The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life - Cover

The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life

Public Domain

Chapter XIII: The War of the Sexes

“In accordance with my promise,” stated a high-pitched effeminate voice, “I am going to demonstrate a juvenation method upon which I have worked for the past one hundred and twenty-two years.”

There was a brief pause, during which Estra hurriedly explained that the man who was making the speech was located far on the other side of the planet, in a hall like the one the four had first visited; and that he was making the demonstration before a great gathering of scientists. “Too bad you cannot see as we do,” commented the Venusian. “However, Savarona may go into the details of--”

“If the committeemen are entirely finished with their measurements,” stated the unseen experimenter, “I would like to have the results compared with the recorded figures of Pario Camenol, who was born on the two hundred and fifteenth day of the year twenty-one thousand seven hundred and four.”

Another rest, and Estra said: “They are examining a boy who appears to be about twelve years of age.”

Then came other voices: “As we all know, the craniums of us all are absolutely distinct; as much so as our finger-prints.” “The measurements correspond identically with those of Pario Camenol, beyond a doubt.” “This boy can be none other than Pario.”

“Then,” the high-pitched voice went on, “then notice the formula I have written on this blackboard. Using this solution, I have supplied nourishment to this lad from the hour of his birth. Until a few days ago, I was not satisfied with the results; the patient showed a tiny variation from the allowable subconscious maximum, together with only nine-tenths the required motor reaction.

“But I have corrected this. Briefly, I have incorporated in Pario Camenol’s standard diet certain elements which have hitherto been unsafe to combine. These elements are derivatives of the potash group, for the most part, together with phosphates which need a new classification. Their effect,” impressively, “has been to postpone age indefinitely!”

There must have been a tremendous sensation in that hall. The speaker’s voice shook with excitement as he went on:

“We have sought in vain, friends, for a way to cheat death of his due. We have succeeded in postponing his advent until our average longevity is several times greater than on our neighboring planet. But so far, it has been a mere reprieve.

“What I have done is to prevent age itself. This lad is a hundred and twenty-two years old, mentally, and still only twelve years old, as to body!

“In short, I offer you the fountain of youth itself!”

The speaker paused. There was no comment. Evidently all had been as greatly impressed as the explorers. Then the voice of the man Savarona finished, very deliberately:

“I regret to say that my treatment, despite all that I have been able to do, cannot be adapted to the female constitution. It would be fatal to any but males. I repeat--I can offer eternal youth, absolutely, but only to new-born males!”

This time there was a definite response. From the telephone came a confused murmuring, at which Van Emmon’s face lighted up with delight. The murmuring had an angry sound!

The source of this story is SciFi-Stories

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