Jack's Gift - Cover

Jack's Gift

Copyright© 2017 by Kynlas_DK


“Ki, we have to launch the ship now, the energy is starting to rise,” said the technician to his supervisor who was at the moment, making last minute instructions to the ship they were trying to launch.

“I know San-Ke, I know.”

Ki turned back to the interface device through which he was communicating with the ship currently in high orbit around the large green planet.

“E, please remember that you are for defense and learning only. We have equipped you with weapons, but remember to use them only to protect yourself if you are under attack. Otherwise hide and learn.

“I know Ki.”

“We have given you every piece of information and technology we had at the time to prepare you for your journey. Be careful and learn everything you can while you are gone, you are going to need it when you find that one alien to work with.”

“Thank you Ki, I won’t forget and I will do my best.”

“Now go E, quickly” The building Ki is in rocks as far off explosions go off on his world rocking his fortress that was constructed just for this occasion.

High up in orbit the large silver mass known to Ki as E turns his attention to his first destination. While he begins to gather speed away from the sun which is in the process of coming apart, he watches as the sun unravels and explodes. E navigates into a position to use the energy and the shock wave that this exploding star is creating to propel himself out away from this solar system and out into deep space.

Shields up.

E still accelerating out away from the sun braces for what is going to be maximum acceleration.

As the shock wave approaches, E grabs onto the energy, feels the push, maneuvers into position and lets the energy wave take him out away from his home world and out into space.

Looking back at his home world, which is being destroyed by the force of their sun exploding, being stripped of the protective clouds and planetary force field, burn and then disintegrate as the sun’s full energy blasts away the planet and all life on it.

Seconds pass, minutes pass as E, using the energy from the explosion to enhance his own shields and speed, shakes and rattles through the turbulence moving avoiding debris doing everything that could be done to succeed in his mission.

E is now out past the next two planets in his solar system, moving out past the major planetary giants that make up the furthest reaches of his system and out into the darkness of deep space.

“Good bye, Ki. Be well in your next journey.”

E is now out beyond his solar system and is no longer being buffeted by the shock waves of his sun. He still has his shields turned on and is still collecting as much energy as he is able to contain, he is going to need all that he can carry for his journey.

E reviews his logs, making sure that everything is in order for his journey, finding that his shield held up to the explosion, that his energy is at 100% of capacity and his trajectory will bring him past and through several branches of his galaxy looking for the one. Ki was the creator of this gift/responsibility and used it well making his planet a dream place to live and exist, but there was nothing that Ki could have done to affect his sun and stop the explosion that E just survived and witnessed. Ki along with everything that E ever knew was just wiped out of existence. Now chartered with the goal of finding people on other planets that would be able to use it like Ki did to better their planets as a whole was E’s mission now. E was going to do it to the best of his ability.

“Next on my checklist is powering down and preparing for hibernation.

Sensors on and recording: check Defenses on and ready: check shields: active and functioning at 100% Internals: functional at 100% Engines: running at 100% All lab equipment stowed away Databanks active and optimized for recording

All other systems powered down and ready for main system hibernation

“Good night space, E is coming.”

E now done with this portion of his job powers down as the other main systems go into hibernation mode while E moves through the vastness of space.

Is there a ONE out there? Are there many? How shall E deal with obstacles and enemies? Time will only tell.

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