StarFleet Carl: Blog


Chapter 18 in queue

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Have a great weekend!

Chapter 18 is in the queue for posting.

Running late

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Little later at night that I intended, but I just uploaded Chapter 17. SFS will now be on the same schedule as SOL.

You'll want to go back to Chapter 14

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I made an oopsie. I was posting here a couple of weeks behind SOL, and posted Chapter 16 here instead of Chapter 14. So when I posted Chapter 15 today, things were a little screwed up. Therefore, Chapter 14 has now been put up where it's supposed to be, 16 is being re-uploaded in the right position, and once I'm sure things are right, I'll put 17 up tomorrow as an apology.

That'll also put SFS and SOL on the same schedule, too.

Halfway on Saturday

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Just a heads up - Chapter 15 is in the queue for Saturday morning, and Book Three will be officially half posted. If you like it so far, I'd appreciate a vote. (Also, since the whole book actually IS complete, it'll be posted on Bookapy on July 1st.)

Chapter 14 in the queue

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Have a great weekend, and if you're in my neck of the woods, don't melt.