Eight Keys to Eden - Cover

Eight Keys to Eden

Public Domain

Chapter 9

“It bothers me, it bothers me a lot,” Cal said to the two E’s, following the review, “that Eden should be more favorable to effortless human existence than Earth.”

He snapped on the communicator and asked the ship be in readiness for take-off.

McGinnis and Wong looked at one another.

“You think it might have been the original Garden of Eden?” Wong asked. His face was impassive. “It fits, you know. Man was banished from an ideal condition and forced to live by the sweat of his brow.”

“Not that so much,” Cal said. “Not unless the whole concept of evolution is haywire, and we’re reasonably sure it isn’t that far off. Probably the colonists have gone on strike, but I still keep thinking that when we want to catch rats we set a trap with a better food than they can get normally.”

There was a twinkle in McGinnis’s eye.

“You think Eden is an alluring trap, especially baited to catch human beings?” he asked.

“I don’t exactly think that. I just keep wondering,” Cal answered.

They were interrupted by a diffident yet insistent knock on the door. This in itself was such a violation of E.H.Q. rules, never to interrupt the thinking of an E, that all three stopped talking. The three Juniors, who had been sitting by, listening, arose from their seats and stood facing the door. The orderlies looked to the E’s for instruction. At a nod from McGinnis, one of them walked over to the door and opened it.

Bill Hayes was standing there, flushed with embarrassment.

“Your pardon, E’s,” he said hurriedly. “I’m just an errand boy, under instruction from General Administration. We have been served with a court injunction to prevent assignment of a Junior to the Eden matter.”

Cal froze in alarm and disappointment. At the last moment to have his chance snatched away from him. He should have gone immediately the review was over, without waiting for any advice McGinnis and Wong might care to give. Now...

McGinnis caught his eye and gave a slight nod toward a door that opened on another hallway. He flashed a command with his eyes to get going, then turned back to Hayes.

“I was unaware that the E’s must heed court orders,” he said frostily.

“It’s a question of where civil jurisdiction stops and E jurisdiction takes over,” Hayes explained nervously. “While the colonists are employed by E.H.Q., and under their direction, it is held they are also Earth citizens, with citizen rights. Civil authority feels it must answer for their welfare.”

“I thought restrictions upon the E were removed by act of World Congress some seventy years ago,” Wong said mildly.

“The injunction makes it clear there is no restriction upon the Senior E; just the Junior, who really isn’t an E yet.”

“It is the decision of the E’s that a Junior will handle this problem,” McGinnis said, and turned his back as if that settled the matter.

Hayes cleared his throat nervously.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “If it were up to me ... Well, the argument before the court ran this way: That where there is no restriction upon the E in arriving at a solution, there is also no compulsion upon civil authority to adopt that solution. They cited instances ... Well, any number of instances. It seems...”

Cal heard no more. He had been pacing the room, and now, while Hayes’s perspiring attention was focused imploringly on Wong and McGinnis, he slipped out the door.

The orderly at that door raised a finger in salute, and at Cal’s request quickly wheeled a hall-car from a storage closet.

“Take me out to the Eden ship,” Cal said quietly. “You know where it is?”

“Yes,” the orderly answered. He took his place at the controls and Cal slipped into the seat beside him.

They sped through the halls at maximum speed, out the rear exit of the E building, down the maze of ramps and out across the landing field to the entrance of the ship.

Cal expected to see guards posted there to enforce the injunction, but none were in evidence. As they drew up to the open door, he saw Lynwood and Norton, pilot and engineer, standing just inside waiting for him. There was no strain in their faces to show they had received orders not to take off with him.

He climbed out of the car, and with another nod the orderly drove it back to the E building. Henceforward the ship’s crew would be the E’s orderlies.

Cal climbed the short ramp and entered the ship.

“You have clearance to take off at once?” he asked Lynwood.

Lynwood nodded. “Since early morning,” he answered.

“Fine. Let’s get going,” Cal said. “I’m in a hurry, of course,” he added with a grin.

“Of course,” the two men answered, then seeing his grin, relaxed and returned it. Apparently this E was human.

It took only a minute for them to reach the control room, where Louie sat in his navigator’s cubby; and only ten more seconds for the ship to lift clear. And still no command came over the radio to halt them.

Someone in civil authority had slipped. Had Gunderson really felt that a simple injunction would stop everything, that the E’s would not challenge this encroachment? Was he playing some deeper game, allowing the Junior to slip through his fingers in the hope he would louse up the Eden rescue, add strength to the campaign to bring the E’s back under civil control--his control?

Or had someone genuinely slipped?

The command to halt, turn around, and return to base did not come until their second hop had brought them into the Mars orbit. Then it came from space police in charge of shipping traffic at that point.

“I am under orders from E.H.Q. to proceed,” Tom answered, after a quick, questioning look at Cal.

“The attorney general’s office orders you to halt,” the voice commanded.

Tom looked at Cal again, questioning. This was bucking the federal government, his license wouldn’t be worth the paper it was written on if he ignored the order. To say nothing of any other punishment they might choose to hand him.

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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