hold of the business the way he should have been doing all along. The kqyres was getting old; it was time to assume the details of management himself. There were quite a few areas of operation which could become even more productive if the business was thoroughly reorganized.

Mattern went up to the control room. The kqyres was there, which was not his usual place. Perhaps Alard had been right when he said it was Njeri who had drugged the other crewmen and taken control of the ship. Presently, Mattern would ask him why, but there were other matters to be discussed first.

“Well,” Mattern said, flinging himself into a chair, “Lyddy seems to be disposed of satisfactorily.” He gave a rueful laugh. “I take it you had a hand in the arrangements. That was only fair--she’s your creation.” He waved his smokestick at the xhind. “However, I’m warning you, I won’t let myself be manipulated any more. You’re through pushing me around.”

The kqyres seemed almost offended. Then there came a soft chuckle. “Manipulated, nonsense! We merely deluded you a little, in the same manner you were wont to delude yourself, but more purposefully. In truth, what else could we do? We needed you, and in order to induce you to accept our terms, we had to establish some goal, some ideal for you to aim at.”

Something about the kqyres’ voice disturbed Mattern; he only half listened as the hyperspacer continued: “And the resources of your mind were so pitifully meager at that time that this woman was the best we could dredge up. Later, when your horizons had broadened and your perceptions deepened, we attempted to alter your goal to a more worthy one, but the woman had already become an obsession...”

“You’re not the kqyres,” Mattern interrupted. “You have a different voice.”

“Not the same kqyres,” the voice corrected. “Truly, it was unfair to make Lord Njeri go through a thing like this twice in one lifetime. Moreover, as he grew old, he grew careless.”

So that was why the men had been drugged. There had been an unscheduled stop in hyperspace.

Mattern got up and looked intently at the shadowy form. The xhind flickered a little, as if in embarrassment, and embarked almost nervously upon an explanation. “You were never intended to attain Lyddy, merely to keep her image before you like the star a mariner follows but can never reach.” And then the kqyres laughed. “Except, of course, that today he can reach his star.”

“A carrot and a donkey might be a more suitable simile,” Mattern said. “Pity you couldn’t have provided a better carrot.”

The new kqyres ignored this comment. “Lord Njeri was transferred. He has asked me to say that he looks forward to the pleasure of renewing your friendship when you come again to Ferr. Meanwhile, I have taken his place.” After some hesitation, the new kqyres added, “I hope we shall be good friends, also.”

There was no use pretending any longer. “I know who you are,” Mattern said. “I recognize your voice. You’re the mbretersha herself, aren’t you?”

She seemed pleased rather than dismayed. “Yes, I am the mbretersha. I came to realize that the post of kqyres was more difficult than that of queen. Therefore, I was the only one who should rightfully undertake it. As I told you, in our universe a ruler cannot afford pride. She lives only for the good of her people.”

“She’s got to,” Mattern said bluntly, “if, as you said, her nervous system is attuned to theirs. What actually did happen is that Njeri told you I was quitting the business and he couldn’t control me any more. So you took his place to see if you could change my mind.”

“Oh, that was a mere pleasantry!” she said. “I knew you would not give up the hyperspace trade. What else would you have left?”

What else would he have left? His money, his collections, his unpleasant memories. All his emotional ties now were with that other universe.

“Who’s ruling Ferr?” he asked, evading her question.

“Lord Njeri, your former kqyres, serves as my regent. He is my father, so he is fitted by birth; his system is also attuned to the planet’s, although not as sensitively as mine, since he is a male. Perhaps that would make him a better ruler; he will suffer less. And I see no reason otherwise why a male should be deemed incapable of ruling, providing he is under careful supervision.”

“No reason at all,” Mattern agreed.

“Moreover,” she continued, “I have organized the whole government of my planet so that it runs itself. And, of course, from time to time, when we make our trips, I shall be able to check into what’s going on.”

“But we’re not going to make any more trips,” he said. Although he had not been serious about retiring--he knew that now--he wasn’t going to let the hyperspacers push him around. Make her sweat a little, he thought irreverently.

“Will you not give me a chance, Captain?” she asked. “Is the prospect of my company so displeasing to you that it will make you give up the business immediately?”

“You know it’s not that. I told the kqyres before you came--”

“But my people won’t know it’s not that. I shall lose face.”

“If only you had a face!” he cried. “I’m sick of sailing with shadows!”

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